Thursday 22 March 2012

tera power leveling share - RQO

129765134990000000_13Want to be "shuaishouzhanggui" to buy bond funds (schedule) mobile phone free March 17, 2012 business news LIU Tian view comments [as at the end of 2011, bond fund a total of 8 years of historical performance. Proceeds from an average of 8 yearsAverage yield of 6.67%] wanted to beBonds issued by the Fund Fund is still the mainstream market. Based on Wind data, there are currently 150 open-bond funds, total net assets of approximately $ 139.282 billion, total assets of public fund 6.43%. Open bonds issued since the beginning of this year of which there are 6, average first share of 1.516 billion, compared with the average equity fundFirst episode only 642 million shares. Bond funds as a low risk product, more appropriate for low risk tolerance and the pursuit relatively stable income investors. According to buy Fund statistics, as at the end of 2011, bond fund a total of 8 years of historical performance. Average earnings, 8-year average yield of 6.67%, of which 6 are annualAchieve positive returns, only the 2004 year and 2011 is negative earnings, declines were small, in 2006 and 2007 have made average gains of more than 15%. From this perspective, if the investor Gets a prudent, long-term investing mentality to see Bond Fund tera gold, investment point without too much. But bonds currently on the market operation of the FundAnd the scope of investment vary greatly, so to distinguish between different types of debt-based investment and risk-return location, is the first step to bond investors, is also a very important step. Open Fund: focus on rights and assets, if the mode of operation, closed-end bond funds and bond funds can be divided into open-bond funds. Open bonds in the Fund, in accordance with theInvestment Fund asset allocation different ranges and categories tera power leveling, and can be divided into pure bond fund, the primary bond funds and secondary Bond Fund, the main difference is in the interests of investment assets. Pure bond fund is invested in fixed income assets, relatively low yields; a-debt-based, and the second-level debt-based assets not exceeding 20% to invest in a primary market and secondary market��Since the purchase of new shares, but gains most of the debt of the 2011 year base is because interest assets losses.Select Bond Fund in addition to investigation of past historical performance, also have to look at each performance stability.Income, build stability of revenue enhancement, increased profits, and Wah Fu harvest multiple benefits, Bao Ying at enhanced benefits and enhanced earnings, changsheng active configuration, investors can focus. Closed-end bond Base: select market as risk appetite is currently closed-end bond funds include general closed-end debt run radical and graded debt of two kinds. Sort by risk from small to large, followed by ratingDebt-based standard closed-end bond funds, ratings, share, a debt-based b-share. From the standpoint of yield, high risk product yields are higher than low-risk products. Rating debt based listed trading and non-trading in a share is divided into two. Publicly traded class a shares less liquid, but usually at a certain discount, held to maturity generally can be obtained 6%~7%Rate of return. Not publicly traded class a shares agreed yield at around 5%, every three months or six months open purchase diablo 3 power leveling, redemption, similar to the short-term bank financing products. Grade b share investment depends not only on the value of the Fund Manager investment management capabilities, leverage should also be considered, a share reservation rates, managed rate of profitability, management, sales and service rates and other factors�� Grading debt due to base b class articles are usually more complex, risky, does not recommend investors configuration. Schedule of year top 20 open-bond yield Fund source: Wind information of securities listed on the short title establishment year since receiving age net worth growth facility complex rights benefit rate bond c 0.07 of 1.09%17.19% ICBC Credit Suisse added 0.60 9.40%16.15% ICBC Credit Suisse Tian Yi Yi a 0.60 b 8.80%15.09% Bank beneficial AB 0.47 grading 0.26 2.70%10.90% 5.00%10.91% Pu Yinan Sheng increased profits Wells Fargo profit increase8.29 131.66%10.66% tianhong Fengli long bond rating 0.31 3.21%10.65% grading 0.27 2.70%10.32% long Cheng Zhong Peng-Huafeng Ze bond 8.4 beneficial 0.47 c 127.83%10.30% silver 4.70%10.24% industrial debt 0.28 2.70%10.00% Lian ' confidence growth in rich countries a 0.06 0.06 0.60%9.96% 0.60%9.96% Lian ' confidence growth b-day treatment of stable income 0.22 2.00%9.58% us credit red 0.27 2 seasons.50%9.53% 0.50 4.53%9.19% harvest credit a CITIC stable and mutually beneficial bond stability increased profits 3.73 5.66 64.21%9.16% built 36.92%8.80% Everbright prudential credit added benefit a 0.84 7.23%8.71% harvest credit c 0.50 4.23%8.57% Others:

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