Sunday 8 January 2012

swtor credits once things go wrong QBB

129668600972187500_32, 25th United States credit rating agency standard and poor's downgrade Belgium's credit rating swtor power leveling, while Belgium is a national of a State of extremely high savings rate, as far as Belgium's Central Bank statistics, the first half of 2011, Belgium savings of up to 180% per cent of GDP, the EU's largest. But p the move feels the euro-zone debt crisisThe momentum spread from South to North.  Ben line on China Radio International, Brussels press conference Raymond King, described Belgium's credit downgrade. Reporter: standard and poor's 25th Belgium's sovereign credit ratings from "AA" down to the "AA" and Belgium's credit rating Outlook from "stable" reducing "negative", which means the futureIs likely to cut Belgium's credit. Sovereign credit downgrade of three main reasons: first, Belgium assistance de g summer Bank agreements may have to go wrong, which makes it possible to bring greater financial risk; second Billy since the general elections of June 13 last year has failed to form a Government swtor credits, that is 18 months in a State of no official Government. There is no federal constitutionalGovernment House, Belgium on financial market regulation capabilities will be limited; the third reason is: under the influence of European debt crisis, Belgium's economic growth may be slowing.   Main capital stocks (eleven-twenty fifths) unit fled to cut meat must regret having sudden boom is not likely in a move investors Gospel: hold stocks saved! Moderator: in that case, BelgiumThe debt problem is very serious?  Belgium to form a Government if there had been any progress? Reporter: in fact, Belgium economic and debt position belongs to one of the best countries in the eurozone countries. Belgium laitemu, caretaker Prime Minister said, annotations and poor's downgrade Belgium's credit rating is to be expected, no big deal, even if cut, BelgiumSovereign credit is still one of the best in euro area countries. Laitemu pointed out that the sovereign credit downgrade may actually be a good thing, it can enable Belgium all political parties to take immediate action, through fiscal 2012 budget. We know that the Belgium Government has failed to build up, at present the most significant obstacle is the Dutch political parties with the French-speaking parties in 2012 financialCounting differences seriously. Once the two sides reached a consensus on the budget, to form a Government last obstacles are automatically eliminated. Laitemu's argument has been printing inspection. 26th, which is sovereign credit less than 24 hours after being downgraded, Belgium parties 2012 budget came to an agreement. Not only that, the various political parties in 2013, and three4 budget and Belgium agreed long-term structural reform plan also.  Under these budgets, Belgium 2012 fiscal deficit from this year's 3.6% fell to cent per cent of GDP, and by 2015 budget without a deficit. Moderator: Belgium's credit was reduced, for the evolution of the European debt crisis will have littleThe impact? Reporter: has just said, in the eurozone countries, Belgium's State of the economy is relatively healthy, its debt level is not high. Sovereign credit downgrade 2012 budget is the main cause of delays in the introduction, as well as 18 months without Government. Now, since the two questions had been settled, Belgium is not unlikely to debt crisisMachine.  As might be expected is that after a sovereign credit downgrade Monday Belgium 10-year bond yields rise may occur, but this may be temporary, as Belgium political crisis eliminated, Belgium 10-year bond yields will return to normal, or 3% a bit more. Belgium's credit was on the psychological effects may be limited only to lower. ItsIndeed, European debt crisis the biggest hidden dangers are Italy, as Italy's economy is large, once things go wrong, does not afford to lose or to save the eurozone is not live. In recent weeks, the debt crisis has spread to the core countries of momentum, because of the spread of the euro area countries on how to deal with the debt crisis has yet to be reached. France and other countries to issue common eurozone bondsAnd implemented by the European Central Bank "quantitative easing". But Germany and other countries strongly opposed. On the key issue of how to deal with the debt crisis, euro-zone countries do not agree, the debt crisis will spread from day. Consensus is the key to: benefit from the euro in the first decade of Germany now has to "bleed" to come up with more money to help national.

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