Wednesday 21 December 2011

reported by reporter Sun Ran

129668732718437500_36New Tokyo, November 27 (reported by reporter Sun Ran) Japan Kyoto University and other institutions survey, flows through Fukushima Abukuma-gawa estuary in August this year with an average daily inflow to the sea was 52.5 billion bequerels of radioactive cesium. Tokyo electric power company in April of this year to places with high concentrations of radioactive high priority for the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear accidents generated low-level radioactive effluents discharged intoThe sea. It is learnt that the sewage discharge in April totaled 84 billion bequerels of radioactive materials, and the mouth is only 2 days of emissions exceeds this value. Abukuma-gawa 239-kilometer in length, is East Japan region's second-largest river. Drainage area of 5,400 square kilometers, most polluted area of Fukushima nuclear accidents are included. Abukuma-gawa along the fukshima, living city and Fukushima City NorthShang swtor power leveling, after gongchengxian rocks in biogas flows into the Pacific Ocean. Located in the city of rocks of biogas estuary from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power station 70 km. Japan Ministry of education, culture, science and commissioned, Kyoto University and other institutions in June-August period investigated the middle reaches of the Abukuma-gawa, near the mouth of the tributary and radioactive caesium content in water, mouth of the estimated average daily inflow to the sea 29.1 billion bequerels of cesium-137And 23.4 billion bequerels of cesium-134. According to researcher analyst in March this year emissions into the atmosphere of radioactive cesium in a nuclear accident mainly in the form of rain fall to the surface, after rain water into the River. However, due to 90% of cesium attached to the sediment in the water and subsequently flows, with the continuous deposition of sediment star wars the old republic, caesium content in river water is gradually reduced. Kyoto University researchers say, For immediate progress in monitoring and control of radioactive material into the River, with particular attention to focus on River ecosystem. The radioactive material into the River will continue for some time.

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