Sunday 8 January 2012


129667864312490392_4"We really wanted to go to written, but after all, is a central-level enterprises, some concern.  "Datang group head of a thermal power plant in Central Shanxi province, told the business daily said. He said the "written" referring to the recent, yuncheng, Shanxi Datang international power generation company limited, Taiyuan first thermal power plant, zhangze power company limited, State power, Datang Taiyuan second thermal power plantWest 13 power plants jointly issued to the Association of Shanxi electric power "distress" – said its fuel debt had amounted to $ 3.795 billion, it's hard to credit to coal from coal mines.  Near the end, fuels, engineering of arrears of wages of workers, as well as bank loan payments of arrears, under pressure from some enterprises had to "avoid creditors" to get by, threatening the safety of plant normal operation. In many"Written" after in vain, since last week the heads of many power plants of Shanxi collective fujing, representing part of Shanxi power plant to the recommendations of the relevant State departments to increase the price. One of the head of the Beijing power plant to this newspaper that: "the main demand was a rise in electricity prices.  "But Beijing in Shanxi power plant to the competent authority reflecting the difficulty is not the first time. Why no coal burning electric and enterprise in Shanxi?Yesterday, the head of one of the China coal industry association to this newspaper revealed that, despite some loss in thermal power plant in Shanxi news is filled with unusual, Yanzhou coal mining, as well as management of coal enterprises in Shanxi power plant is profitable.  Fellow power plant in Shanxi province, why should circumstances so different? Shanxi electric power industry association, Executive Vice President Li Jianwei believes that power plant in Shanxi province is facing difficultiesReasons, mainly local grid electricity prices are too low, and after the reorganization of coal resource has changed the pattern of coal supply. Li Jianwei told this newspaper, Shanxi local coal mostly belong to the high quality steam coal, coal prices currently has more than 800 Yuan/ton. "Written" because not pithead 13 power plants, farther from the mine, nor enjoy development and Reform Commission, security pricesFocus on contract coal, so the above after coal power plants in the part of the procurement markets, from Inner Mongolia, Shaanxi provinces, such as buying some poor Brown coal burning.  Coal enterprises under the power plant is greatly reducing the transportation and trade links and direct access to coal contracts. "Even more important is to reduce intermediate links, also reduces its rebate, and other hidden costs"China expert Li Chaolin coal transportation Association told this newspaper that" tons of coal a few dollars in rebates, that is a huge cost.  "Shanxi coal resources is part of province electric Enterprise fault coal in another background. According to the power plants owned by Datang in charge, over a dozen years ago swtor power leveling, Shanxi local coal for power plants are dominated by coal mines. But with the rise of small coal mines, power plants for a sectionCost for coal agreement with the small coal mines, resulting in most of the power plant 70% of coal were extracted from small mines. But as 2009 has begun and scudding clouds coal resources, almost be integrated out of small coal mine, which caused the loss of most of the power plant of Shanxi coal source. Prior to this, major mines and power plants in the South of Shanxi province signed a long-term and stable supplyTotal agreement. "So those of us watching but there is no coal in power plant coal mine fire.  "The official said.  The Commission proposes to start coal and electric power linkage, in fact, also affected by the impact of the situation of coal enterprises. The Chinese coal industry sources, due to widespread losses in power plants, inability to pay, currently places such as Shanxi coal mine owed the problem is serious, "ious" numberIncreased significantly.  In this context, coal and electricity linkage are endowed with higher expectations of progress. On one of the five largest power group concerned by this newspaper confirmed that the recent Commission has sent a working group on electrical single investigation of the problems the huge losses, and in the investigation were turned over to the State Council on the basis of a report, describes the current power generating enterprises loss-making situation, that the report had also been Secretary of StateLeaders of importance. "The report want to be able to start again in coal and electric power linkage, rather than merely adjusting pricing the old republic power leveling, because price adjustment for five power generation group now not much useful, according to the usual price of experience, often before the price adjustments, coal prices rising by quickly eat a price adjustment to the benefits of generating enterprises. "The person said to reporters.

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