Friday 23 March 2012

tera power leveling construction materials - ZCH

129742939249843750_111Editor's Note: Yang Tiesheng, Deputy Director of Ministry of energy-saving and comprehensive utilization of 18th, prepared by the Ministry of industry and energy saving "Twelve-Five" plans have been issued in the near future, will be released in the near future. Among them, the plans to develop a "Twelve-Five" industrial energy conservation goals in the period, but decomposition has developed 20 indicators of energy consumption per unit of product, made nine large industry energy-saving approach and the basis of roadLine nine key energy-saving projects, tasks, and so on. Steel, non-ferrous metals, construction materials, petrochemicals, power, and other energy-intensive industries to increase energy consumption will reduce the 18% per cent. Industrial energy saving more and more attention, relevant policies of listed companies will also usher in a new opportunity. Industrial energy saving and comprehensive utilization of energy-saving Twelve-Five planning Ministry Deputy Director Yang Tiesheng 18th said,Letters prepared by the Department of the industrial energy-saving "Twelve-Five" plans have been issued in the near future, will be released in the near future. Among them, the plans to develop a "Twelve-Five" industrial energy conservation goals in the period, but decomposition has developed 20 indicators of energy consumption per unit of product, made nine large industry energy-saving ways and routes the basis of nine key energy-saving projects, tasks, and so on. Yang Tiesheng is participating in energy-efficientSeminar on industrial boiler coal powder technology and application the statement was made. Yang Tiesheng said when interviewed by reporters after the meeting, the "Twelve-Five" period, energy consumption of China's industrial added value "Eleven-Five" is expected to be lower in the late 21%. At the same time, participants told a press conference, iron and steel, non-ferrous metals, construction materials, petrochemicals, power, and other energy-intensive industries to increase energy consumption will dropLow 18% per cent. "Focus on energy-intensive industry is reducing energy consumption is less than the target of 21%, is in the process of taking into account the future energy-saving emission reduction, industrial in the adjustment of industrial structure in China may increase energy consumption values. "These people told reporters. Ranked first of the nine key energy-saving projects is the industrial boiler furnace and energy saving renovation project, goals by 20155% improvement in operating efficiency than 2010. On the furnace and energy saving of industrial boiler reconstruction project, Yang Tiesheng pointed out that the transformation, the future will take out some inefficiencies, serious environmental pollution by older coal-fired boilers, by pulverized coal combustion technologies such as local conditions to the existing coal-fired boiler technology, using clean coal instead of raw coal to improve coal quality; natural gas investmentSources for coal to gas-rich areas, gas resource-poor areas, adopting measures such as solar collectors instead of small coal-fired boiler. According to the Ministry of statistics, "Eleven-Five" since the total industrial energy consumption increase year by year, increase by 2005 1.595 billion tons of coal equivalent to 2.4 billion tons of coal equivalent of 2010, share of the total energy consumption of the entire society from 70.9% Rising to 73%; iron and steel, non-ferrous metals, construction materials, petrochemicals, chemicals and electric six energy-intensive industry share of total industrial energy consumption energy consumption rose from 71.3% to cent or so. As an important field of energy saving and emission reduction, industrial energy conservation and emission reduction effect in China last year is not good enough. Yang Tiesheng, last year China's more prominent environmental and resource constraints, energy-saving emission reduction implementationGoals of the indicators and remaining gaps tera power leveling, four-year energy-saving emission reduction task more difficult in the future. Statistics show that the third quarter of 2011, six major energy-intensive industry is still rapid growth, industrial energy consumption to rise sharply. National Unit GDP energy consumption only fell by 1.6%, units of industrial enterprises above designated size industrial added value compared energy consumption only fell by 2.56% tera power leveling, andAnd 3.5% target for the whole year a huge difference. "Current industrial energy conservation in our country there are still some problems. On one hand, China's manufacturing industry in General, still at the low end of the value chain, in terms of productivity, growth and quality there is still a big gap between resource consumption share cost too much. From the perspective of industrial enterprises on the production costs, a significant number of industry energy resource consumption costTotal cost over 70%; on the other hand, industry and enterprise development level is not balanced, coexistence of advanced and backward production capacity, overall equipment level is not high. "Yang Tiesheng said, as China's industrialization and urbanization process accelerated, growing social demand for industrial products, development of industrial transformation and upgrading, and the green of the task is extremely arduous. Recently published by the industrial transferUpgrade plan (2011-2015) suggested that "Twelve-Five" period, China's industrial added value marked reduction in carbon dioxide emissions, industrial chemical oxygen demand and reduce the total amount of sulfur dioxide emissions 10%; industrial ammonia nitrogen and total nitrogen oxide emissions reducing 15%. In addition, published last year by the State Council of the "Twelve-Five" energy-saving emission reduction integrated programme of workClearly, enhancing industrial energy conservation and emission reduction, focused on promoting the electric power, coal, steel, non-ferrous metals, petroleum and petrochemical industry, chemical industry, building materials, paper, textile, printing and dyeing, food processing industries diablo 3 power leveling, such as energy-saving and emission reduction. Development and Reform Commission, Director of the Energy Research Institute of Han Wenke told reporters that "Twelve-Five" 21% reduction in unit energy consumption in industrial added value of goal achievement is quite difficult, mainly to see all levels of GovernmentGovernment departments and industry specific implementation and enforcement is in place. Online statement Gold: gold online reprint of the above content, does not indicate that confirm the description, for investors ' reference only and does not constitute investment advice. Investor operations accordingly, at your own risk. Others:

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