Saturday 24 December 2011

for example

129667840447490392_101And equity funds compared to the performance of the net value of a double dip, Bond Fund robust rebound in the near future trend attracts more investors eye. Among them, convertible bond funds swtor power leveling, ratings of debt-debt-base hot varieties. Debt base steadily rebounding four quarters of this year, in the brisk market liquidity policy pre-speed fine tuning background, haze unit debt the two cities both out early, bottomed out. From the resultsPerformance and soundness of debt-based most of the characteristics of outstanding, average net won the first prize in the growth rates in all major categories of funds. Basis under the impact of market performance, bond funds, maintain better upward momentum since October, according to statistics, since the four-quarter debt based on average net growth rate of 3.44%, all investment types debt base madeVarying degrees of positive returns. This, of course, also benefited from government bonds or bonds, convertible bonds, and other enterprises bond market indexes also rose. Brave the convertible bond fund in late October, with the rebound of the stock and bond market improvement in the overall environment, many varieties of convertible bonds start rising, became the vanguard of the rally, all the main cast of the convertible bond fund NET also rebounded sharply. Currently on the marketWords clearly marked with a convertible bond in the name of the Fund products total 7 only, total size of nearly $ 12 billion. Observing this 7 already in operation in the convertible bond fund, according to statistics, from 2% per cent net increase since October. Number one is Bo convertible bond enhancement Fund, the Fund has growth of 5.51%. This level of yield gaps and their position distribution, Investment strategies have a great relationship. Three quarterly analysis we can see, Bo convertible bond increased its convertible bond positions at 71%, with bank transfer debt accounted for about 57%. Fixed-income Department considered that the Boshi Fund, the stock market continues to bounce higher probability of, convertible bond valuations are very low, even if the stock market correction, defensive of the convertible bond will also play a role. Current convertible bond market is still inRepair phase, all debts generally rose. However, with the market development the old republic power leveling, investment, will try to avoid poor fundamentals of convertible bond varieties. Recently a growing number of research institutions raise convertible bond market bottoming point of view, they think in the long run, a rising cycle of the current convertible bond or starting point, in the context of bonds established, stocks rebound at the bottom, the convertible bond is betterInvestment targets. CITIC Securities is clear in the inquiry report, for example, think of the next 3-6 month investment window, can still hold the convertible bond to go up. Rating debt based popular according to the data, September average raise of new fund size to $ 731 million, October average raise of new fund size of $ 531 million, as of November 22, November new fund raising averageSize of $ 939 million. Distribution in the Fund in the winter of the just-concluded tianhong Fengli debt raising base, its first raised more than $ 1.6 billion. Rating debt based in great demand, with their high class a share of annualised agreed rate of return-related. It is learnt that the tianhong under another classification of debt based tianhong Tim Lee is about to open again on December 2. Add Lee a contract year yields a1.3 times of the year Bank term deposit interest rates, at the current 3.5% year fixed deposit interest rates to be considered, Tim Lee a annualised yield of 4.55%. Followed is that Bo Yu CHEUNG when class a share of the debt based on December 9, ushering in the first open day. Compared with the percentage placing release half a year ago, Yu Xiang after a the open purchase, second-cycle agreed at an annualised rate of returnMust be improved. Yu Xiang a the annualised agreed rate for one year fixed deposit rate plus 1.5%, during the week before their contract yields reached 4.75%, because central banks plus interest at a time during this period, according to the latest deposit interest rate calculation, Yu Xiang a the annual contract yields had risen to 5%.

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