Monday 11 June 2012

Kanaji has been thoroughly to be excavated residential real estate TERA Gold Kanaji has been thoro

129823520783437500_541Gold "swimming" of road Winter swimming, is a being known as "the brave." In 2012, the winter is still in the property market. Regulation policy, the real estate sector gradually return to rational, more strength, more professional companies will stand out in the market, value and overall strength of the real estate industry reshuffle. Difficulties, by far. In the face of tough regulation, some people choose to "hibernating"Kanaji has chosen to" swimming ". In 2012, the gold by regulating product structure to adapt to the market demand, increasing just needs to launch two or three lines of urban housing, accelerating sales and financial return, stay at a steady state. The other hand, gold continues to deep housing industry, clear product line, forging Enterprise brand. At the same time, continue to push forward the "one body two wings"Transformation strategy, the development of commercial real estate and real estate finance, root power to shape the long-term development of the enterprise. Science of winter swimming, not only good for your body, but also improve. Kanaji is take this "swimming" to cultivate their own strength, speed of a curve passing under gathering strength. Adjusting structure to follow the market in 2012, to constantly adjust product structure, adapt to market goldStrategy beginning to bite. Starting from the second half of last year, Kanaji actively adjust products structure, increasing favor two or three lines of urban and just push the room type you want, and a flexible pricing policy. The effectiveness of these initiatives have more reflected in sales this year. On May 7, gold Announces April sales briefing area of 177,000 square company in April to sign, signThe amount of $ 2.27 billion, up respectively to increase and 39.8%. So, gold in the first 4 months of the year, accumulated agency 594,000 square meters, a total contract amount $ 6.86 billion respectively from a year earlier to increase and 50.5%. Gold in the first 4 months of sales growth, number of sales in the same period is better than branches, and polyAccording to, adjusting structure to follow the market policy started to work. In 2012, the gold plan new construction area 2.539 million square meters, planned completion area square meters SWTOR Power Leveling, in which small and medium sized 2011 further enhance. At the same time, investment in new investment focused on two or three lines in the city layout, more reasonable product structure, further resolutionThe risks associated with market regulation. In the past 4 months, Kanaji also speed up the rhythm of supply, sufficient to supply-driven inventory of digestive tract. 5, gold plans to push the new tweet and 13 projects, including lihu city, Guangzhou, Dongguan, Shenzhen Tian Yue Wan Bodensee, free city of Nanjing, Nanjing Ming Yue, shengaimilun, Wuhan, Changsha, Hangzhou free city 3,000 mansion, Beijing long Yue,Platinum Hyatt Ziyun Chambers, Shenyang, Tianjin, Beijing, Shenyang, Shenyang Riverside international community. In addition to increased sales outside Kanaji will focus on addressing problems of the low turnover. In 2011, the compression of gold investment and sales rose TERA Gold, made last year's operating cash flow was positive for the first time since 2004, amounting to $ 1.53 billion. In addition, goldWith a gearing ratio of 71.1%, holding $ 18.64 billion in cash at the end, overall good financial standing. While holding large amounts of cash, but still adhere to prudent investment policies. Without affecting the overall liquidity and safety of funds on the basis of gold to raise stock capital gains, imposed a financial winter. In November last year, gold in the sixth session of the Board of the 14thOn the discussion, mandated company management purchased some of the short-term low-risk financial products at the appropriate time, the balance does not exceed purchase financial products company's liquid assets 30%. By the end of April this year, Kanaji has included the Bank of China, China Construction Bank, Bank of communications, and other financial institutions to buy the 14 RMB financial product, the actual amount of financial products for $ 3.1 billion, outstandingBalance of financial products for $ 2.9 billion, $ 200 million expected gains and recovery financial products. According to a gold account, raise funds in these financial products banks funding pool for consolidated operations management, invested in circulation on the domestic interbank bond market, more than investment grade financial products and financial products such as bond repurchase. Marketing bad mo "If a previous cityWhen the field is good, companies busy cutting firewood. Now the market is not good, you have mo. "President Huang Juncan said. Continuously raise the property market regulation, gold in the winter cold start "mo". To further enhance the competitive advantages of residential development on the business and industry reputation, in 2011, the AU strategic planning to develop products for the housing industry, strengthening product series,Standardized implementation. Payment to "lead people living" values for the product, developed and launched the "brown stone, mingshi, State, family days," four series brand products. Four product series has a precise market positioning, for the characteristics of consumer groups, gold product build up and down big time, to enhance the competitiveness of products. For example, in line with middle-class style-brown stone, Modelled on the place of origin of the Boston brown stone building style, pure black and Brown brick tie Hua sloping top, octagonal Bay window classic elements, there is corner coffee shop, iron lamp shadow to carved detail. Therefore, under the effect of a restriction, gold, high quality product is still popular. Golden brown stone series debut on the Shanghai art State, $ 2.717 billion salesRanked Shanghai apartment product second name. In addition, Foshan royal seal belonging to the gold project, launched in 2011, the first open sale rate near 80%, successfully laid the pole position in the market of Shunde Chief's top luxury. In addition, high-quality products because of its relative to the level of average market premium, to improve their profit margins in favour of gold. From 2010, the golden landGross margin has a clear upgrading of, truly the "quality growth". Especially in 2011, China vanke, constant cases of enterprise gross margins are shrinking, but Kanaji kept growing. In addition, through the adjustment of product structure, balanced regional distribution of again. On the strategic layout, gold stick "strategic deep" as well as "opportunitiesExpand "strategy. Has entered a line of two or three cities and cities will continue to deep the city, looking for suitable development projects, additional land reserves. Based on the judgement of the market, gold will continue to expand its investment in two or three lines of urban, choosing good economic fundamentals, good two or three lines of urban supply and demand to moderate expansion, development and launchMeet the three-market product line. In terms of regional distribution, gold apart from the Yangtze River Delta, Pearl River Delta and the mature cities such as Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei area outside the deep, also in Cheng-Yu, the Taiwan Straits, in the development of Shandong Peninsula area for potential opportunities. So, gold tends to balance at the regional distribution, while groundwork for the next phase of growth for gold. Deepening "one body two wings" 2011, is the turning point in the history of real estate in China, milestone year. This year, the total area is equivalent to the previous year sales of commercial housing half of the 10 million units of affordable housing throughout the country all started. Between merchandise housing and public housing policy is determined to try to draw a clear line of market segmentation, market market, guaranteed protection. This year, industry participants"Change" feel particularly strongly: market share of large enterprises gradually improve, small business survival more difficult; no longer rely on bank financing mode, equity, bonds, diversification means to increase the proportion of financing; development models from the developers try to do everything all by oneself "Hong Kong model" to focus more on specialization "United States model" evolution industry average profit decline, real estate profits end era.The past ten years, gold out of Shenzhen, to the national, that "10 times" the phenomenal growth. Gold after ten years, the real estate industry continues to "live at the mercy of the elements", only make themselves be in a passive position. Standing in a node, gold to decisively select a transformation, proposed "to domestic business as the core, to commercial real estate and real estate finance business for wingsFor the development of "strategic transformation, that is," one body two wings ", from single residential development into a composite property developer. Golden land Group Chairman Ling Ke said Diablo 3 gold, real estate industry will change the past more than 10 years of high growth, the future can only earn an average income by product competitiveness of real estate enterprises, rely on enterprise growth, efficiency improvement to earn excess profits. 2011Years, to its commercial real estate firm business gold show, development and operating system build completed: Beijing Golden land Center rental income of $ 218 million, rent collection and property management fee collection rates have reached 100%. At the same time, renovation of the gold Center, gang of Shaoxing, Xiamen, Xian, and other commercial projects steady progress in the early research and development work, future gold group in businessRealizing leap-forward development in the area. At the same time, stable prosperous investments completed the initial transition to independent funds of the company. Currently, stable prosperous investments has been managing a number of real estate funds and trusts, including us $ investment consulting, funds and funds. In 2011, the stable holding management real estate fund reaches $ 2.5 billion. But Chairman Ling Ke is not blind optimism. HeBelieves that these two "wings" also very innocent, wings to be plump. New businesses need to be operational for a long time to prepare, on the outcome is still too early, take 5-10 years to see. At the same time, gold is constantly exploring how this "troika" together with. Gold top, Kanaji has been thoroughly to be excavated residential real estate, real estateValue of the linkage among financial, commercial real estate, through a combination of flexible and effective matching between different business to enhance the company's profitability, to broaden the gold room for growth in the future. Ling Ke said, should use the metre-long thought to business enterprises. Strategy is not only a beacon for the development of the company, doing business is not just to put in front of a few years, more important is to see longFar in the future. Keep prospects in the enterprises must survive age awareness. Gold in the "swimming", cultivate strength, ability to achieve comprehensive development and improve core competitiveness, differentiation and integration opportunities waiting for the industry for the next round of energy savings at the time of the arrival of spring, waiting for change. Others:

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