Monday 9 January 2012

Diablo 3 Power Leveling cutting off many elite schools graduates to serve the country XWX

129668652399062500_59November 27, "study of the country," said national civil servants in China hire public subjects of both a written examination. Diagram is for the national civil service exam site in Taiyuan, Shanxi, five-year plan, the candidates into the examination room. Wei Liang's photography zhongxinwang Zhongguo comprehensive news, November 27, 2012 officially opened today by the national civil service examination of public subjects written exams. Compared with previous years, 2012 exam application popularity has dropped in the year, the central departments in charge of civil service official said, this is the result of the rational examination of the applicants. Recommended reading, cuangdong province chemical plant explosion jumping dozens of meters in diameter mushroom cloud (photo) opposition of many countries of the euro note programme Italy debt yields breakthrough 7% Commission: single to enhance risk management and control non-ferrousMetal Twelve-Five plan will be published: shocking sex scandal counted among global leaders [gushen supremacy] daily limit King surfaced water skin: exam registration of overseas hot money is not optimistic about China's country fever declined applicants more rational national civil service exam registration number surged nearly 42 times for 10 years. Compared with previous years, 2012 exam registration fever isDeclined. According to statistics, 2010 kaozhong, finally passed 1.443 million people qualify, plan hiring 15,526; 2011 1.415 million people through the eligibility review people, hired 16,236 were planned, the actual hiring 15,290 people. 2012: test plans to recruit about 18,000 people, more than the previous two years,Is the calendar year to recruit the largest number of time, but the total number of applicants has decreased over the last two years, by number only about 1.33 million qualify. Competent departments of the central staff, overall, registrations fell back the momentum of surging in the civil service, number of posts published in General tended to be reasonable, no one sit for very few posts, this is the General candidates la razonExam results.����Officials also said that the registration is the main cause of the reduction in the number of hire organs according to demands, set up more scientifically reasonable and specific eligibility criteria, candidates must have to apply for the relevant position. In recent years, a major recruiting civil servants trend is to emphasize the "grass-roots experience" Diablo 3 Gold, the central authorities for two years working experience in personnelIncreasing proportion of hire, last year had reached 85%. This year's policy is more explicit: directly under the central authority and provincial institutions except in special posts, all with more than 2 years of hire officers of grass-roots work experience. For a period of two years of grass-roots experience, audition notice for the first time clearly proposes that the deadline was October 15, 2011 for all grass-roots work experience."Grass-roots experience" to many students on study of the country involved.����Related to calls, more than two years the grass-roots work experience this requirement too "permissible", cutting off many elite schools graduates to serve the country, serving the people of the ideal and should be consulted on the policy provisions of more specialized, to attract talented people to work in the State. Hired to strengthen "moral" examination will be builtApplicants credit archives another major feature of this study was to "good faith" the enemy.����This year will strengthen the examination of safety management, improving recruitment breaches of discipline and personnel information base, establishing recruitment candidates archive integrity. In recent years, cheating, fraud and other irregularities occurred in the civil service examination. In response, the national civil service Council candidates should be required toExamination, strict compliance with the examination discipline, without prohibited items, not to do prohibited activities, had no chance, not to engage in fraud fraud, resolutely resist any participation in the "group" cheat, "" high tech "hideous violation such as cheating.����Examination does not spread, the dissemination of test questions and does not participate in irresponsible online discussions. According to the Bureau in charge of civil servant, 2012:Study on perfect recruitment breaches of discipline and personnel information base, establishing recruitment candidates archive integrity. In addition, in the civil service examinations in the discipline, shall not apply within 5 years the enrollment system will automatically prompt.����Candidates will also record a disciplinary offence, as a basis for recruitment visits. This year, the State civil service exam in addition to changes in test form, inVisit recruitment stage of reform, requires focus on candidates ' "morality" examination became a major attraction. According to the national civil service Council introduced, candidates and political unhealthy moral character, sense of social responsibility, and serving the poor shall not be employed as civil servants. In the process of hiring, calling on all inspected the work of recruiting authorities attach great importance to the hiring, strict hiring investigation control, actively explore the qualitative andInvestigate the ways of combining, ensuring the quality of investigation. Civil Service Bureau said, hired staff by recruiting agencies proposed in accordance with the set procedures and standards from the examination, study and physical examination results of qualified personnel in a comprehensive consideration Diablo 3 Power Leveling, selection determines, and known to the public examination on the website. Publicity contents intended to hire a person's name, sex, admission ticket number, employer or graduationInstitutions also released telephone hotlines, social supervision, public notification period is 7 days. State exams written first is "2 x" mode will become the future civil service examination direction national civil service entrance examination written examination including public accounts, foreign language proficiency and professional accounts. All exam personnel will participate in the public accounts written; took 7 posts in the non-language and the China Banking Regulatory Commission and dispatchAgency personnel, 26th respectively attended the relevant examination this afternoon.����It is learnt that the study exploring the country classification examination by recruiting posts divided into the central organ of the central authorities and institutions, municipalities directly under the provincial (prefecture) level directly under the following agencies, professional strong sectors (unit) in three categories, contents and recruiting policies differ. For professional strong andRecruiting units of non-language posts, in addition to the study of public accounts, according to the need to set up specialist subjects exam. Specialist subjects exam questions are under the direction of the Civil Service Bureau, by the organs of hire according to the characteristics of the system. As applied by the China Banking Regulatory Commission for the first time "2 x" test, "2" refers to the public accounts, expounding, administrative professional ability test, the "x"Mainly refers to the professional examinations and if foreign institutions abroad, such as recruiting posts of non-language such as Japanese, French, an" x "mainly refers to the foreign language test.����Is employers themselves determine exam times in the past, this year it is the first time in examination notice identified the foreign language proficiency test, and specialist subjects in the examination of a specific time. In addition, environmental protection agency, Bureau of meteorology, earthquakes, and other systemsPlans to employ specialized professional positions, such as the nuclear regulation, atmospheric physics, geophysics, and flying airplanes, and other civil aviation specialties, will separate the qualifying mark for designating public accounts, to ensure that the recruitment of professionals. In this connection, relevant experts believe that this classification methods for specialized course examination form to the content of the exam is more specialized on represents a major step forward. "Although thisYears are covered to a small portion of the exam group, but this will become the future study of the country and even a direction of development of the local civil service examinations. "Civil service prompt, public courses written examination results and minimum qualifying points in early January 2012 login through examination topic website. Interview and professionally accounts examination candidate list will be in accordance with the public accounts written examination resultsFrom highest to lowest order. Examinations and professional subjects after the end of the interview, in accordance with the comprehensive results from high to low order to examination and inspection of the candidate.����Comprehensive performance calculated as: public written test score of subjects in the 50%, interviews and specialist subjects of examination results of about 50%. Exam scoring work has been carefully arranged recruitment fully reflect publicFair and competent departments of the central staff said today that over the years, civil service department in charge of promoting fair registration has done a lot of work, particularly in terms of status, sex, residence, nationality, from the institutional level to ensure the fair and impartial. Some job applicants Informatory Notes, is recruiting units based on the goodwill of the applicants are responsible for reminding, is intended toReduced entry of blindness and avoid hiring and separation. In addition, the central authorities and organizations directly under the conditions set by the vast majority of posts are open, reflect a fair and impartial.����If there is only in recent 20% posts made the political landscape requirements, generally for the party's authorities or State bodies engaged in party work, such as individual posts. The official also said thatCivil service recruitment examination scoring a heavy task, the authorities had made careful arrangements, from the national mobilization of a significant number of staff involved in the assessment work. Marking work will commence immediately after the examination. Marking period, departments will be dedicated to an open day, reporters for on-site interviews. Overall scoring and data compilation work is expected to end in January next year,List of accomplishments and interviews will be published when, and do the initial appropriations. Charge reminded the applicants, after the announcement of the results, must pay attention to recruiting agencies inform the interview time, they should not miss. In addition, don't believe in various interviews remedial classes, not to spend a lot of money to attend the training, so as to avoid being taken in.

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