Monday 13 February 2012

dragon nest power leveling magic allowed him to reach the only three teams--Dallas Mavericks - BCC

129729391873906250_120SINA sports news Beijing time on February 4, according to the ring world reporter Alex-Kenedy reported, when Dwight Howard in December for the first time,-to apply to the magic trading yourself, magic allowed him to reach the only three teams--Dallas Mavericks star wars the old republic pvp valor power leveling, xinzexilanwang and Los Angeles Lakers (micro-blogging). Weigh the pros and cons after a period of time, Huo HuaGermany appears to be the nets. According to an informed source revealed that familiar, the Lakers have been told even if they traded Howard, Howard will not and the Lakers to sign a copy of about. In other words, the Lakers are Howard is also equivalent to be a center of work as a casual labourer, players option, he will jump out of the contract attempts to free agency. Johns HopkinsHuade's interest in the Lakers and not as exaggerated as previously reported, mainly because he didn't want to be the next o ' Neill, and he is not willing to go through and rebuild of a dynasty.  After all, Kobe and Gasol also had more than 30 years, Howard is unwilling to State and started to slide his teammates to stay together. Confirmation, Howard favorite place to go is the nets, andHe did have such capacity and impact force of magic and the nets to complete such a transaction. Just like the Camero-Anthony (microblogging), let the wind will only contract renewal and Nick, and he eventually went to the Big Apple city.  Howard wants to be teammates and DeLong, and playing in Brooklyn in accordance with his wishes, the nets high on Howard is very friendly. ThisThen troubled becomes magic. Their choice becomes very narrow, perhaps the nets will be their only option.  After all, none of the teams will want to pay so high a price just short term renting such a superstar. Simon Garrod RealGM's column-Rudolph also pointed out that the most beneficial to the nets, they don't need to pack a bunch of chipsCodes to trade Howard, but can pressure prices lower. Brock-Lopez, or even not involved in the transaction, but can take for another star, Drilon and Howard around to add a second blind. Do poorly in the nets this season, can even put black to fight for a high of rookie next year, which allowed them to next season's lineup stronger。 During the halt, Howard and Drilon had talked many times in private, the end of December, the day before the nets and magic competition d3 gold, they had dinner in Orlando.  Nets today's worst record will not affect the selection of Howard, because he knew that if he and Drilon join forces, strength is a leap in more than one stage of the nets. Between now and July, there are manyVariable dragon nest power leveling, but at least from the current view, the nets still is Howard's first choice. (Fertilizer)

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