Monday 26 March 2012

diablo 3 gold which means that the real estate prices per unit area is still growing - VDQ

129765814574432915_75Every economic or financial crisis, is not a simple repetition of history. With the constant deepening of marketization and globalization, crisis ever-tangled and complicated many factors, socio-economic and financial destruction is more difficult to measure. Therefore, China may be destroyed by a financial crisis or industry into "middle-income trap" freedom of speech is not sensational. Precious metals standardBefore the dominant currency in the 1970 of the 20th century diablo 3 gold, directly to the outbreak of the economic crisis for the industry crisis, including global trade flourished in the 1930 of the 20th century, addressing industry crisis is asking for is market space, and often resort to war and the reopening of the market for international coordination, and recover quickly. But the industry crisis is often caused by chain under credit currency debt crisisMachines, banking crisis, currency crisis and the financial crisis, is essentially a crisis of confidence. Restoration of confidence is not so extensive and far-reaching impact on the socio-economic. The Latin American debt crisis in the 1980 of the 20th century, mankind has entered the era of credit money first industrial crises led to the financial crisis. In particular in South-East Asia, the financial crisis is originated from an industry in crisis�� In the 10 years since the late 80 's, out of the debt crisis in Latin America at the same time, Yen in push Japan industry globalization also has gone through two busts that sapped, the economy remains weak, and promote two of the Soviet-German reunification Germany have enough to do to look after oneself, had just signed a free trade agreement in North America at the end of 1994, began to experience Mexico financial crisis-Click. Global economic fundamentals weakened, Southeast Asia depend on United States exports electronic processing of information industry development appears full contraction. In 1996, the South-East Asian export growth fell from 22.8% to 5.6%, Thailand is also cool down to 3%, Thailand, and Malaysia, the Philippines, Indonesia's current-account deficit share of the GDP was 11.2% and, 8.7%, 5%, external debt accounts for GDP up to, 46%, and 54%, respectively, and a significant proportion flows to real estate investment, real estate States generally up to 20% per cent of total bank loans loans, resulting from labour-intensive to capital-intensive products developed in the early 1990 of the 20th century transformation of strategic plan implementation delayedSlow, sharp decline in the economic growth rate from the previous 8%-9%, and even negative growth. Thus, South-East Asia by the industrial crisis of capital flight, made a sharp devaluation in the currency and asset markets fall sharply, experienced more than the transformation of economic growth mode and the loss of much larger industry of senior Tigers. South-East of China's current economic situation and the late in the 1990 of the 20th centuryAsian countries are similar! Global credit chain "deleveraging" trigger decline in total global consumption, as well as Europe and the "industrialization" manufacturing caused by reflux has been caused by China's export environment deteriorated, and slow China's economic restructuring and industrial upgrading. At the same time, continued regulation of real estate and real estate development investment increased in 2011 of the harvest 27.9%Long, sales area and the amount of sales growth and 4.3%, respectively, which means that the real estate prices per unit area is still growing, proportion of real estate loans accounting for loans of commercial banks is still maintained for two consecutive years in 25%. Meanwhile, the construction of railways and highways asset-liability ratio as high as above and 58% respectively, maturity mismatch of assets and liabilitiesLike seriously. And at all levels of Government for fear of many uncompleted work may cause loss of assets, have to continue to finance follow-up project, subject to the powers of the Government banks sinking deeper and deeper. Despite having a huge foreign exchange reserve of China may be able to avoid the collapse of the exchange rate turbulence, but adjustment of the industrial structure and to improve the balance sheet of banks and Government departments, which is obviously than the Southeast Asian financialThe crisis is much more difficult. Online statement Gold: gold online reprint of the above content, does not indicate that confirm the description, for investors ' reference only and does not constitute investment advice. Investor operations accordingly, at your own risk. Others:

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