Friday 30 March 2012

diablo 3 power leveling taking into account the proposed injection - CVB

129762943202656250_105Shuanghui development: turning point performance is long-term growth without worry Important: performance has dropped last year, but the link up of quarterly growth last year, taking into account the proposed injection, GE Capital, revenues slightly increased, but net profit fell 56.06%, mostly because of 3.15 events affecting the progress of sales and profitability, prices rose sharply leading to acquisition of live pigs and pig, slaughter decreased. But, quarterly diablo 3 gold, 2 quarter taking a pounding, 3,4 step by step recovery, growth in revenues from negative to positive, narrowing from 172.36% per cent decline in net profit, and 17.73%. Profitability increased significantly after the reorganization: large-value transactions with the controlling shareholder seriously affecting company profitability before restructuring. If the restructuring is successful, associated purchase amounts at the main businesses as a proportion of the cost of goods 70% dropTo 10% tera gold, plus cold product in the share of meat production increased profitability markedly increased. Last year, assuming that the complete reorganization in early period, net interest rate of 4.05%, before the reorganization of 1.71%. Worry-free performance growth: zhiqian, double fine segmentation of meeting tried to open up fresh meat market, and developing special sales channels such as stores, shangchao, but because demand failed to keep pace withAnd capacity utilization is not high cause a rise in profitability difficulties. This year, according to the actual situation diablo 3 power leveling, double sinks adopted a pragmatic strategy, including more women farmers ' markets and increasing the proportion of killed pig meat, and adjust products structure and focus on developing top ten brands. Pro Forma Earnings forecast, the company is based on a on August 31 last year, relatively pessimistic, we think that the pigSlaughter reached 15.5 million and sold 1.85 million tons of meat products should have no problems. In the long run, driving sustainable growth mainly comes from the performance: is after the restructuring, management consistent with the concerns of investors, and equity incentive plan. Second, meat products in meat production as a whole, the proportion is about 10%, about developed countries generally 40%, Great room for growth. Third, low concentration of industry, particularly in the slaughter industry. The "Twelve-Five" period, government restrictions on construction of small capacity, increase the intensity of backward production capacity out, leading enterprises as the largest beneficiaries. Investment recommendations and ratings take into account the proposed injection, GE Capital, forecast, company EPS to $ 3.08, 4.06, 2012-2014,In the latest closing price, PE about 22.26, 16.86 kg, giving the "recommended" investment rating. Due to the expected 1-quarter growth this year was not obvious, recommended that investors 1 quarterly gradually after intervention. Risk to food safety issues, pig price fluctuation exceeds expectations, new production commissioned to progress, and so on. Others:

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