Friday 30 March 2012

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129773160544531250_213Rural bank card market is implementing the relevant Central peoples Bank building "strong" and "benefiting", "the rich peasants" spirit of the deployment, further expansion of the coverage of the modernization of payment services, important measures for accelerating the financial payment services for urban and rural integration process. In recent years, the Jinan branch of people's Bank had continued payments environment construction in rural areas of Shandong Province "advancing years," "advancing years," "Promoting years "and" double-hundred-goal year "campaign, to promote services of bank card and withdrawal, actively promoting the innovation of rural financial services, explore promotion in line with rural characteristics of payment products swtor gold, effectively promoting the development of credit card market in rural area in Shandong, overall improvement of rural payments environment. Bank card market is rapidly expanding in rural areas it is understood, for rapid promotion-silverCard withdrawal service in 2010, Pingdu, Qingdao, Jinan branch of people's Bank nancunzhen bank card withdrawal service pilot, explore formed a general agricultural withdrawals of main features of networking services "Qingdao mode", for the majority of pilot regional farmers face a "doorstep banking" convenient financial services, also provided for the farm or the promotion of nationalA useful reference. In 2011, the line further in Shandong province to promote services of bank card and withdrawal in the province determines 111 as a banking institution or the acquiring institution, promoting the establishment of cash service points 10,041, handling cash transactions 4.7289 million items in the amount of $ 876 million, preliminary estimates for farmers in the province cost-savings withdrawals$ 30 million. Statistics show that at the end of January 2012, at county level and the following areas of Shandong province cloth merchant POS machine 398400 units, an increase of 64.97%; per capita card holder up to 1.21, an increase of 40.7%. Reporters noted that the coverage for further modernization of payment services, pedestrian 2012 Jinan branchPay environmental construction for rural area of Shandong Province "double hundred target years", village financial infrastructure layout for the first task, focus on improving the efficient use of financial tools, improve service quality, motivate and arouse the enthusiasm of financial institutions to join the market for payment services in rural areas, achieving financial infrastructure in villages of Shandong province 100% full coverage, cent of counties the following types of banking institutionsPaid participation in rural environmental construction of "double hundred". County bank card acceptance environment continues to improve in Jinan Branch actively promoted and guided, in Shandong province, Shandong branch of the agricultural Bank and China UnionPay, UnionPay Shandong branch of Commerce to carry out strategic cooperation, and to expand market for payment services in rural areas, devote major efforts to developing rural bank card business, strengthening the financial services innovation,Payment amount the rapid growth in rural areas. Shandong provincial rural credit cooperative Union Association as innovate, research and develop and promote a set of features such as savings, pay the payment in one of the farmers ' self-service terminal, the terminal equipment based on its small deposit and withdrawals, transfers, self-service features such as payment and remittance of passbooks and bank card-oriented features. So far, the province has to install the self-service Terminal 5851, effectively fill the blank of the province's rural financial services, enable the peasants at the door handle the deposit withdrawals, transfers, and other basic settlement business. Shandong provincial branch of ABC for no network coverage of villages and towns of the region, promoting "benefiting a cartoon three rural financial service" and "settlement account double-seal", "transfer call (POS) small supermarket", and"Benefiting self-service banking" and other modes, providing round-the-clock financial services for rural residents. Shandong provincial branch of the postal savings bank using "easy" device, such as a bank teller services, effectively solve difficulty in small rural areas, guarantee benefiting farmers to quickly and easily get the Government funds. As of January 2012, the line had been set up to help farmers and withdrawal service2,857, teller transaction number 47,600, enquiry number 93,500, transaction amounts to $ 10.1845 million. According to statistics diablo 3 power leveling, as of now, 70,000 in Shandong province in the suggestion box, there are 55,000 administrative villages in the cloth of a monetary payment service terminal, the village infrastructure up to 1.5, administrative villages in financial infrastructure coverage in more than 75%. Expand Jinan branch of people's bank card market-related rural Bank official told reporters, followed in their work "steady progress in demand, from easy to difficult," principle, combining active "new agriculture" and "new" folk customs and habits around the benefiting countries such as policy implementation and, radiating through County countryside and local pilot demonstration counties promoting the building of a comprehensiveWay, suiting measures to local conditions in the province's large trade and agricultural products wholesale market settlement areas such as acquisition, extension telephone POS credit card and online bank non-cash instruments such as bank card portfolio, promote the formation of well-known "mode of Shouguang city", "former financial services into the community" and "in shanghe farmer self-help service area" each with their own characteristics tera gold, such as non-cash knotsCalculation mode. According to statistics, at the end of January this year, rural area of Shandong province 90.77 million bank cards issued, an increase of 52.48%, open online banking 11.3185 million, up 85.23%. In addition, it will also guide the Shandong provincial rural credit cooperative Union Association first in the official opening of the national characteristics of migrant workers in province-wide bank card services, is a foreignWorking farmers "out to make money, home and withdrawal" convenient financial services. At the end of 2011, system of rural credit cooperative in Shandong province and postal savings banks accept migrant workers more than bank card business outlets up to more than 7,500 special service, serving accepted features of credit card business of 2.829 million new Trojan in the amount of $ 1.61 billion. In 2012, Jinan branchAccording to "achieve administrative villages in the province 100% full coverage of financial infrastructure, 100% County in the following banking institutions into the payment environment construction in rural areas", "double hundred targets year" goals, increase the synergies with relevant government departments, fully arouse the enthusiasm of all financial institutions involved in the construction, initiative and helping to expand the County following bank card market, built in a province-wideSet up convenient, safe and efficient rural financial service system. Online statement Gold: gold online reprint of the above content, does not indicate that confirm the description, for investors ' reference only and does not constitute investment advice. Investor operations accordingly, at your own risk. Others:

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