Sunday 18 March 2012

tera power leveling author - RHY

129756966853750000_84Hexun homepage established mobile phone version of the stock/fund market for micro-blogging news blog live small company stocks the major new share placements by gem new third sector brokers New York themesBulletin deal prompted the financial calendar of earnings release memo block trade in thousands of shares of financial market Center collection of funds flowing to new share purchase financing Twitter pioneer financial management training in the daily limit of the unit gather Forum stock > body font size print RSSMarch 08, 2012 from: author: Li Lingxia news Li Lingxia message today morning in southern China diablo 3 gold, media biological aerated: "on March 5, received notification of ping an Securities Institute nearly 20 analysts, because of the strategic adjustment of ping an securities, as well as the 2011 commissions are notArriving in expenditures of the Institute, abolition of the addition to the 13 major industry analyst. "This message, first time contact head of ping an securities, ping an securities for the personnel changes event will not be denied, but the number does not relate specifically to respond to. Ping an securities response, said: "at present is dominated by employee voluntary turnover, in the other staff are also in the communication"Research area consisting of 30 industry reduce to 16 it is understood that the adjustment of ping an Securities Research Department staff, involving a total of 14 industry researchers. Ping an securities responded that: "ping an Securities Institute now covers 30 areas of study, resulting in widespread manpower shortage, insufficient depth of study, study characteristics not obvious phenomenon�� We decided to focus limited resources on the stage in 16 sectors. While continuing to introduce outstanding talent, expand and strengthen the industry coverage. "The head of ping an securities said:" we tried our best to keep researchers adjust industry group, but inconsistent due to professional reasons, existing posts are not suitable for everyone, soA small amount of posts and staff movements in normal. "The people also said:" at present is dominated by employee voluntary turnover, in the other staff are also in the communication. ����"Strategic adjustment: the focus will be on small and medium-sized market research ping an securities company said, ping an securities market value to small and medium-sized companies will be selected as the special features of the Institute. "Given the industry in research and development, Such as small and medium-sized market research, belongs to the field of high potential and low saturation, combining characteristics of ping an securities and ping an integrated financial group itself, especially the ping an securities investment banking performance in recent years, have accumulated a large number of customers in small and gem, most of these customer segments in the industry for its unique business model and growth contribute unique value to the market, ping an Securities Institute will benefitParticipation in the investment project, on the profound understanding and mastery of enterprise advantage, strengthening small and medium-sized market research, launch of a stock market value of the small and medium-sized companies thinking of science and logic, enhance customer stickiness and access to institutional customers. "In addition, ping an securities also said that another feature of the peace Institute is based on the ping. Because of ping an group with insurance, banking,Supporting businesses such as, in the PE market, property investment, infrastructure and other areas are also important participants in the market tera power leveling, ping an securities research will rely on these advantages and characteristics, trying to blaze a road with own characteristics. Peace Institute, market value of small and medium-sized, high-growth industries, consumption, infrastructure, banking, insurance, real estate and other areas for key layout tera gold, andThree deep, establish characteristics and advantages, taking advantage of the investment project resources, strengthening small and medium-sized market and industry research; and taking advantage of the peace group's comprehensive financial, stronger "financial" research centering on economic restructuring, making "consumption" research.

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