Saturday 9 June 2012

but different from aowang one-eighth final SWTOR Credits but different from aowang one-eighth fina

129834133981827500_48New news reporter static Li Na the French defending tour ended last night. As defending champion, Li Na in the thread even after losing 10 crash, 1:2 to ranked 142 in the world of the Kazakhstan players shefuduowa, two consecutive Grand Slam stop 16. Li Na crash has long been commonplace, but different from aowang one-eighth final, her opponent was not fourBye-Clijsters Grand Slam Winner, but a "nobody". Shefuduowa qualifying player born in 1987, highest singles ranking to 29. Both Grand Slam experience and the strength, Lena is on top of the opponent. However, like tennis and football is round, the game is not a simple data-plus-minus, low-ranked player has a chance to baoleng. FaceDefending champion Li Na, shefuduowa is clearly psychological burden on smaller, she did not lose a grimace, smiling competition, each ball is struggling to catch up with. Tenacity pays off for shefuduowa. After the 6:3 easily won the first, and Li Na all of a sudden collapse SWTOR CD-key, even losing ten, last two to 2:6, defeat. House competition, Li NaOut of the 41 non-forced errors. 10 lost in this process, jiangshan had Lena not to stand on a fire, not saying "Wuhan", just mechanically back to the ball. After losing, she was like a balloon that was played here, a silent, staggered to leave the stadium. On the previous day, Li Na win by bookmakers as the French third heatThe door SWTOR Credits, because in her half of the region Diablo 3 power leveling, the biggest threat small-Wei has an early out. However, the only takes a defending Grand Slam champion, seems to have been learned in the "dark horse" lay down burden before. It is worth mentioning that, yesterday was the anniversary of Li Na won the Championship. Others:

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