Saturday 11 February 2012

star wars the old republic pvp valor power leveling because of this rate generally rare inPublic -

129732029169221250_22 <a href="">the old republic pvp valor power leveling</a>SINA Tech News News Beijing time on February 7, according to foreign media reports on Monday, Motorola (micro-blogging) has officially asked Apple for every iPhone and iPad sold last year to pay patent fees equal to 2.25% prices to Motorola. This also means that Apple could have to pay up to billions of dollars in patent licensing fees.Motorola has formally proposed patent licensing fees requested a lawyer pointed out that has now been Google (micro-blogging) acquisition by Motorola in a paper submitted to the California Court last month showed that it was "required" access to license the patents owned by the company. This document was written on October 17 last year completed. To the outside worldRevealed a patent fight between the mobile device manufacturers are increasingly heated.  Apple has with major competitors almost head-to-head battle, including Samsung (micro-blogging), HTC (Twitter), as well as many other smartphone makers are joining the mobile device patent scuffle. Although every company that he was a serious infringement of the patent, But this paper clearly explain the value of a patent violation. If for each iPhone sold by Apple a 2.25% patent licensing fees, only license fee may exceed $ 1 billion for 2011. However the papers submitted to the Court and did not specify which of several products, also did not indicate whetherWill be back. The news that Apple declined to comment.  Motorola did not respond in a timely manner. High rates or policies the lawyers pointed out that the struggle for Motorola, patent license fee rates between decision makers knew little. Because companies will not disclose related information. In addition, because of this rate generally rare inPublic, lawyers and people in the industry are now very difficult to judge the reasonableness of the amounts requested by the Motorola. Licensing consultancy, Epicenter of the IP Group CEO luoen·aipusitan (Ron Epstein) pointed out: "people tend to ask whether this patent license fee includes the basic invention patent, asThere is no doubt, was first invented by Motorola phone. "But some lawyers say, Motorola out of the price tag is a bit high, and pointed out that the plan could be to force opponents to reach a settlement, or intent to take this to interfere with the opponents of the normal course of business. Because of the crackdown by Motorola star wars the old republic pvp valor power leveling, Germany authorities have recently issued a ban, asked Apple to suspend in Germany marketsSection on alleged violations of the Motorola sales and imports of patented products, but the ban was lifted in a day. Intellectual property consultancy fuluolian·Mule (Florian Mueller) first of all the papers submitted to the Court was concerned, he noted that the rates proposed by the Motorola company was a little higher, he said: "(Motorola) or hope that AppleFruit refuse diablo iii gold, so they will grasp the handles on Apple's relentless, continues to promote the ban on apples. "(Lin Jing)

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