Saturday 3 December 2011

and then threw to the unmarried men

129668731939843750_308Online results, Chongqing guy married United States bridal bride from the United States in Atlanta, in accordance with the United States Customs, spot off the bride and groom garter threw to unmarried men yesterday, Jiangbei district, a hotel, Chongqing's boy and United States girl Wed. Reporter Gan chivalric dragonsoft uptake "in the United States Customs of marriage, the groom to bride woreGarter took off, and then threw to the unmarried men, let us in this ceremony.   "Yesterday at noon, in a hotel in the North, a special wedding held here, saying it, especially because the bride from the United States in Atlanta diablo 3 gold, the groom is Chongqing people, and they are the results across the network. Single men scrambling for garters at noon yesterday, from the United States, AtlantaMs Bai (Chinese surname), and Chongqing people, under the witness of many friends and family diablo 3 gold, went into the Palace of a happy marriage.   Wedding scene as the music plays, Hua Tong led the couple in a sound of blessing, slowly walked to the front of witnesses, was the start of a new chapter in life. "In the United States has a custom, Garter of the bride and groom need to take off,And then threw to unmarried men.   "A number of single men standing at the feet of early, hoping to get the couple's wishes. The bride and groom results for network "through online we know, after meeting both sides feel is very good, gradually developing into a lover. "The bridegroom said, 2.5 years ago, themselves through hundred ladies met and dating network. At that time, he in ChengduCompanies doing sales work, and from the United States in Atlanta, hundreds of women in Chengdu, a school to teach English. "She gave me the first impression, it is very good, very attractive to me.   "Two people in love at first sight, after six months, two people formalize the relationship. "My parents are very open-minded, not against us because the bride is a foreigner. "The bridegroom said, parentsHe held, it is also an important cause of both of them got here. Two people communicating normally in Chinese then, back to the development of Chongqing.   Because both love each other deeply, offsite separates over time, hundreds of women like it decided that the left has spent 8 years in Chengdu, Yan came to Chongqing. On November 11 Singles DayDays, and the two have held a warm wedding in Chengdu.   The bride's family came from the United States arrived for the wedding scene, blessing the couple. "How do you usually exchange occurs: language barriers?   "Mr Yan admits, his English is better than less, only a few simple words and short sentence. Because hundreds of women have been living for many years in Chengdu, and whenA school to teach English, Chinese have made it very smooth, and both are communicating in Chinese, there are no language barriers. Reporter Shen Zhou Yang trainees dilute ()

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