Monday 9 January 2012

Diablo 3 Gold calculated according to the 30 million acres HFV

129668688770781250_59China's second-largest corn seed "auspicious first" is suffering a nationwide private breeding to have indiscriminate effects, at least 62 kinds of affiliates in the infringing activity, including well-known enterprises such as China national seed group, Dunhuang seed industry. In November 2011, a real report letter submitted to the Ministry of agriculture, many "lucky first" breeding by illegal copy. "Auspicious first"Is second only to the domestic's second-largest advantage of zhengdan 958 corn variety, variety right person to Institute of science in agriculture in wuwei (), which authorized limited and seed industry in wuwei Gan Xin Wu seed industry in wuwei city technology limited liability company production and management, "auspicious first", Huang Wenlong breeding people with "lucky first" total distribution rights. "Auspicious first" has been in Henan provinceVarieties in Gansu province. On January 1, 2011, by the Department of agriculture plant variety rights certificate, variety right number is: CNA20070293.9 and authority of the Ministry of agriculture, protection of new varieties of plants. However, Huang Wenlong told reporters: "2011" auspicious first "legitimate breeding only about 20,000 acres, but the actual production in more than 300,000 acres while the other 280,000MU is illegal and irregular breeding companies without permission propagation system. "Gansu daily reported October 1 this year," (2009), "lucky, first" seed production area of more than 300,000 acres, (2010) to promote an area of more than 30 million acres, sales of finished third in the national maize varieties. "This reporter interviewed the right person, authorized to carry on business, GanSu province seed the Board was informed that the breeding for many well-known enterprises to participate in the infringement. Among them, Dunhuang seed industry cultivation of infringement "auspicious first" acreage to be almost as much legitimate variety. More bits to be interviewed objects have told reporters that reports submitted to the Ministry of agriculture for almost 3 months, the Ministry of agriculture had not give back, haven't heard suits on measures to combat illegal reproduction. One has seenBreeding experts of the reports stated that: "this may be a infringement of domestic breeding industry's largest-ever. "62 companies infringing companies are private seed in Hexi corridor" auspicious first "seeds, authorized companies only concerns of the two due to informants, this original has not received such reports. But as far as this reporter has learned that this report letter detailing alleged infringement "luckyFirst "seed lists of specific companies, privately breeding systems" auspicious first "area as well as the legal representative of the enterprise. 62 companies famous actor in State-owned enterprises, well-known private enterprises, as well as listed companies. "Auspicious first" variety right who told reporters that the "China national seed group in Zhangye and Dunhuang seed industry subsidiaries engaged in a" propitious, first "seed set of cards. Of whichDunhuang seed propagation of 10,000-20,000 acres of a subsidiary of infringement, China national seed group Zhangye infringement propagation of 5000-6000 acres. "The variety right who said, in addition to these two companies, other companies have production 7000-8000 acres, has seed in Hexi production enterprises. Huang Wenlong told reporters: "this year the ' auspicious first ' seed production areaThere are 300,000 acres, the Gansu daily newspaper has reported. "Retired fellow of Chinese Academy of crop, maize expert ping Tong Asia said:" the ' lucky first ' area of acreage in the country are based on production projections. "Authorities say ' lucky first ' seed production area of 300,000 acres, and kinds of production of about 150 million kilograms, calculated according to the acres sown seeds of 2.5 kg, Can be grown in more than 60 million acres of corn. "Even a fold, calculated according to the 30 million acres, this variety in national corn acreage should be ranked in second place or third place. "In 2010, ahead of" auspicious first "front 335 for zhengdan 958 and jade, jade 335 for the United States improved varieties of pioneer international limited breeding, meaning" auspiciousFirst, "is the second home-made corn seeds. However, "auspicious first" Henan Yuan Qiang said: "this year, the ' lucky first ' breeding base of 500,000 acres, producing 500 million pounds of seed, can grow 100 million acres. Last year, came in second place, breeding may be the first of the year ". But in the more than 300,000 acres of figures are hidden behind a startlingThe facts. Huang Wenlong said the breeding area of about 20,000 acres of legitimate businesses, legitimate only two breeding enterprises, is a branch of seed industry in wuwei city technology limited liability company (seed industry), and the other a-wuwei Gan Xin seed Industries Limited (Gan Xin seed). "Enterprises in seed production in Hexi corridor ' auspicious first ' seed, they mix of technologies are used by us, so heCertainly Torts ". Is China's most important base for maize breeding in Hexi corridor, leading Chinese corn seeds company China national seed group, denghai.NET, Dunhuang seed industry production base is concentrated in the seed industry in the area. Many were suspected of breeding systems "auspicious first" maize seed not only violations of the rights of intellectual property, but also bring to legitimate enterprises on breeding seed distributionInvasive. Huang Wenlong said that last year was more than $ 6 per kilogram of seed, sold $ 5.5-5.6/kg only this year. But this year's production cost jiuhe to 6 Yuan/kg. Huang Wenlong said: "last year's ' lucky first ' breeding there are a hundred thousand of acres, propagation of the variety has made such a big amount, prices will come down. "Yuan Qiang also said:" now go haywire, infringement is very serious, Seeds of alleged copyright infringement has been circulating throughout the country, have a great impact on legitimate seeds. They (Enterprise of infringement) suits high volume, but regular channels we do them. "Yuan Qiang said," auspicious first "have an advantage over zhengdan 958, stable yield, disease resistant diablo 3 gold, high yield, this is likely to affect the country's corn-growing trend. Many companies without permission propagation system "auspicious first", A tremendous amount of "Black households" maize seed sold a large number of circulation will also face a "identity" issue, never dared to blatantly "auspicious first" names for sale. Huang Wenlong said, there is no production License not sold. However, the counterfeit business is own tort seed market. These enterprises will be infringement on the names of seed varieties that are already at their respective companiesSold in, and thus we got away with supervision and combat. Many sets of cards into the stock market, huge hidden risks. "Auspicious first" has only access to varieties of Henan and Gansu provinces, planted in these two provinces is a legitimate breed in other provinces have not been audited. Without official accreditation, meaning that the variety is most likely not appropriate for local planting, farmers could beIn case of a lot of risk. Authorized puzzle Dunhuang seed industry in China national seed group and were unable to produce licenses despite alleged infringement suits seed "auspicious first" enterprise there are 62, as of now, this newspaper interviewed variety rights people, the power of seed companies and related agencies, explicitly informed that only China seed group in Zhangye and two Dunhuang seed industry branch. China national seedGroup is the largest agricultural breeding and sale of companies, Dunhuang seed industry is the main breeding of listed companies in China, the two were accused of allegedly infringing interplanting "auspicious first", was surprised that the outside world. Been reported for infringement suits "auspicious first", November 22, Vice General Manager of China national seed group glacier when interviewed by this reporter's first reaction was "Oh, no, GeneralProduction of others will be authorized, is not authorized, will not do ". Glaciers, upon enquiry, made clear that China national seed group Zhangye branch "lawful authority", "there is a variety rights give authorization, have variety in our archive of records and documents authorized by the right people". However, he did not reveal which varieties are the right people for the authorization. With respect to ChinaSeed group of rapid response, Dunhuang seed industry as listed companies taking an evasive attitude. After days of contact, on November 24, seed Division in Dunhuang seed industry is unwilling to sign woman denied this cards issue, saying: "no, there is no such thing. We seed seed Division and Statistics Division, subsidiary, on this very clearly. Statistics of production area,, Subsidiaries of the seed which, without this variety. "On November 24, Dunhuang Seed seed Fan Hua, Minister of industry, said:" we have no tort, Dunhuang seed industry branch agreement with the Academy in wuwei city and gave them money, not infringement. "In addition, Fan Hua said:" we give propagation system in Henan enterprises zhengdan 958, possibly because 'Lucky first ' is similar, they think, we breed making their ' lucky first '. "Nevertheless, the seeds Division is said that:" consultations last year had been to buy ' auspicious first ' authorized production. Now also in talks with wuwei Academy. "This Fan Hua" Protocol "is at odds. For the above two companies say "authorizations and agreements," Wen HuangDragons and strongly denied the seed industry. Branch Office Director Zhang Zhidong seed industry with more than one consecutive "resolutely cannot and will not be" denied, "among the varieties of the Quartet, any one will not give China seed group Zhangye branch production, who knew". And Huang Wenlong is also made it clear that "in addition to seed and seed industry in Gan Xin, noAuthorization to other enterprises. "Dunhuang seed industry in China national seed group and" licensing agreement "come from, a headless outstanding cases. However, Huang Wenlong and Zhang Zhidong have confirmed, there are now companies for some reason, began to pay the right intellectual property fees, per kg to 1 cents. They pay the intellectual property of company names were not disclosed, but they all expect to lessInsufficient to cover the losses. Fan Hua also said: "branch in accordance with the number of acres now give them money, how much I say is not clear, you need to ask the wuwei Academy. "Safeguarding the varieties difficult to apply for other provinces, the program was trouble for 4 years for test of domestic corn seed market was almost zhengdan 958 and United States first jade 335 occupies. In particular, following theAfter zhengdan 958, weak domestic seed research and development, foreign varieties of great potential for control of China. "Lucky first" appears, it is possible to change this pattern. "Auspicious first" research and development units in wuwei city, Gansu province Academy, formerly known as IAIAS in wuwei city. Wan Tingwen was "auspicious first" research and development facilitator. Branch Office Director Zhang Zhidong seed industry, "said lucky first"Variety right people, including the Quartet: Academy of agricultural sciences is responsible for the technical appraisal in wuwei city, Huang Wenlong is responsible for general distribution, Gan Xin seed industry and weapons section is responsible for the production of seed industry. Wan Tingwen scientists are "lucky first" inventor. Varieties in Gansu province Committee, Deputy Director and Deputy Director of the seed Lixiao Wang said: "municipal research agencies lack of funds, had to find companies Diablo 3 Gold, corporate sponsorshipMoney to support research and development, cooperative enterprises that are expected at that time so well. "With tenacious perseverance, Wan Tingwen finally successfully developed with its partners" auspicious first ". High-yield and stable yield of the variety has a strong resistance, tightness and resistance, in the Northeast, Northwest, showing good adaptability in Huang-Huai-Hai summer area. In April 2009, "auspicious first" by HenanVarieties, and again in January 2011 by registered in Gansu province. On January 1 this year the Department of agriculture plant variety rights certificate, variety, right, to CNA20070293.9. Notice of varieties in Henan province, "according to lucky first" 2007 provincial regional trial (4,000/mu 2 group), the average yield per Mu 604.7kg, than the control of ZhengMore than 958 prolific cent; 2008 continued testing (4,000/mu 2 group), the average per acre 675.3kg than zhengdan more than 958 prolific cent. Crop varieties in Gansu province Committee of the validation notice, "according to lucky first" 2009 maize varieties in regional test in Gansu province, the average per acre 998.2 kg, than the control zhengdan 958 increase 5.4%. In 2010, production test, average 1099.1 kg per acre, than the control varieties yield 9%. According to the current momentum, "auspicious first" is likely to exceed zhengdan 958 of acreage in the first place. According to the Gansu daily newspaper reported: "the ' lucky first ' in just over two years, took the domestic maizeDominate the market, reaching 30 million mu of sown areas, annual yield of maize 720 million kilograms, increase economic benefits of $ 1.08 billion. "For their own research and development of new varieties were tort suits for many well-known enterprises, Wan Tingwen not to say too much, he merely said," I only do research, "auspicious first" quilt cover, I know there's not much. "He suggested reporters foundAmong varieties of Huang Wenlong. A corn expert told a press conference, Wan Tingwen violation did not want to say because so many large enterprises, but nobody can manage. Variety rights and authorized enterprises had never thought of "auspicious first" will have such a good performance, and therefore there is no attention to the application for protection. After the total audited when granted in 2009 in Henan province, many companies have a large number ofTort suits, really wait until the Ministry of agriculture, mandated to protect already too late. Huang Wenlong said: "the varieties have to apply for other provinces, the program was trouble, and take 4 years for test. Even going to the courts, and courts may not be accepted. If litigation win offset compensation a twenty thousand or thirty thousand, were not enough litigation costs money. "Ping Tong Asia said, been received from theThis except for Gansu and Henan provinces throughout the country were not found sale to "auspicious first" variety, is entirely "quilt cover card." "Wuwei Academy of agricultural sciences is a local agricultural scientific research units, tort costs are low, ' cost is too high, units and the variety right who cannot afford ' ability to do justice. "On January 1 this year," lucky first "access to the Ministry of agriculture" plantOf new varieties of certificates ", in order to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of auspicious first, the variety right begins joint seeds in Gansu province authority against infringement suits. Seed authority jointly with the Academy of agricultural sciences in wuwei city, Gansu province IPR protection for a joint office and issued a solemn statement on March 27, saying "Gan Xin seed industry, the armed branch of seed industry is Academy of agriculture in wuwei cityThe only authorized enterprises in Gansu province, with the exception of anything other than the authorized business unit and individual production and sales ' auspicious first ' are infringing. Rights Office will be held accountable for their actions through legal means. " Zhang Zhidong, said: "we are working on how to with these enterprises, and now at the railway station to prevent infringement risk ' auspicious first ' variety of deliveries. "However, the Union activistEncountered some obstacles. Even knowing the seed propagation and sold by the other party is infringing "auspicious first", there is no clear evidence that, because the DNA fingerprint test needs to be done. And even if detected each other varieties of seeds is infringement, because it is within the scope of the national enterprise of alleged copyright infringement, there is no involvement of the Ministry of agriculture and other sectors is difficult to effectively combat. ByIn tort suits of many enterprises, have large circulation throughout the country, rely solely on the thin seed Board stepped in force in Gansu province. So those varieties have been hoping that the Ministry of agriculture to be able to step forward. Variety right who said: "reports were mailed to the Ministry of agriculture for almost 3 months, are now also didn't get a response of the Ministry of agriculture. "Ping Tong said Asia, the Ministry of agriculture provinces can directive typesChild management, seed companies at all levels under the verified production and sales of suits "auspicious first," the size and number. But the Ministry of agriculture has not make a move. However, this reporter learned that, between October 11, the Ministry of agriculture seed Board led Liu Xiyuan, Deputy Director of investigation and national seed base construction in Gansu province, and inspecting in Jiuquan and Zhangye cities for seed production base andNational seed production base for research. Among them, 11th specifically to Dunhuang seed industry research. However, cannot yet confirm whether Liao Xiyuan and auspicious first reported case. Widespread infringement "If seeds were investigated and dealt with the infringement suits, farmers don't seed, grain production will be greatly affected. "In addition" auspicious first "by madness tort suits, most domesticSelling corn seed is difficult to escape. Issued by the Ministry of agriculture, December 2010 survey shows that at that time more than more than 8,700 in seed enterprise, 30% seed company or operating without a permit, or phishing seeds, seeds of tort violations. In seeds of various illegal enterprises, operating without a permit of maize seed market counterfeit seeds, seeds nowLike most serious. "Zhengdan 958" and "Jade 335" is currently in the country's two most popular varieties of maize seed. Investigations revealed that the current domestic production and management of legal "zhengdan 958" and only 4 companies, at least 40 illegal, while jade 335 seeds sold in market are counterfeit varieties with more than half. Golden hundred securities research institutionsReleased on November 23 the Institute newspaper said incomplete statistics, although the promotion of official statistics of zhengdan 958 area of less than 70 million acres, and the actual character area of nearly 100 million acres, proportion of suits to regular species 40%; 335 promotion of official statistics while jade area of less than 40 million acres, but actual characters in an area close to 80 million mu,Proportion of species to the regular number of varieties of 100%. Due to experience a large number of infringement, on March 1, 2009, zhengdan 958 Union activist in Zhengzhou Office "zhengdan 958 Joint Declaration of rights", the variety right only in the country licensed German farmers, seed industry in autumn of Beijing, gold Golden doll doctor seed industry, four units of the variety of production and management of the company, any otherProduction and management of unit or individual zhengdan 958, shall constitute an infringement. However, compared with the above two seeds, "auspicious first" quilt cover more serious infringement breeding area is legal production area of nearly 20 times. It means that the 2012 corn sowing, planted acreage is also legal area of infringement of 20 times. Confusion of the seed market, also Ministry of agricultureStrongly combat. Beginning in 2010, the Ministry of agriculture carried out continuous "seed law enforcement year", regulating the seed market, cracked down on illegal infringement and inferior varieties. However, due to infringement suits entrenched seed industry, the Ministry of agriculture is still difficult to shake tort suits for many companies and well-known seed propagation system secretly. Ping Tong Asia believes that the Ministry of agriculture for two consecutive years as "seed law enforcement year", but all "Heavy hammer of cotton, window swatting, Thunder, rain point, to the grass-roots level have become the drizzle. Power and interest constitutes a chain, the Ministry of agriculture officials also bite ". For enterprise tort interplanted with the Ministry of Agriculture of new varieties of plants, People's Republic of China regulations on the protection of new plant varieties regulations (Department of agriculture) and the crop seed production and operation license managementAct has defined. Department of agriculture seed enforcement is mainly administrative penalties, including seizing illegal seed; such as seed production and operation license revoked. Only in severe cases of suspected of making and selling fake seeds are handed over to judicial authorities for prosecution. In 2007, the Supreme People's Court has the right to new varieties of plants of disputes had made a clear legal provision, the people's courts at all levels shall, in accordance with General principles of civil law the 130thProvisions of article 14 of the judgment. Punishable by up to $ 500,000 in damages, does not rise to penal sanctions. Small penalties result in tort law is very low, it is difficult to combat Enterprise tort suits. Yuan Qiang said: "seeds of agricultural materials owned by the Ministry of agriculture pipes, industrial and commercial sector does not manage. Agricultural combat force will not be too great. "In addition, agricultural materials safety issues and perhaps AgricultureThe crackdown one reason for the weak. Yuan Qiang said, the Ministry of agriculture also cannot fight too hard, "If the seeds were investigated and dealt with the infringement suits, legitimate seeds not being compensated at that time, and farmers no seeds, grain production will be greatly affected. "On November 22, we will present to the Ministry to cover the syllabus, as of this deadline, the Ministry of agriculture is still unable to reply. (2.1... Chi. upon. JI.. road)

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