Friday 24 February 2012

rs items for sale James Clapper - RJY

129731262608916727_7Information: F-35 United States the aviation week reported on February 3, the article that F-35 costs associated with China stealing technology. Technology leaks due to theft-related technologies in China, making it easier for the aircraft was detected, are more susceptible to interference from electronic attack; it makes the United States needs to increase input to reduce the vulnerability。  In addition, the article also discusses China's behavior to the F-35 project cost growth has little impact. According to, this has become a financial budget planning, knowledge of the core issues of interest, and the problem seems to have some basis. In addition, the Pentagon and industry officials also said other weapons program has also suffered problems related to data theft.These officials believe that, in the United States before China three years ago to steal information, Chinese hackers have been able to actually listens United States online project progress meeting of these projects and they always think that they are safe. Technology theft Act on China's impact on the rising F-35 costs are included in the evaluation, but people believe that cost growth, annual quotaReduce production time and extended that to a certain extent, the critical equipment needs to be redesigned. This stealth aircraft communications and antenna array, and to protect the system, preventing theft of software is a big rewrite. Until recently, the United States Government officials began to open discussion on military projects cost of data loss caused by growth and operational vulnerabilitiesImpact. Sources say, theft on the Lockheed-Martin Corporation's F-35 project has created a big impact and responses at the top is not nearly the same.  However, no one denied that the theft to the military project has had an impact. According to article, United States Director of national intelligence James Cooper-Carat (James Clapper), on the invisibleFighter project stolen details unclear; he said, Internet technology has "led to a very bad technology and intellectual property, plagiarism, and it is clear that F-35 is one of the goals". He also believes that whether these attacks are from individuals or countries, are on the United States a serious challenge, United States should do something about this. United States Department of Defense Intelligence Agency Deputy Director David Chedde(David Shedd) also intends to avoid talking about the F-35 problems, nor does he talk about stealing the network impact of defence expenditure and operational security. Chedde said: "I will not talk about issues related to F-35, I will hold consultations with the anti-long meeting. However, the answer is Yes; technology leakage has affected our progress and let the enemy know that weExhibition made has certain advantages.  "Clearly, regardless of whether there are technical disclosure or, if it influence decisions, then it is detrimental to the intelligence services. Article says, those who know a project is more clearly expressed, and network intrusions are detrimental to the F-35 project. One familiar with the F-35 project and the Intelligence Department of the old fighter pilot tableAs shown in, "you know, if the data were stolen, related projects appear operational and planning issues. In addition, the amendment to the original system design flaws, as well as a large number of software revision also needs to be a lot of cost. "Pentagon in about 2013 budget, President Obama's News Conference on the problems described. Deputy Defence Minister Baroness Ashton-Carter (aShton Carter) said, "we are very concerned about weapons systems, and vulnerability of our own and other networks. It is part of the modern world, this is a highly computerised planes; and other computer systems, we are very concerned about the situation of the weapons. "According to July 2011, then Deputy Defense Minister, William-Lynn (William Lynn) pointed out that the foreign intelligence section invaded a major defense companies and steal a win and in the research and development of 24,000 copies of the system files. This is very important, because the decision to redesign the affected system depending on whether the missing information helps, engaged the parties develop a similar system, and to draw out offensive and defensive strategies. WhileSome United States officials were of the view that United States reached tens of billions of dollars in losses in connection with this. Such concerns have a certain basis. In recent years, China has introduced include fighter -20 stealth fighter and a series of new aircraft, new UAV design; design and China's "Global Hawk" and "sensor plane" design is similar. However, the Pentagon on F-35The enthusiasm has not waned. Carter says, "we want the fighters, three kinds of models. At the same time, when we achieve full production, encountered a project cost and implementation issues. This is still a worrying problem. When the aircraft's production costs and management need to careful when we are working towards achieving full production efforts. "According to, Although the Pentagon has expressed support for the project, but according to Reuters, the Pentagon are 2013 fiscal year 2017, order a reduction in the number of fighters to 179. If the decision passed by Congress, which will cause the Locke-Martin fighters of the rapid increase in the output of the system buy runescape items, and hopes to reduce unit cost, which the company has exported a largeEffect. On reducing the yield of the Pentagon on the grounds that, reduce the effects of unknown problems in a test flight. In addition, progress is also behind the Block II software package.  In accordance with the plan, the package should be delivered at the end of last year the test aircraft. Article says United States earlier feared stolen is F-35 powerful advanced data link system, butNow is not just worry about. The system is ready to install in the F-22 and B-2 above the bombers, the system allows aircraft to communicate in the context of not being found. Project insider said, horse of the multi-functional advanced data link system "is money problems". Multi-functional advanced data link system with high throughput, frequency hopping and against electronic jammingCapacity, combined with the phased array antenna can send and accept specific electromagnetic wave signal. According to, F-35 project may become vulnerable because of its long development time. Defence analysts said F-35 information system design does not take into account problems of network intrusion. Luo-Ma recognized company personnel, foreign contractors were network intrusion, and completely endanger the entire project。 In fact, because there are a large number of international funding for contractors, the stealth fighter project may have more attack points. In addition, the project also has some unexpected problems. 2009 network intrusions are not for F-35, but for a class project. However, these accidental results have very serious consequences. Aviation industry officials say a retired, intrusionNot only can steal data, online meetings and technical discussions related to the complaints heard.  Found that after the invasion runescape items for sale, projects in that category were suspended until a high cost of the new security system in place rs items for sale, the project to restore. According to and, in addition, there are other views on the factors affecting F-35. A former United States Senate believed F-35Problems with projects reflecting the United States reduced interest in piloted aircraft; because operational effect mainly under the influence of the crew of the aircraft. He said: "I think that is the biggest problem facing the F-35, compared with drones, piloted aircraft recognition of the value of major changes have occurred. I and from Afghanistan return home of Marine Corps people of front-line air force commandCommunication, he pointed out that the activities of a F/A-18 for 15 minutes, and ' death ' unmanned aerial vehicles can be 8 hours of continuous activity. Fighter pilots of the era was ending, about piloted aircraft and unmanned military value judgments is undergoing major changes. "However, this is a controversial analysis. One lifeF-35 service of retired air force official said, despite the sharp rise in the cost issue, Mission of the integrated air defense system of the fighters and penetrating the opponent will not be threatened by drones. (Sinian) Others:

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