Tuesday 29 November 2011

expanding nuclear power product range provides an effective guarantee. Fuqing nuclear power units

129667837343584142_94Recently diablo 3 power leveling, China first heavy (601,106), Fuqing nuclear power units, 1th of contract responsibility system, main pump, the shell in a nuclear power and petrochemical divisions through the hydraulic pressure test at a time, successfully filled the blank of China's nuclear power industry. The pump case is China's first CPR1000 reactor forging the main pump casing, high technical requirements, making long cycle, its successPostorder-pump manufacture has accumulated valuable experience, but also for accelerating scientific research and development, expanding nuclear power product range provides an effective guarantee. Fuqing nuclear power units, 1th shell for forging structures of main pump pump case, using manganese-nickel-molybdenum alloy steel, stainless steel inner wall surfacing approaches to manufacturing. The product is electric China with a heavy purchase from Austria advanceLeeds companies design of reactor primary circuit pressure part, the design concept is the leader in the world, China first heavy electric selected primary pump casing is the sole manufacturer. Since the signing of the contract, because the procurement of contracts relations are very complex, their manufacture their approval process is strict and complicated, approval cycles long. China first heavy production and scientific research departments working togetherContinuous optimization process diablo 3 gold, operatives working overtime, on the premise of quality assurance, to shorten manufacturing cycles, ensuring the smooth progress of the various processes the products production and water pressure test of success.

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