Sunday 25 December 2011

with the frequent occurrence of safety accidents.   Throughout these incidents

129668731727656250_173Turn the Yarlung zangbo River outdoor exploration is gradually becoming a new favorite adventure travel is a challenging recreational activity. However, as amateur adventure tourism surged, with the frequent occurrence of safety accidents.   Throughout these incidents, all reflected the absence of supervision.   "Industry Spotlight" adventure travel who happened to tube? Text/Chai Ying's photography/Zhang Yong people reside in the bustling city, tired of wagons and tumultuous life and would like to find a quiet place and full of amazing stimulation experience the fun adventure. In recent years, adventure travel, outdoor sports fashion, buddy/PAL a family walking South, foods, seeking the uninhabited land, becoming tourist fashion leader, has attracted many followers. This BrigadeTours often with peculiar natural environment in the background, initiative participation is a challenge to personal abilities.   Is the upgrade version of travel behavior. Adventure tourism and sight-seeing trip, passive type of urban landscapes, cultural heritage, theme parks, natural landscapes and other forms of more tourism than single, participatory and strong experience. Adventure travel to relatively pure natural environment companyVaried, rich in content and adventure tourism can be a not on the ordinary road inner experience. Ms Zhang in an enterprise in Shandong province, was very happy to participate in this form of tourism, her home community of frequent users have called "posts", she will usually break holidays to attend. In her view package tour fixed-line, exciting point could not be found, but with adventure travelTours fill her curiosity was piqued. Rise of this activity, expand markets for tourism and sports industries, increasing the variety of attractive has opened up a new space. However, this form has a century of history in a foreign country, forming a complete set of operation and management mode, while China has only just started, coupled with the lack of institutional, regulatory, significant risks and challenges come。 Frequent accidents of several lives tour on November 4, called the "Shenyang Declaration" of donkey friends outdoors information online cover: "my first ' donkey ' faces of death.   "The day the accident happened, strangers Shenyang 13-member delegation met 3 donkey friend of Anshan, all Anshan uphill journey. When boarding first rock surface and weReady to break the process, the tragedy happened. A donkey called Anshan friends from more than 50 meters high, nearly 70-degree slope of rock wall tumbled down. During the rescue, the medical practitioner has announced that the donkey friend that no vital signs.   It is understood that this donkey friends was the first to climb the steep slope, carry a rope backpack, he was prepared to peer hanging rope, resulting in their coverage. In this yearIn July, made up of 12 MOS donkey friend expedition, when walking through territory of dangtu County, Anhui Province maanshan Hengshan trapped in the mountains. After receiving the alarm call, local government and firefighters and forest protection staff night rally, and successfully rescued 12 trapped personnel. Is swtor power leveling, unfortunately, one of the Ma On Shan nationality donkey friend, takes too long to heat stroke, after rescuing invalid deaths。   These 12 donkey friends know each other, they're using QQ Group appointment, the morning of July 23 company climb Hengshan, they only took a lunch on the way. In August, over more than 10, "donkey" Friends Group climbing relieves summer heat, "team leader" does not know the road, covered more than 20 kilometres away the unnecessary long way one has travelled, huanglong TAM night lost in the Lushan mountain in Jiangxi province. After nearly 10 hours on foot,Several of these "donkeys" due to Burnout is left behind and was eventually trapped in pitch dark Dragon pond in the mountains. On walking activity of "donkey", more like experience exploring large tracts of scenes: Hornet, heavy rain, Thunder and lightning, and 构词成分。 measures, and the female donkey fell from 4 meters height.   Finally in search and rescue under police escort, was safely out of the forest. As self-help groupsArbitrary in the way, no doubt for these civil spontaneous adventure tourism planted a huge risk. "Convenor", "team leader" is a professional, in the event of accidents, the consequences unimaginable. Some senior "donkey" friends called friends traveling is actually personal at low prices to attract customers, operating without any safety and security. Together with organizing disorder, poorly regulated some adventure tourismLives tour. Unordered travel abuse not be plucked from various adventure tourism or call the Organization of outdoor activities is free. Under various names, QQ Group, mobile phone or the Web site, such as forums, communities, organization of outdoor activities, as long as the Internet can find the "call" or "registration". One of those outdoor equipment shops, clubs and organizations,Launched over a network or QQ groups release lines, or even real estate company and dating agencies are also to purchase, relatives and friends mission organized in the form of adventure tourism.   At present, in adventure tourism visitor known as the "leader" and "donkeys" who 90% no qualification, Web site operators do not have a legal qualification of engaging in this behavior. Meanwhile, the relevant competent ministriesDoor does not have a related administrative measures or regulations, is also a lack of legal constraints, led to various local sports, and tourism management departments and industrial and commercial administration departments it difficult for the outdoor adventure tourism markets and effective supervision over. Therefore, Beijing, Shanghai's many outdoor Club only advisory information services company, club or outdoor companies on behalf of the industrial and commercial registration. The public accountsFormer industrial and commercial registration national outdoor sports club is only a dozen, there is no charge of examination and approval. Tourism adventure sports departmental management, or tour the departmental management, is "outdoor" or "travel" has no formal statement. More rescue and insurance responsibilities vested in no clear. Around the Sports Council for outdoor sports, the regulations are not comprehensive enough, in addition to mountain climbing,Diving, water rafting, movement introduced a number of things, the rest of the outdoor sports, it is still considered institutional gaps. This led to disorderly proliferation of outdoor exploration. Website, QQ Group, posting of adventure tourism activities such as registration fees, accommodation fees charged fees, gasoline, guided tours, ranging from dozens of dollars to hundreds of dollars charges, "team leader" and "donkeys" usually work weekendsDelegation of a dozen to hundreds of people traveling.   Post said AA and exemption clauses, for the purpose of this practice and to escape legal action, was not able to provide professional security. "Donkey" xiaoxie said: "when I look at these travel called, mainly to see the places to go, whether or not, did not want to see the leader of the qualification. "In fact, and there is no strict leaderCertification system, rights disputes and hotbeds of safety accidents occurring frequently. Perfecting the system of supervision is urgent in recent years, "donkey" adventure high incidence of accidents in distress. According to the China outdoor safety accident survey of incomplete statistics, the 2010 outdoor accidents in China a total of 182, outdoor accidents mainly concentrated in the summer and autumn, in October was accidentHigh frequency period.   More than half is due to get lost along the way, accounted for more than outdoor accidents 51.6%.   As the popularity of outdoor sports, on the establishment and improvement of professional rescue system is also put forward higher requirements. It is understood that in outdoor sports, such as development of the earlier European and American countries, after decades of perfecting currently has basically formed a complete set of rescue system in the field. These organizationsIs comprised of professionals with extensive mountaineering experience, regular and close liaison and cooperation such as fire, police, medical, rescue work in charge of outdoor exploration. In other countries, travel irregularities "donkey friend" when at risk, the Government will immediately dispatched search and rescue team to search and rescue, but was rescued by the parties, will face severe penalties. The industry believes, for similar violationsOutdoor activities, must be punished, a warning role to play.   Overall, Governments need to for-profit adventure travel, outdoor sports organizers, businesses including some men, for the common good, solid profit-making websites, clubs, legal supervision system. Who is eligible when the leader? Who is eligible for audit team leaders? These issues should be as soon as possibleA clear statement. At present, there are coaching certificate or qualification certificate, issued by the State Sport General Administration of the outdoor development training division of the China Mountaineering Association certified alpine guide qualification certificate, qualification, recognised by the Chinese Red Cross basic first aid qualifications, as well as tourist guide qualification certificate of China National Tourism Administration. Experts believe that for adventure tourism, a high risk activity, these types of qualification should have.In addition, adventure tourism activities involve broad, involving the home, sports, business, tourism, transport and so on, who's going to lead management, define, and how to perfect the regulations as soon as possible. Top priority is to make adventure tourism activities as an industry, in China on the Organization and establish a strict selection, training, assessment, certification and permission system, is strictly prohibited without lack of qualifications and qualification organization thisSuch activities. Participating members have to examine field survival, and make it secure basic protection.   At the same time, should study and formulate relevant laws as soon as possible, clear event organizers and participants and other parties should bear the responsibility and obligation to make adventure tourism activities for compliance. Known risks in order to not risk the other day on adventure tourism-related issues, this reporter interviewed Beijing birds far outdoors furnitureClub Chairman and Executive Director of the China expedition Association Zhang yuanhui. He founded the Club, was first approved by the Secretary for trade and industry developing adventure tourism outdoor sport clubs, adventure tourism pioneer, in more than 10 years of history, the security service in the industry won a good reputation and credibility. At home and abroad for them self-driving tour and bicycle tourWalk adventure, successively through five hundred or six hundred lines, in adventure tourism activities in so far there is no "accident". Zhang yuanhui herself was a senior "leader", has been 48 years old this year. He personally led to six or seven times a year, he loves most is tourism in Western China the old republic power leveling, he had a total of 69 times in Tibet, he stretched out his hand, you can see from lack of oxygen without full finger, He meets and no regrets. His life attached to selection of outdoor sports, do adventure tourism is always a loss in the first place.   Peers are all operating equipment, and he is always doing is adventure tourism, not for profit purpose. Zhang yuanhui Chairman said, "2012, new year and Spring Festival will be held on foot turn Jarroux zangbo great activities, including hiking tour near10 kilometers, the beautiful scenery along the Canyon, to undergo several suspension bridges and beautiful waterfalls. "It was unexpected that, at this time it was a cold winter, and this was the most beautiful tourist quarter of the year. Low altitude here, belonging to the sub-tropical climate, four seasons remains Evergreen. Chairman said this season is more than three quarters of 构词成分。 measures, it would not be appropriate because the spring and summer and autumn, and winter not, suitableIn the wild to make camp, walking. Participation in activities higher than the average cost of travel.   Whom to back, wizards of the cost, accompanied by "team leader" to match more than one person, service personnel, coupled with activities only organizations small teams of more than 20 people at a time, not large, relatively high cost. Chairman said his business philosophy is respect for life, responsibility over aCutting. He worked for a travel plan has made more than 30 more carefully prepared programmes do, such as common is: there is no gasoline, fresh water, food, what should I do? How to deal with extreme weather occur? Do not call what should I do? What tire? Need to rescue Tiandeng can think of a problem. For the initial journey, he's in the pipeline and then multiply by 2. Such as the Plains hundreds of publicIn the road, a dozen liters of oil, and first tour of road are not familiar with, will walk, it is necessary to multiply by 2.   If you are exploring, plus 1 time times more, to have sufficient reserves of oil. Flashlight is the most important demands on travel activity, preferably headlamp, even if it is active during the day, but also to make his "team leader" by night to prepare, this detail is ' accident emergencyGreat help. In addition, master knowledge of adventure tourism is the most important. All natural disasters, in addition to earthquake cannot predict, other phenomena have threatened, this experienced leader at any time around the observation. When the flood came a noise, road collapse is in loose soil, which appeared to predict to quickly escape. Must not be at the dry rivers and low-lying tents for the night. The coldCold nights out for the night to rub limbs before sleep. He advocated in adventure tourism, select is close to nature and choice is the challenge, the choice is to hone the will, choice of solidarity.   He is willing to memorable travel experiences, happiness and all his companions to share. Editorial calls for establishing access to outdoor adventure leadership system at presentThat "donkey" events of frequent accidents in distress: the people, and lay leader of outdoor sports "collar" to where? To ensure that "donkey" security, the Government of the urgent need to strengthen the relevant departments on outdoor adventure travel guide, specifications, so as to establish adventure tourism safety and security standards, qualification cognizance and access imposed on organizers of the expedition, and the various scenic spots will be a security riskEvaluation, publicity.   Facing a lot of "donkey" activities initiated over the network, and the Web Forum is not responsible for the identification of "donkeys" with outdoor exploration experience, availability of the necessary skills, equipment, and other issues, organizers of the need for Government or industry associations on activities to qualification cognizance and establish admittance system, checks from the source to ensure that "donkey" active security. Along with theThe popularity of outdoor adventure tourism activities, involving more and more people, "donkey" footprint has become increasingly distant, many uninhabited mountain, Canyon, wilderness, "donkey" friends are good place for adventure tourism, and tourism management departments, industry associations and local governments should carry out their security regulatory obligations, security risk assessment of the various scenic spots, publicity, and provides geographic, gasSupporting services such as conditional information. Only really improve the national and local laws and regulations, sports clubs and other kinds of expedition behavior regulated management of organizational structure, personnel, professional training system sound for outdoor adventure enthusiasts, adventure tourism, "hard" situation can really change. ()

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