Thursday 12 January 2012

Diablo 3 Power Leveling IPTV AER

129615079015312500_700UT SI dakang Xie Yonghong, Deputy Chief Executive (left) and SINA technology facilitator, Kang Zhao (right), SINA Tech News 2011 communications exhibition opens today, Vice President of UT SI dakang Xie Yonghong visit SINA "CEO online" interview, said the China industry and industry interests very deep trenches, three networks convergence real progressIn the widely expected. Following is the interview record: SINA technology: Honourable friends Hello! 20th China international telecommunications equipment fair began today, we site ' Sina technology exhibition guests invite important guests "President online" interview, now we invites to an important participant, This is the UT SI dakang Vice President Mr Xie Yonghong, sum thanks NET friend asked a good first!  Xie Yonghong: Honourable friends Hello! SINA technology: UT SI dakang is famous for a device in the communication industry manufacturers, of course, the past production of PHS phones, there are some other GSM dual-mode mobile phone and PHS are produced, UT SI dakang is now a brand new UT SI dakang, two days before conducted a restructuring, UT SI dakang participate in the fair every year, will the TSE total this year on UT SI dakang communications exhibition showcases what kinds of products and solutions? ThanksYong: UT SI dakang participate in ITU basically do not drop, it can be considered a frequent flyer, but UT history is with one climax following another course, we have very brilliant and very large, and now our basic entrepreneurial company again positioned himself as. Telecommunications show, we exhibited newly developed a systemNew products, collectively say we have a four-screen fusion-based, cloud computing platform for Internet TV solutions, and interactive TV, IPTV products are still in star wars the old republic power leveling, in the field of IPTV we still has a market share of nearly 30%, this is a very important product direction. PTM (multi-Business lease network (based on PON, EPON) broadband products and integrated Terminal, Terminal system is an open platform, this time based on cloud theory and development of new products, is the high definition video-conferencing.  Is this some new things. SINA technology: UT SI dakang now overNET punch on TV, very large we now ask UT SI dakang future core businesses and mainstream direction is which? Xie Yonghong: IPTV and Internet TV on the core technology is the same, IP-based video and audio technology, which is UT's technical expertise. On industry trends, the three networks thawIs a big trend of IP technology is irresistible trend of the application of IP technology, both in television and wireless communications, cable communications as well as broadcast applications, IP applications increasingly high, we all know the trends, also believe that technology. Overall, UT SI dakang is played out IPTV as tonePositioning the company's future development trends and strategies. We'll do something based on such understanding, UT cloud solutions, IPTV, interactive TV, Internet TV, high definition video conference, and so on, we saw that it was designed around the technical core IP-based video and audio to expand, under this trend,All users need to forward through the things we all do.  SINA technology: I used to remember the "triple play" policy when introduced, many manufacturers are cheer, recent triple play and not to raise, how you feel about the latest "triple play" of progress, has not lost your mind? Xie Yonghong:Recently launched "triple" are early last year January 1, industry think was a major revolutionary thing, but reality we think its progress is below the generally expected, this causes of very well understand, because China industry and industry interests very deep trenches, not paper documentsBe able to fill it. But in the context of this is not good, we should also see its development results, such as the entire national IPTV user numbers are growing rapidly, as long as active places, such as Shanghai and Guangzhou to millions of users development, and a very rapid development speed. In Yunnan, ChinaIPTV are doing good on.  SINA technology: Unicom whether IPTV?  Xie Yonghong: is also proceeding.  SINA technology: do index this year? Xie Yonghong: I don't know, I don't know the operators of big boss strategy, overall high low, some positive and some provinces do notPositive, such a phenomenon?  SINA technology: UT SI dakang development on the broadband device is very good, we would like to ask about the PDN facilities, UT SI dakang specifics now. Xie Yonghong: PDN products is our business product of the fusion of a carrier network, we in the international marketMarket share on the considerable, especially in Japan, and Taiwan Diablo 3 Power Leveling, and India, South-East Asia in these countries, the market share of our own sales may be greater than some of the market of big brother, this product is ideal for telecom operators "triple play" environment using a product, weHope this base continuing their victorious pursuit to expand our market share, getting more benefits for the company.  From the perspective of research and development we will also actively involved in development of next-generation products. SINA technology: I would like to ask a question restructuring, as we all know, UT SI dakang globally are off many inefficientUnder the sector or branch, including the United States headquarters, the relevant departments and agencies in Europe, in the process have you encountered resistance? And how to overcome the solve it?  Now the final what if? Xie Yonghong: I think anywhere you want to close a company or branch must be a resistance, firstLocal staff, the Government will have resistance, but I think that the UT is as you say the transition since last year, an action of this transformation is important is that we must not create profitable business contraction, simplicity Simple Fire, traditional business needs its profits, if long-Profit or not profitable, and this off from any commercial logic, it's important to do one thing, so it's difficult as we all do. Our global headquarters have moved to Beijing, is a prerequisite for Beijing Government into funding, which is for the company's development is very good. It makes our gamesCamps cost much less let us close to customers faster, making our decision-making mechanisms, making our decision-making system more smoothly. UTD market some of the problems in the past, United States headquarters of the views and opinions of China's headquarters, and so on, and now our company is a simplistic, then venture capital company, from what IHuman point of view, I very strongly believe that UT tomorrow will be very good. SINA technology: I UT SI dakang earnings in the second quarter of this year also appear profitable, this is a very good momentum, as do sincerely wish UT SI dakang possible today due to time constraints, our end of the interview hereFinally, Xie Yonghong: thank you friends, please pay more attention to UT.  Thank you! SINA technology: best wishes thanks total career more and brilliant, this visit to talk about this, thank you!  Good bye! Xie Yonghong: thank you!

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