Thursday 22 March 2012

tera power leveling rose and 1.83% - AGV

129764343203593750_9Market ready, two funds worth highlighting (list) mobile phone free March 16, 2012 Fund newsroom to view comment == introduction == this article "online Gold Fund net contributors" Shanghai-based closed 3851.25 points, down 0.73%; Closed in deep Foundation 4527.22, by 0.68%. Traditional closed-end funds: almost fell. Yinfeng by 1.7% Fund, the largest decline; Fund hongyang tera gold, Fund to fund new century, anshun, Hing Wah Estate tera gold, funds of the Fund traditional fengji kerui about 10% more than 1%. Fund pufeng down 0.13%,-minimum. Funds pass only dry rose 0.23% is the only traditional fengji rose. >> Market market yesterday continued decline to fund fell near 70% (this page) | base means a lower rebound pioneer gears up Shanghai-based on Thursday closed down 0.73%| base refers to the two cities both fall this year >> investment strategy fund debt-base dominated | " Takakura Fund "highlighted Dragon beginning Christian Democratic value configured soundDebt-based >> fund focus Fund, Development Fund for short-term financing products | talent flow (1) (2) market continued decline to fund nearly falls on 15th 70%, lower low in the market, prior to continued decline, trading funds in the field near 70% falls. Cathay Pacific credit benefit grade a, b are both falling market rose sharply, up respectively and 1.83%%; Lever unit movements tera power leveling, debt-based differentiation, lever unit-based universal closed down, leveraged debt matrix generally closed up. Yesterday, Shanghai Fund Index closed at 3851.25 points, down 0.73%; index of Shenzhen Stock Exchange Fund closed at 4527.22 points, down 0.68%. Traditional closed-end funds with the exception of the two cities also fell outside the Fund through dry up 0.23%. Silver Fund decreases the maximum, Or 1.7%. Innovation Fund 60% down. Cathay Pacific credit ratings of mutual benefit both a, b falling market rose, rose and 1.83%, respectively; lever unit movements, debt-based differentiation, lever unit-based universal closed down, leveraged debt matrix generally closed up. LOF deals over 60% fall within the field. ,-New opportunities for greater fidelity, in Central ShanghaiDeep 300 and the BRIC countries decreased by 7.26%, and 4.19%, turnover, 84.2 and $ 4,405, respectively. ETF floated nearly capturing the green. Among them, 60ETF up 2% Jianxin Shenzhen stock fundamentals, most; investment Shenzhen Stock Exchange TMT50ETF by 3.27%,The largest decline. (Certificate in network Jing Li Ching) base means a lower rebound pioneer gears up Others:

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