Friday 23 March 2012

tera power leveling from - LDI

129764878491718750_3921 of 2012 Games industry industry trends (Authorized by the State of the game in this article reprinted, the original address author: Jon JordanGDC on 2012 brings together a variety of news, views, opinions and conjecture, these concerns are a trend of mobile games industry in the next few months. I willA summary of the whole General Assembly with an overview of 21 topics, including trends since childhood to the extended comments about how the industry changes. GDC-2012 (from 1 interest, concern, rather than capital investment over the past 12 months, there is a trend that has become clear. GDC 2012Many free game developers point out that now does not aim to profit when they test the game. They released beta version of the game, concerned about the retention rate and the transformation of early indicators, ensuring products to be able to attract and retain users. Let players through the tutorials have become a key element. According to companies like ngmoco's argument, if the playing mechanism is good enough, enough of the game interesting,Gaming profits was not difficult. NimbleBit and Imangi using the Tiny Tower and the Temple had confirmed the idea of the right of the Run. In both games, players pay in order to be able to get in the game faster progress, but developers can also benefit. 2, game operations life cycleFree games into the mobile platform has for two years, so many developers publicly about the possibility of this type of game operations for many years was no surprise. These contents and lifetime value (the State of the game: the LTV) index-related. If your games have been more than 1 year, then you will know how much profit can be obtained from the active players every year, this number will reflect the fundingGold flow and user access, and other key indicators. Some games may be in operation for a long time to be successful. 2011 tera power leveling, for example, United States list of iPhone game revenue is the first Pocket Tap Zoo, Gems, but this game was released in September 2010. PlayFirst DinerDash, released in March 2009, but did not usher in peak earnings until January 2012. 3, rise of the game to mobile phones as a platform for true rapid development of the game seems to be in 2012. This situation mainly occurs in the United States, their trends more clearly. At the end of 2011, the developer of the Slotomania PlaytikA bought by Caesars, Big Fish also just buy the Card of the Ace Casino developers are Self Aware Games,Zynga is aiming in this direction. It is clear that many companies involved in this area lies in its huge profits. You might expect from an average gambler who get $ 150 return,But ordinary mobile game LTV is only about $ 20. 4, Apple's problems from the profit perspective, iOS is still the most effective platform, but developers found on the platform a bit vexing problems. False IAP from Apple on China this problem not as (State of the game: there are reports that this problem has affected the United States developer), the "connivance"Third party violations manipulating the ranking problems, inefficient response to infringements of the game, Game Center defect situations such as you can see, Apple on detail of importance seems to be less than in the past. 5, the negative effects of the new iPad, like Epic, and Fishlabs, MadFinger, NaturalMotioN and Revo Solutions high-end developers will like the new iPad feature to its extreme. But the Retina screen means, if the developer is not for product optimization, image texture dimension will be affected. This will also greatly affect the download size of the application, some companies have made the application of 2 GB, and the new iPadMaximum capacity of 64 GB. And old processing capabilities of the iPad seems to have now is too low, it is difficult to support certain high end game. Of course, this kind of divisive and Android system, but still be disruptive not to be ignored. It would appear that the new iPad has become too something superior and hard to manage. 6 now, network effects,Still more development has been put into the cross-promotion platform, will have a greater role in promoting the field of user gets. Point is that why Applifier and Chartboost for a variety of commercial services, and the large flow of some products of the developer is willing to use this valuable resource. Existing examples include Future gAmes of Future Games of London Network (State of the game: there are 25 million users), and Crescent Moon RPG Publisher and New Zealand developer PikPok also is developing its own private network. United Kingdom consulting firm Tenshi also is developing its own network�� Similarly, also with new members joining daily application, for example Iddiction App-o-Day service was launched. 7 cross-promotion, market analysis data with network marketing techniques and data appears. In this area, the industry has been in a Flurry, App Annie and Distimo. Now, addingMetricmine and App Rank companies. You can get a lot of information about the application and the app store. 8, battle between the giant mobile phone content area has in many cases are obvious, there are many things that we cannot directly see, but we can analyse the potential direction and momentum. On the GDC, and manyEnjoy them on Apple, Google and Facebook the 3 giants of world war. Of course, Amazon and Microsoft and other companies are likely to have a major impact on industry. Personally, I feel that in many ways they influence is not as great as many people think. For example, only the iOS version of Bejeweled blitz 20%Compared with their friends using the Facebook Connect option scores, although this is a cross-platform social gaming. More specifically, now there is no clear evidence that these giant games business as a high priority development objectives. Before this happens, they may also be just the sleeping giant. 9, the concept of the platform if you wantFind a title in this GDC 2012 vocabulary words, that is, "platform". But the problem is, any content network with a comprehensive service that can be called "platforms", its true it is difficult to define the concept. A direct competitive relationship of Mobage is a subsidiary of DeNA and GREE, GREE using FacebookMap, even though Facebook is a potential competitor for them. Other platforms include Apple's Game Center iOS special move Scoreloop, papaya, BlackBerry, The9 ' s Game Zone (State of the game: subsidiary of OpenFeint platform) and iDreamSkSkynet, and many Chinese platform y. New podium Sulake's Habbo Hotel, Zynga's platform of the same name, as well as the Origin of the EA. In a sense, the platform is a winner-take-all areas of the field. In fact, mobile gamers are likely to use multiple platforms, choice of platforms depending onAt their age, the type of geographic location and like to play games. However, this is only part of the business-oriented consumers. Tapjoy, companies such as Fisku and GetJar has also focused on consumer and trading platform, is obtained from the user, so that at least, Storm8 and Pocket Gems, social gamesPlayer issued a city trying to be retained in their gaming network. As mentioned before, this would be similar to Chartboost, Applifier and FreeAppADay cross-promotion services. Even the Nvidia and Qualcomm chip companies are active in this area, theyTrading scheme has its own content and consumer marketing support services. Furthermore, app store can also be considered a platform because its recommended list and the list of key users get drivers. From the point of view, the platform is the industry, rather than of a specific company. 10, making good games, in fact, discussion platforms, and too many profits to no avail, you first need to have aExcellent product. Now, cell phones are becoming more and more complex game play and interaction, but with reasonable marketing can make users familiar with. However, the Tiny Wings and the Temple of the Run is successful, indicate that simple ideas can get the user's attention, and do not require a large amount of marketing can achieve. templE-run (from on the GDC, I see a lot of small companies will still all concentrate on making good games, this is really a great thing. 11, game development and marketing "making games is the most simple thing, marketing game is the most difficult thing. "But the developer is currently in these two areas will remain inGreat challenge. 12, China and Russia so many companies China's population, and mobile phone and IT has compensated, Tencent, ninetowns, papaya floodgates to move, companies such as CocoaChina and iDreamSky, which is not surprising, but Russia Corporation is really unexpected. G5 EntertaiNment and Alawar company has been known for in the industry. Similarly successful there is pure game company Game Insight (State of the game: Android platform games of the main development of the company), and i-free and other Internet companies have begun to extend business into mobile phone games. Focus on theseCompany targeted not targeted at the domestic market, they want to be success in European and North American markets. Progress GDC 2012 is the first of 13 and BlackBerry developers focus on BlackBerry game development to the General Assembly. BB10 PlayBook and game strategy attracted the attention of many people, not to mention the company published a number of new devices, the BlackBerry has become a developmentDiscuss more frequently a topic. A Studio tells me, 2012, their profits in the BlackBerry platform is expected to be more than Android. Main reason is that BlackBerry focuses on high-end prepaid game (game state Note: piracy of the Android platform have stifled the living space of the game). In addition, application of technology, excellent stabilityShops and promotion system and higher games price that the company attaches the BlackBerry platform, while BlackBerry application installation is not very optimistic. Half a year ago, you can't expect to BlackBerry game developer attention. 14, bubbles rise in 2011 a lot of mobile social gaming company, for example, Storm8, TinyCo, pOcket Gems, and Funzio and CrowdStar. They raised a lot of VC funding, and its input to the iOS in the market, access to the hundreds of millions of players. Developers also discussed potential mergers, acquisitions, and billions of dollars this year valuation of the company. Although many that worked quite well in such companies, most notably is the PocKET Gems, their iPhone game 2011 list of top revenue 1th-4th place, but in fact the bubble has burst. Part of the reason is VC company turned its attention to mobile phones and other areas of the game, another part of the reason is that these developers burn speeds increase, because the user gets the cost has increased significantly. They put on the market in theAre similar products, and many companies also face a basic production issues, such as the need to develop and publish the iOS and Android versions. Zynga diablo 3 power leveling, DeNA, and GREE company stationed in the mobile game market is also more difficult to the survival of the company, recruiting excellent staff costs increase. We look forward to 2012, here to recoverOn the merger and acquisition transactions can become real. Although the valuation of these companies may not be billions of, but hundreds of millions of dollars shouldn't be a problem. 15, into hot topic for mobile games, mobile game, GDC discussion 2012 may be the best time, because next year may not be such a good environment. Large hosting company is going to remain silent before the E3,Games can fill this vacuum. Next year, we may see a GDC talk more about middleware technologies and surreal images. 16, the right tools, we can see that middleware companies are now all hosts to support iPad 2 class hardware as part of their core business. United Kingdom instant illumination specialist Geomerics is aFor example, the company's Enlighten engine (State of the game: the battlefield 3 using engines) are ready to publish the application supports iOS version. There are other companies have the same approach, despite differences in mobile phone business models and opportunities between host and technical means that they need to make changes. Discussion about ID 17, 2012 Games industry's mostBig changes will be Apple to abandon the use of its Unique Device hardware ID (game state Note: hereinafter UDID). UDID-Pro (from and no one knows why Apple should do, and no one share contingency measures for preparing, but almost all the developers are exploring variousSolutions. However, removing the UDID accuracy means that all analysis will be affected, which would undermine the incentive actions to cross-promotion, advertising, and marketing decision. Problems are so obvious, developers seem to be trying to create a common industry standards, middleware vendors are trying to provide your own personalized solutions. However, if theseProgramme could not play a role, the user gets a sharp increase in costs. 18 industrial past, crazy, I think that the "crazy" the adjective only modified Peter Vesterbacka of Rovio. With the rapid growth of the industry, the word now available to more and more products cosmetic. Many companies in the area have expressed theirExpect the 2012 Games earnings to twice, which is typical of Zynga. 19, back on the core elements in the Games Forum, I try to invent new words "free core level", but unfortunately failed. Point is, "paying value added" (State of the game: the word comes from "paid" "freemium") is not appropriate, "free levelsThe core "is a three-level method, described in the core game play free, skills based on time, not paid to unlock additional content, and game currency (State of the game: the currency or money can buy directly from the game) game. However, nowadays more and more companies claim that they are stationed in the area of mobile phone games free, focuses on meeting the core players of the gameNeeds through mobile phone platform to present the "core" elements. For example, Aeria online games such as Mobile Facebook game companies such as companies, Kabam, Industrial hosts field start-up companies such as Toys, they have a Storm8, Glu Mobile and Z2Live compete for this areaIdea. EA Mobile head Mitch Lasky before move to illustrate this point. He pointed out that, as long as the concept and the quality of the game in accordance with audience demand, successful PC games like the heroes Union can obtain higher profitability and retention rates than Facebook game, also more able to attract the user's attention. 20, globalization and developmentAnd localization of thinking this is a very easy to understand. Successful mobile game developers and publishers will make your game now supports 8 languages at least, supports 10 languages the game is also not uncommon. 5 European languages in addition to the core, but also Japanese, Korean, Chinese, Poland and the Russian language version. 21, don't underestimate the value of user user access toProblems of agony to many developers. If you force strangers on the street to experience the game, this seems to be a very embarrassing things. However, access to users and does not necessarily need to do. Let people publish high scores on Twitter or tell a friend to download and experience the Draw Something or the Words WithFriends, this is the best way to build a user base. Draw-something (from but for most developers, through the App Store to get the exposure of the game, you need to wait too long. App store recommended of course can helpYou attract user attention, but does not ensure access to users. This is the developers refer to this process as "user gets" reasons. Is to spend money to attract user attention, whether FreeAppADay, through the incentive to install, standard of the Tapjoy mobile ads or other similar services, by their very nature are so. The problem is that as the industry profitabilityGrowing, many well-funded company monopoly for these services, at least in the short term to achieve monopoly. Most recent example is tera gold, Zynga released huge amounts for the Dream of the Heights purchase user all available channels. Similarly, GREE will also take much of its platform as much as $ 50 million marketing budget on the input to the user gets�� Not only will users get the average cost increase to the extent to which makes it difficult for many people to bear, and might also lead to smaller companies unable to build up their own business. Fortunately, like Zynga and even big companies are now coming in GREE not fully dominate the market, but unfortunately in the next few months, they will try to achieve this goal. According toMinistry sources, accurately measure user long term value is a difficult thing. But Zynga on Facebook's success, and GREE, DeNA in Japan on the social network's success shows that, if this effect, which is the shortcut to the construction of large high-profit company. (This article is game bang/ seriesTranslation, reject any reservation of copyright to reproduce, if you need to reprint contact: State of the game) Others:

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