Monday 9 January 2012

diablo 3 gold why they haven't given me any tuition fees and living expenses for 4 years CJV

129668731642812500_66Changchun international trade/cute explosion kill Twitter screenshot claimed to be Fang Hongjin daughter threw his wife abandoned woman a few days ago, on the Twitter one as "eruption kills" of users attracted the attention of Changchun World Trade Center, according to the user be the original CCTV in focus interview with presenter Fang Hong Fang Zhen into daughter, 16 years old, read one. Introducing myself, said: "I am a Fang Hong JinDaughter, my father Fang Hongjin in prosecuting forced my mother divorced, he and my mom forced me miserably, my mother was not well, whenever I see when my mother crying, my heart was so sad. "" Eruption kills "Apart from big Fang Hong in the micro-blogging into the various acts of the past few years, more directly at Fang Hong left his wife and woman, failed in a father's responsibility. Twitter @ Fang Hongjin directly: "Dad, are you fromHome has been 4 years since, last time seeing you in court, you don't recognize me anymore! I was your daughter? Finally swtor power leveling, you have to show his face now! That only through Twitter I get in touch with you! You now have money to update Twitter with the IPAD, why they haven't given me any tuition fees and living expenses for 4 years! Your mother is now in poor health, may need to be hospitalized operations in it? You even a fatherResponsibility could not bear. "Fang Hong into three storms in addition to my wife, weibo Fang Hong was also claimed that year's reasons for divorce:" 05 06 multiple subpoenas to my family, as well as debt against the door, I and my mother is afraid of dying. My mother asked my dad (Fang Hongjin) going on, he ignored my mom! June 06, Fudan, he is followed by aUniversity female students (MUI Xx) in Shanghai static An Ruitai hotel opened room, was I mother seize, and wrote Xia bond said repentance, I mother on forgive has he diablo 3 gold, and also found he in Beijing has woman was he raising with, in I dad (Fang Hongjin) phone SMS in was I mother saw of, 07 he asked I mother to money, (is for I reading of only is money) I mother does not to, he on using family violence, I want to make the 110 alarm, he knelt down to beg my mother, my mother having regard to his face and forgave him. December 07, my father (Fang Hongjin) undue cast abandoned me and my mom, 08 new year's Eve that I talk to my mom in Beijing (five star) jinglun hotel to find him, he ignored us, stop the car and ran, has yet to find him. "In order to verify the true identity of the user, longSpring international trade attempted to contact "eruption kills" failed, but her tweets in reply to acknowledge that he is the daughter of Fang Hong Fang Zhen, in order to find a father for the cost of living, open microblogging seeking the father. Authenticity and progress for the event, Changchun international trade will continue to pay attention! ()

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