Thursday 1 March 2012

eq2 platinum but the company will seek the best way to split theHealth care business. Currently - G

129742939243125000_92According to sources familiar with the insider, the world's largest pharmaceutical company United States Pfizer plans this year by way of an initial public offering to sell a stake of its animal health business aoc gold, so as to raise about $ 3 billion of funding. Under the United Kingdom reported by the financial times, in order to be able to successfully complete the deal, Pfizer has now started with a number of investment bankingNegotiating line. Sources said that Pfizer is expected through IPO to sell up to 19.9% per cent its animal health business. If all goes well, Pfizer Animal Health business will be listed in the autumn this year. The financial times also pointed out that at present Pfizer has not yet determined the final programme, but the company will seek the best way to split theHealth care business. Currently aoc gold, Pfizer Animal Health business was valued at about $ 18 billion. Also said the financial times eq2 platinum, Pfizer will be announced within the next few months for its animal health business plan. ����At present, the business of Pfizer Animal health company is the largest in the world. Online statement Gold: gold online reprint of the above content, Does not indicate that confirm the description, for investors ' reference only and does not constitute investment advice. Investor operations accordingly, at your own risk.

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