Saturday 10 March 2012

wot power leveling - EUJ

129742938771250000_43United States cable news network, February 13 article, the original question: when Nixon, Nixon 40 years ago when the historic visit to China in China, probably never thought its bet what will be the result. Of course, for rebuilding the Eurasian geopolitical balance of power and immediate diplomatic role was forced onto the defensive play of the Soviet Union. But untilRecently, with China and the world economy as a whole, Sino-US fence-mending the long-term effect is revealed. Today, the poverty that had closed in the year has gone for the Kingdom. China is becoming an economic power.   From African mines to the United States of the Apple store, appreciate the Chinese are everywhere. At a time when we look back at 40 years of great achievements, also thought necessary to continue trappedRejection system obstacles to China's long-term development. Because it was seen as the winner of globalization, China naturally is considered to meet the challenges of a variety of conditions.   In fact, China has yet to be further integrated into the world and do plan ahead. Lacking the necessary mechanisms and rules that are related to one of the signs. For example, China has become aid power now loans to Africa over the Bank. ButChina has not yet established specialized agency in charge of international assistance.   So its not only the lack of coordination of assistance projects and often counterproductive wot power leveling, didn't win in good faith, but is considered part of the evils neocolonialism conspiracy. Another example is the lack of immigration policy in China. Even though China has begun looking for labour at the global level, but have yet to attract established talent, or deal with complex international migration questionQuestions of the legal framework. The third example is the lack of an independent policy research institutions.   Because of the limited level of political control, and business, Chinese research institutions to the global quality objective analysis of the services needed to make good decisions. Is perhaps the most critical for more than 20 years of high GDP growth conceals serious weaknesses in its economic edge. Due to continued on State-owned enterprises and theCamp Enterprise adopted a discriminatory attitude, China still lacks strong private enterprises compete with Western multinational giants.   In addition to Huawei, Lenovo and Haier perhaps (name of collective enterprises), China has no other private enterprises to be known all over the world. China has yet to pay a heavy price as a result. Its role in the global economy is still confined to the low-side machining and Assembly.In the value chain of the most important and the most advanced and the most profitable part of---research and development, design, branding, marketing world of tanks power leveling, service, and distribution, is company controlled by the United States, Europe and Japan and South Korea. China wot power leveling, of course, has a large company, but are mostly State-owned enterprises. They may have a presence in global scale, but the lack of power with world class competition in the West, and triggered a world of doubt and fear。 All these weaknesses are not insurmountable. Real question is whether China can under the existing system to clear. Real verification of the urgent need to address these issues on China's amazing achievements since the Nixon visit to China, but also show that China has yet to walk towards a global long. ▲ (Author Pei Minxin, Wang Huicong translation)

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