Saturday 10 March 2012

wot power leveling namely that we estimate for the whole year - TCM

129756355715312500_34Reporters Ren Ping Cui Ye drawing according to the latest industry data, only in February, Bank began merchant offering financial products, particularly large growth in line. However, due to the outflow of deposits on the negative impact of the net interest margin, profitability decreased markedly after the Bank absorbs funds. And regulators increasingly strict supervision on financial products, Bank designAnd the difficulty of selling financial products is also increasing.  Although total funds under the current financial products is still growing, but the slowdown in growth is expected in the second half of 2012. Net outflow of deposits affected net interest-bearing bank rate statistics, February financial product circulation has been out of the trough in January, began a full recovery. Circulation of currency, foreign currency products rallied, YuanProduct gains Super-30%. 1899 total offering financial products of commercial banks in the month, rose 30.2%, an increase of 27.7%. February 2012 banks denominated products total 1710, rose 30.2%; issue 189 foreign currency products, rose 26.4%. In a large percentage of foreign currencyIn the euro and the Australian dollar issuance rose exceed 100%; $ issue 66, rose 53.5%; sum of product release 34, rose 88.9%. Large State-owned joint-stock banks in February continued to punch, financing products issued over 30%, ahead of other banks. State-owned banks to issue 679 in the month, less than 35.8%, rose 60.9%, joint-stock commercial banks to issue 735, 38.7%, rose 14.7%, city commercial banks to issue 452, 23.8%, rose 22.5%; foreign banks to issue 33, 1.7%, rose 26.9%. The top 15 banks issued a total of 1353Product, than 71.2%.  Circulation in the top three of the banks are: Bank of China (3.01,-0.01,-0.33%), industrial and commercial bank (4.32,-0.02,-0.46%) and the Bank (6.41,-0.08,-1.23%). Reporters noted that the Bank trusts class of low-risk propertyIs a non-traditional savings products, its rate of return is higher than bank deposit rates, but the corresponding risk is also higher. Finance products raised separate deposits of funds and general management. Some banking products are structured deposits, by the Bank on behalf of the investment funds, investment targets and direction details in the product promotion material. In most domestic banks financing products are not structuralDeposit funds but more financial products bundled into one pool of bank assets under management. "The outflow of deposit savings account on the Bank's net interest margin has a negative impact on loan than in the 70% Cap close above especially in smaller banks, because of this one small bank sources of funds in the interbank market, or insurance companies and other non-silverRow agreement deposit of funds, and higher funding costs.  "Standard Chartered Bank (micro-blogging) analysis of normal sea-shuo thinks. According to the analysis of the industry on the banks of the 2011 inter-bank deposits and agreement with an average cost of about 3%, while ordinary customers deposit cost only 1.8%. "Based on these data, assuming that an additional 5%Structural shift in total deposits to financial products, so in theory the Bank's net interest margin declined approximately 5 basis points, or net income fell by 3%, this decline cannot rely on financial product distribution and sales costs decrease.  "Fan Hai Shuo says. Issue fight data bank financing products statistics were slightly "confusion". If a third-party data and bank assetsRegistration data of a table are different.  According to the 2011 third-quarter monetary policy report of the people's Bank, at the end of September 2011, off-balance sheet banking increased to a total of 3.3 trillion yuan, equivalent to the total deposits of 4.2%, 9.7% of total resident deposits and increase of 927.5 billion yuan in early 2011. One silverInternal sources, mostly recorded off balance sheet financial products. For example, the first half of 2011, three major State-owned banks amounted to 6.8 trillion yuan of financial products. Assuming an average for a period of 2 months, these three banks financing products 2.3 trillion yuan in total. But they only entered on the balance sheet of the 597 billion yuan, Equivalent to the total estimates of $ 26%. Assuming that representatives of three of the Bank's financial products accounting practices of most banks (that is, about cent of products entered in the balance sheet, 26% recorded in off-balance sheet), off-balance sheet total at the end of the third quarter of 2011 financial products about RMB $ 3.3 trillion calculations, at the end of the third quarter of 2011 product fundsTotal, included in the balance sheet and off-balance sheet is approximately $ 4.4 trillion yuan.  Coupled with the issuance of financial products in the fourth quarter, namely that we estimate for the whole year: 4.5-5 trillion yuan, equivalent to ordinary deposits 5.6-6.2%, 12.7-14.2% of total resident deposits. Reporter noted that this estimate is significantly differentThird-party data services in Chengdu Puyi 16.5 trillion Yuan released estimates of wealth. "Pu yi of wealth of financial product information is subject to industry-recognized, but $ 16.5 trillion yuan, a figure was announced for 2011 release total, it should not be confused with the stock of products. Confusion because most of the products are of short term。 According to Puyi's wealth of data, within 1 month of the period, 30% 1-3 months 30%, another reason is Puyi wealth data appears to be included on the balance sheet of financial products, including off-balance sheet, outside of people's data bank contains only tables. "Fan Hai shuo thinks," according to the definition of the people's Bank and bank financial disclosure, we recognizeUsually only the capital preservation products entered in the balance sheet of banks, banks do not officially bear the credit risk of the product are recorded in off-balance sheet. In this way, most of the products are classified as off-balance sheet products. Note that the table is not a means of funds go, still under the items of assets and liabilities, but who will formally assume the credit risk. This is one of the common misconceptions. "Why did the Bank of thinMore pin-thin margin, why do banks take time and energy "promotion"? "In the past few years banking product offering has been increased, because at the end of each month the Bank to complete the loan than the 75% examination. Eligible taking into account loan than a few types of deposits, Bank funds by issuing could turn to unqualified qualified deposit products to competitionDeposit. In other words, the banks financing products to absorb deposits and to design the product, so that the product is exactly the funds be transferred to ordinary deposit that can be included in the deposit and loan expires. Point in time you want to check of the CBRC Bank loan than for, usually in the month. The competition for deposits, together with the people's Bank in the interbank market hedging, financial managementProduct yields driven up the near-market interest rates.  "This is Standard Chartered Bank global research perspectives. Another power comes from tight loan limits. In 2011, the Bank can sell loans on trust loan assets from the balance sheet transfer and loan financing with financial products. However, the regulator has since began working specification for silverFinance products.  Third-largest dynamic banks want to retain high personal and corporate customers through financial products, both attracted by high income and flexibility of financial products. In order to enhance the appeal of their own in the near future, banks dished online financial management to enhance public convenience of purchase. Shanghai Pudong Development Bank (micro-blogging) (9.34,-0.10,-1.06%) To fully upgrade the personal Internet banking system, has launched the "personal Internet banking". With the help of the online financial platform, customers with Shanghai Pudong development bank account you can login and enjoy the Pudong comprehensive account management and investment banking services, no longer to the Pudong development bank counter or online banking go through the Agency launched procedures world of tanks power leveling, greatly simplifying the customer operation processes. The Bank CommissionMeter display, launched less than 20 days, there are more than 150,000 people opened the financial press. Shanghai Bank has recently launched a self-registration open online banking functionality. Personal customer login to the portal site, according to the online instructions easy operation, you can self register opened a personal network, customers can enjoy including: account query, the same name as the account money mutual fund purchase, redemption, purchaseBuy bonds, financial product purchased redemption, loan inquiry, credit card queries and handling savings money, precious metals trading and third party custody business, many agents online banking services. Foreign Bank, Nanyang Commercial Bank (China) in the recent comprehensive revision of personal Internet banking, adding features without having to buy financial products online. Such as South China push"Hui yi", "Yi", "flexible period", a variety of different threshold amounts and duration of capital preservation products, personal Internet Banking can be purchased after the revision.  Customers only have debit card in South China, and opened the personal Internet banking, you can easily purchase online. Risk for most people to own alarm sounds and the banks frequentlyDished out a higher-yielding financial products of welcome wot power leveling, because traditional deposit rate has been low, bank financing products improve investor returns. However, it has sounded the alarm in the industry. "Based on the experience of other markets around the world wot power leveling, banking crisis caused by fierce competition for deposits, Bank commitments made here cannot safely deliver. If on wealth management productsFunds of about 5-6.5% estimate is correct, we think is the need for prudential regulation of financial products.  "Standard Chartered global research department said. Reporters learned, there is an associated risk is banks ' credit risk. Legally, the Bank offering financial products to most of the products are not responsible for direct credit risk. More than half of the products is not guaranteed. But what isWorrying is, if return is not good, investors may claim that the Bank to sell them products that do not fit, even if this claim there is no evidence, the Bank may also take the initiative of reconciliation.  Many banks offering financial products literature only vaguely describes how the capital investment, in the event of disputes, banks may not be fully charged information disclosure. At present, the China Banking Regulatory Commission will also notBroken code for the issuance of financial products, focused on limiting riskier assets in the asset pool type, and banks to evade the restrictions of asset types. Circulating in the industry has recently been guiding China Banking Regulatory Commission halted loan types of assets and loans. "Most of the time, higher-risk loans – loans to the real estate sector in particular, are often extremely high interest rates, sufficient to cover the financing productsReturn on 5-6%. CBRC also is said to have prohibited inter-company loans, designed to prevent banks bear the credit risk of these loans. "One industry source said.

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