Thursday 17 May 2012

driving causing serious casualties or significant property damage SWTOR Credits driving causing se

129809336062555000_1050On February 7 of this year, Cheng Jinsong cry during the second intermediate people's Court to be tried. Cao Boyuan photo report from reporters to send their daughters to see the doctor, Cheng Jinsong drunk driving sent 4 of 30-year old daughter to the hospital, but lead to a tragic car accident, resulting in a three generations killed 4 people in each other (this newspaper had reported on February 7). Today was informed that since this "drunk driving exterminate an entire family"New progress in second homes in the first instance to Cheng Jinsong sentence to life imprisonment for crimes against public security in a dangerous way, deprived of political rights for life, and compensation for the families of the victims a total of more than 1 million Yuan. Cheng Jinsong is a cloud of people 30 years old this year. The evening of April 15, 2011, for 4-year old daughter had a high fever does not return, just drinking wine by Cheng Jinsong decided to drive overnight to send her daughter to the county hospital.Cheng Jinsong's father sat in the back seat, the same worry. That night happened to be the victim of Wang Dan 39 years old birthday. At about 10 o'clock in the evening, Wang Dan opened his own xiali, with parents and 14 year old daughter home from the Miyun County. When traffic to the National Highway 101 junction, and Cheng Jinsong driving Elantra sedan crashed into. Fire accident xiali car, killed 4 people in the car. ByDetection, Cheng Jinsong alcohol concentration in the blood is 128.1mg/100ml when the accident occurred, is drunk driving, its speed is higher than 124 km/h, serious speeding. By the Transportation Department found that Cheng Jinsong bear primary responsibility for the accident. Prosecutors believe that methods should be based on risk criminal liability for crimes against public safety investigated Cheng Jinsong. Cheng Jinsong defence counsel thinksAnd dangerous crimes against public safety asked the defendant to have a subjective intent of endangering public security, but Cheng Jinsong no, his subjective motivation is the daughter of a doctor. Cheng Jinsong was driving in remote areas, not many people, even if drunk, speeding is also deliberately violating traffic laws, on the consequences of the absence of actual predictability. Court Cheng JinsongName has years driving age of vehicle driver, drunk, and speed driving, in after incident to junction Shi no deceleration SWTOR Credits, and observation, and in see each other vehicles Shi no take brake, measures, eventually caused 4 people death, and 2 people sustained minor injuries, serious consequences, subjective Shang of indirect deliberately; objective Shang against has public security and caused has serious consequences, so accused people defended views cannot established, methodWill not be accepted. Court ultimately sentenced for crimes against public security in a dangerous way Cheng Jinsong life imprisonment, deprivation of political rights for life, at the same time a decree more than compensation for funeral expenses to the families of the deceased amounted to more than 1 million Yuan. Linked the cases brought before the superior court after a drunk driving case occurs for the first such case in Beijing, Cheng Jinsong in hospital for two weeks. Subsequently, by the police for suspected "crimes of causing traffic casualties" controlSystem for physical reasons after bail. In September 2011, Miyun County Prosecutor's Office filed an indictment against Cheng Jinsong, suspected offences into "dangerous crimes against public security". Miyun after court, in two decisions in cases brought before the. Miyun branch of Prosecutor's Office seized after the withdrawal of the case submitted to the city of the second prosecution. It is understood that for a drunk driving case, by the Superior Court of justice brought before a subordinate courtCase has been received, this is the first time in Beijing, meaning that the criminal case the defendant may be increased. 2011 Infiniti Chaoyang District Court had accepted Chang an Street accident case Diablo 3 Gold, but that the accused person may be sentenced to life imprisonment sentence above SWTOR Credits, so the transfer of the case to the second intermediate people's Court. Chen eventually due to "dangerous crimes against public security" was sentenced to life imprisonment. RelatedOffences and maximum penalties for dangerous method of constituent elements of the crime of endangering public safety: driving causing serious casualties or significant property damage, harm most of specific security, subjective harm results allowed maximum punishment: death penalty constituent elements of the crime of causing traffic casualties: more than a serious injury caused by driving or causing a significant loss of property, accident or primary responsibility for all the highest penalties: imprisonment for not less than 7 years crisisConstituent elements of the crime of dangerous driving: drunk driving or driving chase vehicle, aggravated, but did not result in major harmful consequences the highest penalties: detention of 6 months (Editor: Lin Dingzhong) Others:

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