Tuesday 27 December 2011


129667889756240392_394International rating agency standard and poor's (StandardOne-twenty fifth) unit fled to cut meat must regret having sudden boom is not likely in a move investors Gospel: hold stocks saved the old republic power leveling! P, cut Belgium rating reflects the funding pressure to reproduce the credit risk and market risk, also reflected the Administration's ability to deal with possible economic pressures at home and abroad led to increased risk. In addition star wars the old republic power leveling, Belgium's economic growth will slowIncreased rates of budgetary situation caused by increased credit risk. The Agency said, Belgium to open economies in the eurozone and therefore extremely vulnerable to the effects of weakening external demand.  Expected Belgium's economic growth will slow in 2012, the country's 2011 budget deficit is expected near 3.6% in the share of GDP. Belgium's Finance MinisterSubsequently stated that biaopu lowered the rating of the country enhancing the leaders of the need to quickly reach agreement on budget for 2012.

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