Thursday 17 May 2012

former President SWTOR Power Leveling former President - SDDX

129809647046617500_109Introduction to zhangjinzhezhangjinzhe (1920.9.25-), capital Medical University, Beijing children's Hospital Pediatric Surgery physician, Professor. One of the main founders of Pediatric Surgery in China, China enjoys a high reputation in the field of Pediatric Surgery. First discovered at that time the highest mortality of newborn infection under the skin, and is named "baby skin gangrene", so that effectively the disease control SWTOR Power Leveling。 50-80 's to trauma, infection, diagnosis, and treatment of acute abdomen in children surgery emergency, biliary surgery and colorectal surgery and surgical design has made outstanding achievements and contributions for China's rapid development of Pediatric Surgery and special status on the International has played a huge role. At the same time in medical practice and research, medical education, medical innovation, smallSurgical Association and the professional journal, academic exchanges and cooperation at home and abroad and has made outstanding contributions. Highest award the International Pediatric Surgery "dannisi·bulang" the winner of the gold medal, the highest award in the international community of Pediatric Surgery Excellence Award 2002 "2002 India Gandhi Gold Medal of Pediatric Surgery". Published 150 papers and books than more than 20. 1997Year elected member of the Chinese Academy of engineering. Shanghai Che-hung Hong Kong children's hospital serving academic Honorary President for life 1-Beijing children's hospital surgery chief physician Zhang Jinzhe, capital University of medical sciences, Professor, Chairman of the Chinese society of Pediatric Surgery society Honorary Senior academician of Chinese Academy of engineering Honorary President of Chinese Association of health promotion United Kingdom Honorary Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons of the International Pediatric SurgeryTop prize "Dennis Brown" gold medal winner since the 80 's former Chairman of China Pediatric Surgical Association, Honorary Chairman of the Chinese Deputy Chief Editor of the journal of Pediatric Surgery, consultant Pediatric Surgery society honorary member in the Pacific (former President) Asian Surgical Association life member (former Executive Director for ten years), United Kingdom member of the Royal Society of Pediatric Surgery Romania technologyHonorary Member of any United States journal and international journal of Pediatric Surgery of Pediatric Surgery editing consultant for members of the National Committee of the seventh Congress and the Ministry of health in Beijing medal winners of model worker Beijing spiritual civilization, lingshan Cup was awarded the first prize of the characters experience Professor Zhang Jinzhe is Pediatric Surgery experts in China. 1946 graduated from the Shanghai Medical College, has any NorthBeijing Medical University Assistant Professor, said Zhang Jinzhe (3) Division, Associate Professor, currently Professor of capital University of medical sciences, PhD students and post-doctoral mentor, academician of the Chinese Academy of engineering. Professor Zhang Jinzhe was born on September 25, 1920 in Tianjin ninghe County (birthplace). Almost chaos and Japan in imperialist wars of aggression against China, struggling to complete the primary school to the University's learning, hisSmall vertical hard under the voluntary sacrifice one's life for one's country, particularly after the light, meet famous founders of modern Pediatrics Professor Zhu Futang founder and cardio-thoracic surgery, Professor Wu Yingai, upright man and learned way of rigorous research, and with his hard work and creating start and development of national road of doctors with the same fate. In 1938 he entered Yenching University of Peking, 1941 entered Peking Union Medical College. Visited at Saint John's University in Shanghai and Shanghai after medical school, graduating in 1946. 1947 subsidiary Hospital of Peking University hospital physicians and residents in General. 1949 retained after the liberation, successive surgery attending physician wow power leveling, teaching assistant, lecturer, associate professor. 1955 invited by renowned pediatric expert Professor Zhu Futang, into newThe Beijing children's Hospital. Former Chief of surgery, Associate Dean, and capital University of Medical Sciences Professor of Pediatrics. Since 1986 to the present, to Beijing children's hospital affiliated to capital Medical University senior expert, Professor of Pediatric Surgery, doctoral and post-doctoral supervisor. 1997 elected academician of the Chinese Academy of engineering. 1950 Professor Zhang Jinzhe first hospital of Peking University in China to create a Pediatric Surgery,As China's three founders of Pediatric Surgery in the one of the earliest and highest prestige. 50 he and anesthesia experts Professor Xie Rong cooperation initiative Foundation intramuscular injection of sodium thiopental anesthesia method, which laid the Foundation for the promotion of Chinese Pediatric Surgery. In 1955 he became the new Director of Beijing children's hospital surgery. Create and improve the country's largest center of Pediatric Surgery, trainingA number of advanced medical treatment of Pediatric Surgery, anesthesia, nursing research, expert. 50-60 his commitment to trauma, infection, acute abdomen in children surgery emergency, in diagnosis and treatment of many suits China's national conditions to create and improve the efficacy, average case-fatality rate is lower than the international reports. 80 his children after anorectal surgical biliary surgery and designMade outstanding contributions. His medicine for more than 50 years, for thousands more children across from surgery. Professor Zhang Jinzhe dedicated to education, teachers ' education, peach and plum blossoms under the sky, founded as early as 1958, commissioned by the Ministry of health China pediatric surgeons training course. He is capital University of medical sciences taught nearly thousand undergraduate students of the Department of Pediatric Surgery in Pediatrics, personally guiding training master 's, doctoral, postdoctoral research17. Professor Zhang Jinzhe attaches great importance to society, and professional journals and was a member of the society of Chinese medical surgery and Secretaries, Executive Editorial Board of Chinese Journal of surgery. 1980 establishment of the leader of a group of Pediatric Surgery, he first, established in 1986, Chairman of the Association of Pediatric Surgery after the first and Vice editor-in-Chief of the Chinese Journal of Pediatric Surgery. Chinese society of Pediatric Surgery branchHonorary Chairman, Chinese Journal of Pediatric Surgery consultant. From the 50 's he is dedicated to medical science, Beijing municipality and member of the National Association of science writers and has directors and members of the two conferences. 1964-1986, Vice Chairman of the Science Committee, Chinese Medical Association, published books and essays about a hundred or so different. 1991 National Association awarded Professor Zhang Jinzhe "outstanding contributions to scienceThe author ". He several times since the founding of organizations large academic activities at home and abroad, has participated in international academic activities. United States journal and international journal of Pediatric Surgery of Pediatric Surgery overseas consultants society of Pediatric Surgery and Pediatric Surgery in Asia, and the Pacific Association life member, Romania Medical Association Honorary Member, 1986-1998 re-election of the Asian Association of Pediatric Surgery.He became Chinese and international contact center in the field of Pediatric Surgery. In 2000 he was United Kingdom Royal Society "Denis Brown Award" the award by the international community of Pediatric Surgery as a "Nobel Prize", so far a total of 33 people were honored throughout the world, are renowned international masters of Pediatric Surgery in China, he was the only winner. Outside it was because of him and the older generationOpen the enclosed efforts and hard work of fellow, which makes the achievement of Pediatric Surgery in China by the Chinese scientific community and recognized by the international community of Pediatric Surgery and testimonials. In 1951 and 1952 he participated in the war the State did a once in 1958 and joined the Chinese Communist Party, revolution of the same year by the Ministry of Health Technology Pioneer Award, and in 1989 was awarded model worker in Beijing city, 19Model 91 was named Ministry of health. 1993 Medal of Beijing spiritual civilization, 1999 Beijing, say medical ethics "Soul Mountain" first class gold medal. , 7th session of the CPPCC National Committee members. Professor Zhang Jinzhe has always been approachable, helpfulness, uniting fellow, lead by the hand kids, become a model of Pediatric Surgery. His hobbies wide participation in a variety of cultural and sports activities. HeResearch bonus fee and selfless contribution to the hospital. Professor Zhang Jinzhe has more than 80 years, are still working in the front line, clinic, surgery, as usual search of Ward, research, teaching, graduate student. Personal invention of Professor Zhang Jinzhe have a manual workshops, it is the reconstruction of armchairs in front of the desk. Arm-mounted a small vise, clamp hangs on the wall behindWork, carpentry, electrical appliances. In the 1950 of the 20th century, Professor Zhang Jinzhe in China's first Pediatric Surgery, to 80 set up the country's largest center of Pediatric Surgery, he had themselves created and improved many instruments suitable for disease diagnosis and surgery in children, there have been more than 50 inventions in the small workshop was born. Which includes international colleagues by some praise for giant knotSurgical treatment of intestinal "pliers", no anus open abdominal surgery to avoid "Zhang's film", preventing regurgitation of biliary reconstruction surgery "flap" of the original model. Professor Zhang Jinzhe has a pair of clever. Surgical instruments not encountered in handy, he will take back the trimmed, if there is no existing devices, they're wondering, making improvements. Many inventions as those reported by himFlexible, adroit, such as used in the treatment of Hirschsprung ring pliers, embryo it is usual with locking drawers or doors with a chain hanging, hanging home knock out the middle part of two buckles, and rotate the screw that is. Later improvements for now on the clinical use of stainless steel ring clamp. 50, Professor Zhang Jinzhe have been issued by the Ministry of health "pioneer revolution" Medal, and this practical habitsDuring the cultural revolution as a "fandongquanwei" to sweep by dispense the toilet stays down when, he does a variety of cleaning tools Diablo 3 power leveling, modify the toilet door, tied to his wife like he now mops, grandson a toy was broken to ask him to fix it. Professor Zhang Jinzhe "smart" comes from his "services". "Diligent" not only through his style of work, and integrate into the diagnosis and treatment of his thinking andMethod. Such as the diagnosis of acute abdomen in infants, many doctors have children crying can't touch the abdomen feels helpless, he summarized comparative law, three-level, from the mother, such as touching the abdomen behind a series of proven methods. He also found a simple method for clinical first aid: respiratory arrest in children, rescue equipment, such as formal treatment methods must have a laryngoscope to enterEndotracheal intubation, but saving the scene often didn't have the equipment, Professor trick is using finger pressure of the tongue, accurate tracheal tubes inserted in children of tender. Children's heart stopped beating, heart massage is the most effective rescue measures, but children especially the baby's heart is small, crisp and ribs, General massage does not work. Professor Zhang Jinzhe xiphoid cut a small mouth, aAfter the finger touch the heart, another finger in the chest wall outside, two fingers to massage. Professor Zhang Jinzhe through their own hard work, ways to create a variety of easy, out of the Pediatric Surgery road with Chinese characteristics, and international academic community to recognize. Diagnosis and treatment of these methods was welcomed by the third world countries, implementation assistance in the poor Western countries now in the task, Also invented by Professor Zhang Jinzhe these methods often use. In 2000, the United Kingdom Royal Society of Pediatric Surgery of Pediatric Surgery "Nobel" prize of the dannisi·bulangjin mass of medals awarded Professor Zhang Jinzhe, President of the General Assembly was "Nelson Mandela of Pediatric Surgery" to commend his indomitable spirit in trouble. Professional character Professor Zhang JinzheUsed to say: "good pediatrician is a doctor who loves children. "He not only from the treatment for the sake of children, prognosis, economic sustainability and empathy for the children's sake. He thinks if he can be the easiest way and most expensive drugs to cure diseases of children, that's the good doctor. Usual doctor, Professor, white coat in the coat pocket of assembling a lot of printSmall notes, every note written clearly on a kind of disease symptoms, treatment, attention, intestinal spasm of abdominal pain, baby, baby girl anal fistula perianal blood vessel expansion, cerebral palsy of sth There are dozens of species. He said that parents understand the disease knowledge, master nursing can often achieve a multiplier effect, so I wrote these notes, parents of children with master. Pediatric Surgery"Small coffer", it was Professor Zhang Jinzhe fee and other professors use papers, manuscript fee and scientific accumulation of bonuses, the money is used to rescue the impoverished small patients. One "plug anal" came from a poor family of girls, total size surgery more than more than 10 times, hospital and surgical expenses from "small coffer" spending. Professor Zhang Jinzhe see money is very light. Medical practiceMore than 50 years, he seized a red envelope. His 28 years as one day to Tianjin children's Hospital duty visits, rounds, surgery, lecture, never took a cent. He was often the students to help carry out the work, looking at the operating table under water is not to drink teachers, students to not have the heart to, make recompense is made according to the amoumt of Labour expended. Professor Zhang Jinzhe says that one is supported by children's surgical career, will deal with money,Who also asked not to carry him. Money, professors have their own views. In his autobiographical the academician of the Readme with four words indicate their self-cultivation: life effort, just and clean, well-fed, neighbours tolerance. Professor Zhang Jinzhe noble medical ethics. However, in the face of the doctor-patient relationship under the new situation, he has further thoughts on connotation of medical ethics. He said a doctor smiling service,Courtesy towards others, it is the most basic requirement, is the basic quality of training in primary schools should be, if the Director of the hospital now also specifically made to this and demanded was too low. Medical ethics should be deeper content. Professor Zhang Jinzhe used to tell students, largest medical doctor is best cured patients. Doctor no matter how high level, also to remember foreverIs a service, but now some doctors give patients see a doctor like the thief, so he considers it necessary to cancel the tenure, the iron rice bowl, let doctors back into the ranks of the liberal professions. Others:

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