Friday 23 December 2011

after yet more than half a year in the past

129667837401084142_242The State Council, "38th" rectifying the Exchange Commission was asked to lead on November 24, the State Council officially released "38th" on reorganization of the various trading sites effectively guard against financial risks of the decision, saying she would straighten up property rights Exchange, cultural art trade and forward trading of commodities, and other trading venues。 Recommended reading absolute let Qin Hailu cousin worth billions of people on Earth 15 face collapse [photo] hit super model underwear advertisement film scene [photo] counting the world's top too wide [photo] Japan legends of ten most beautiful women in history [photos] United Kingdom temperament of men like make-up woman [PIC] counting charitable wealthy home [photos] [map]However, after the State Council officially issued, Tianjin culture exchanges of works of art remain fearless policy risks, says a new batch of works of art share listing has been approved. Tianjin Exchange: no fear policy risks to the issue of new shares to the State Council "38th" explicitly pointed out that, with the exception established by law or approved by the State Council of the stock exchange financial productsTrading venues outside of the transaction, any interest in trading floors shall be any split into equal shares public offering shall not adopt a centralized price bidding, market makers, and other centralized trading means transactions; interest shall not be in accordance with the standard trading unit begin trading, any selling after investors buy or sell after buying the same trades time interval shall not be less than 5 business days.When this policy is still blowing stage, the exchanges had been a rainy day, Han and Tang dynasty art suspension for all trades since Tuesday, November 20 the Hunan Exchange has previously issued two works of art share in cleared.   More Exchange is in a wait state, waiting for developments. However, "the lead in big brother" Tianjin Exchange is still normal operationMake.   "38th" published the same day, issued a notice of the Tianjin Exchange, said a group of art through works of art painting classes share listing audited by the Audit Committee, the listing will be announced in notice. Tianjin Exchange this one can't help but speculation already has "died", so he has risen to policy risk, still selling new works of art share. It was reported that theTianjin Municipal Government officials have indicated to the media, Tianjin was approved by the State Council of the financial reform and innovation of new coastal area by one pilot. However, the Tianjin Exchange's market remains depressed, funding is inactive. Closing as of yesterday, Tianjin trading all 4 shares dropped below their IPO price of works of art, the former star of "roaring of the Yellow River" and "Yan Saiqiu" had fallen to $ 2The following, the scenery is no longer. Reporter's observation of works of art share transactions in the "drum flower" game Mr Lo was among the first to try to "Tianjin Exchange" mode of the investor, with more than 1 million admission, earn a little more than their departure of most of the funds profits, with the other tens of thousands of dollars all in Yellow River roaring (20,001), after yet more than half a year in the past, whichInvestment has lost more than 20,000 yuan, "there may be 10,000 to thousands of it, I now do not care about it. "Mr Lo said.   Together with Mr Lo and the entry of friends also walked 7788. "Cultural exchange" pattern along the way, many investors invest is a work of art also is involved in a money chase game? A senior Exchange mode castChinese argued that because of the future cash flow unpredictable art swtor power leveling, market low realisation, collection-specific attributes such as hard copy and valuation cannot be quantified, it is difficult to find references in the art market, the real price and collectibles market is seriously out of so few investors will want to "Exchange" share delisting of works of art or buy art directly from this channel."For now, art share trading is more like a round of funding and capital transactions, drumming fancy trading patterns into the mainstream, real value is reduced by securitization.   "People in the industry the old republic power leveling, Mr Chan said. Tianjin Exchange was first established, low threshold, popular and liberal trading rules let art investment niche market into mass revelry, however thisYears in March decided to revise rule under the Tianjin Exchange in a variety of pressures, increase 10 times, strict control of the threshold market price system for "t-0" trading patterns become "cloud". Rule too restrictive limits the activity of market deregulation will face more pressure, which is around the problems in the Exchange were more or less. Although later set up cultural exchangeIs constantly improving, but still has many problems, it is the way in exploring the best trading patterns.

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