Tuesday 29 November 2011

without the sanitation dead corner arc furnace Chamber

129668652379375000_17The morning of 25th, Chinese consumers ' Association published 20 microwave test results, of which 5 models of heating is not eligible diablo 3 power leveling, involving the United States, galanz, shuaikang 3 brand.   Reporters yesterday in Nanjing xinjiekou found several home appliances shopping centre, this 5 microwave ovens are rare in Nanjing spot, sales staff does not know the type of sampling in the microwave oven is unqualified. Three brands and fiveModels of microwave ovens are also liable to fail the China Consumer Association 25th 20 microwave oven comparison test results, five on a uniform heating of the product specification "planted tripped" below standards, involved brands galanz, the United States and shuaikang. Recommended reading, cuangdong province chemical plant explosion jumping dozens of meters in diameter mushroom cloud (photo) multinational anti-Euro note programme Italy debt yields breakthrough 7% Commission: single release planning will enhance risk management and control non-ferrous metals Twelve-Five: amazing sex scandal counted between global leaders [gushen supremacy] King of daily limit surface water: overseas hot money is not optimistic about China's zhongxiaoxie, said the furnace cavity is reflected by the uniformity of heating productsUniform heating, food is uniformly heated, whether there will be food and some parts are still immature and some parts have been well done. At present, as GB 24849-2010 microwave ovens for household and similar use of the limited values of energy efficiency and rating criteria of the basic requirements, microwave with turntable uniformity should be not less than 70% without turntableMicrowave oven heating uniformity should be not less than 60%. Times in 20 samples for the detection of 5 this entry fails to meet the basic requirements relating to "galanz", "us", "handsome health". "Galanz" G90W25MSP-WB (B0), microwave oven, heating uniformity of only 36%, well below the required 60%. In view of this result, zhongxiaoxieRemind consumers, from the perspective of product performance, it is recommended that consumers preference after March 1, 2011 bearing product energy efficiency labeling of increase in production. On the microwave leakage detection project, galanz G80F23CSP-Q5 (R0) microwave oven "performance" is not satisfactory, based on the results show that the standard to no more than 50W/M2, sampling of 20 in the microwave, the minimum is 0.44 W/m2, galanz G80F23CSP-Q5 (R0)-microwave oven 38.70W/m2, well above the average level of the sampling. Nanjing spot substandard products rarely yesterday, this reporter went to Nanjing xinjiekou several home appliances store visits. For zhongxiaoxieUnder 5 to just expose microwave ovens, sales indicated that at present the majority of sales, "now I don't know where there is no qualified consumers reflect not bad.   "Electrical sales individuals on a shopping centre, before a sales ranking in all the products are relatively near the top. In a shopping mall, the reporters saw midea microwave oven at a lot of people are buying the counter, Reporters withoutAre not qualified for both products. "Two of us haven't got that in stock. "A salesperson said she does not know the product is not eligible.   The staff said, shopping centres and suppliers to have consultations, had no immediate exposure off the shelves at once. Reporters attempted to contact the United States, galanz then both companies, a company staff, due to the company in charge of business hours, detailsFine condition he is not easy to answer.   Consumers can be patient, such as company announcements, they will inform each business, for appropriate processing. 5 galanz microwave oven for heating uniformity is not compliance: G90W25MSP-WB (B0), galanz: G80F23CSP-Q5 (R0) United States: aG025LC7-NSH of beauty: AG925BNL-SS shuaikang: WKQD25-SW1 news last night, said the national grid in its official website, a well-known business people in the microwave oven, heating uniformity requirements for recommended indicators, is not a mandatory requirement, so heating uniformity is not compliance does not mean thatProduct is not eligible. "For specific indicators of microwave ovens, impossible for an overall view of ordinary people, zhongxiaoxie sampling experiment of microwave ovens is to guide the consumer for the purpose of, which is based on the specific indicators, has not qualified products specified or not. "One person involved in the microwave energy efficiency standards of the industry points out that" consumers don't have to worry about the market of micro-wave ovenProduct is not eligible. From the experimental results, samples are all qualified products in the product, and better overall quality.   "According to the national grid with and without turntable for microwave turntable what's the difference? Reporters noted that the microwave with turntable and without turntable two types. Microwave ovens for household and similar use of the limited values of energy efficiency and rating criteria standard requirements, withTurntable for microwave heating uniformity should be not less than 70%, not your microwave with turntable uniformity should be not less than 60%.   So, what is the difference of two microwave ovens? Reporters interviewed the person concerned understands that platform and turntable-type microwave heating of microwave ovens in principle no different: microwave magnetron launches absorbed by the water molecules in food, because microwaveHigh frequency vibration so that frictional heating of water molecules and thus to heat the food. Because microwave can only in straight lines, by the angle and strength of the magnetron tube into the heating Chamber is fixed, how to make oven cavity microwave irradiation received equal sections of the food will become a key technology of the microwave oven. Platform and turntable for microwave ovens uses two different types of microwave heating in the microwave oven.Microwave turntable accepted "history", is no turntable for microwave oven first "flat plate", because it cannot meet European ICE (uniformity of heating), was driven through the glass turntable makes food even after heating method replace. In the early 1990 of the 20th century, the international market were unified as the turntable for microwave ovens. Later, advanced platform technology into the Chinese market, theLarge manufacturers improved on the design of microwave ovens: without the sanitation dead corner arc furnace Chamber, increasing the space in the furnace diablo 3 gold, and so on.   From the perspective of power and price, no product power slightly larger than the Rotary turntable platform products, high prices in the same brand of turntable for microwave ovens.   With processed food in the microwave oven do you want to pay attention to what taboo? Door light on light-off switch, thousandDo not use the weights hit the door, the door damage and deformation may cause leakage of microwave.   At the time of cooking smell the scent of food, this is a normal situation. Microwave oven cooking utensils, metal and enamel products cannot be used because a reflex in the metals for microwave. Not only does it cause your microwave efficiency, uniformity of heating is poor, may also make the microwave and metal contact spark, Dangerous, serious and will damage the magnetron. Microwave ovens work, parents should remind their children, do not use eye close to the microwave oven to see microwave ovens work within 5 cm.   Because the eye most sensitive to microwave, to protect you from unnecessary harm. When cooking, you should have a good time, do not set the cooking time too long, so as to avoid food hot, hot CokeOr fire. Sealed container with lid into the furnace heated, please open the lid. Otherwise, the container will be produced by volumetric expansion after heating the air burst, serious explosions may occur.

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