Friday 8 June 2012

the United States in Australia's initial small-scale deployment is testing of water TERA Gold the

129833878756046250_0Information: the United States and Australia soldiers participating in joint military exercises, according to the 5th Edition of global times reported that "Australia has a secret Chinese battle plan of the Government". Australia human newspaper reporter Dawei・youlun has recently disclosed that stirred the contents of Australian politics. Juhlen said in his new book that the Australian Government in the 2009 defence white paper aSecrets chapter description and plans to wage war on China---if Sino-US war in the South China Sea, Australia Navy would assist the United States seven China in the South China Sea fleet blockades of trade routes. In retaliation, China video: o 09 United China chapter in the defence white paper the exposure source: TV of the live broadcast, Hong Kong, Macao, Shenzhen will be launching missile attacks on Australia at home. AustraliaMinister Smith 3rd was a question in Parliament, he denounced the report "pure nonsense", but admitted Australia white paper on national defense "has two versions of open and secret".  Australia 4th comments of people saying that the Australian Government tried to any potential action to fuel regional conflicts, are likely to be appropriate due to their hostility to Australia. Juhlen is the Australia peopleSenior Economic reporters, editors, and his new book, the Kingdom of mines: China and Australia, focuses on the fear and greed as the United States take a more aggressive stance on China, Australia's ruling elite is facing a dilemma. Says in the book, Australia Government of former Prime Minister Kevin Rudd has a secret chapter included in the 2009 defence white paper, assessing AustraliaLeah assist the United States and China's ability to play a round of air-sea war TERA CD-key, identified "in 2030 's military objectives." "The chapter envisages a completely different world, Australia Navy assist the United States with China in the South China Sea combat, maritime channels be blocked in China, natural resources, transport disrupted. In retaliation, China could destroy Australia's Pine Valley base. The bases forUS military action in Asia is crucial. China could also use a missile to Australia to launch their attack, destroyed the port and launch a cyber-warfare. China to crack down on 5,000 kilometres away goals and hitting Australia home, this is the new strategic environment. "In the public release of version SWTOR CD-key, the chapter is deleted. "Military 2030" include equipped with 12 ships equipped with missilesLarge conventional submarines, the Joint Strike Fighter, "predators in air combat" ships and large landing ship. "These are to do with Australia's biggest trading partner---China go to war preparations. "United States 4th reported Fox Web site, Juhlen also described in detail in the book Australia military dignitaries of fierce debate on the white paper, many senior officersThink Australia should prepare for war with China, but the Australian intelligence agencies believe that China is not expansionist, cannot pose a huge threat. Juhlen also said, according to the envisaged operations to China, white paper, Australia within the next 10 years, the Government should spend more than 100 billion dollars for the purchase of new submarines, Destroyers and fighter jets and other advanced equipment. "O LeeAsia Treasury Department faced a lot of pressure, for a large number of updated equipment to do a detailed cost estimate. "The" World Socialist "site 4th, Juhlen did not explain his new book content from that, but the book" is clearly Australia's political, military and diplomatic sources written after consultation ". According to article, worth noting is, Juhlen thought, 2009 o LeeSub Prime Minister Kevin Rudd has actively supported the national defense white paper, but Kevin Rudd, the Obama administration did not support diplomatic efforts in the region. Juhlen refers to exposing Web site "Wikileaks" disclosure on the United States State Department diplomatic cables, Kevin Rudd for easing Sino-US tensions, Washington opposes the so-called "Asia-Pacific Community" concept. In June 2010, Australia's political arena "peaceful politicalChange ", Gillard succeed Kevin Rudd as Prime Minister of the Pro-us, United States is considered to have played a major role. According to Juhlen, the Obama administration and the Gillard Government signed an agreement in November last year, allows the United States to expand in Australia's military presence, this is clearly the next conflict with Beijing. In his view, the United States in Australia's initial small-scale deployment is testing of water, testingRegional response. Australia long 3rd Smith denounced the anti-saying Australian defence white paper, although there are two versions of open and secret, but white is not directed against any country, "is not directed against China". It was reported that Smith will visit China, started in China and Australia Defense dialogue mechanism.  He will also visit China's South China Sea fleet headquarters in Zhanjiang. "GlobalTimes stationed in Australia contributing reporter Li Ou global times contributing reporter Wang Xiaoxiong "o 09 years in the defence White Paper United war chapter exposure sources in China: Shenzhen satellite TV plays the video of the live broadcast, Hong Kong TERA Gold, Macao Others:

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