Tuesday 10 April 2012

tera gold Ministry of environmental protection - KBK

129773810102500000_0"Caijing Roundup" on March 27, the Central Government net Announces Government report on work of the State Council on the implementation of departmental Division of opinions, views, continue to implement prudent monetary policy. Total amount in accordance with the requirements of modest, prudent and flexible, taking into account the promotion of stable and rapid development of the economy, maintaining price stability and prevent financial risks. Make comprehensive use of various currenciesPolicy tool, adjusting well monetary credit supply and demand tera power leveling, maintaining reasonable growth size of the community. Requirements, broad money growth is expected 14%. Optimize the structure of credit, supports the State's key construction, rehabilitation projects and the construction of affordable housing program tera power leveling, strengthening compliance with industry policies, there is a market demand of enterprises, especially small credit support for micro-enterprises, effectively reducing the real economyFinancing costs.   Continued strict control on high energy consumption, high pollution and excess industry loans.   In terms of exchange rates, the Renminbi exchange rate regime and to enhance bi-directional floating elastic RMB exchange rate and maintain the basic stability of the RMB exchange rate at a reasonable and balanced level. At the same time we must vigorously develop the foreign exchange market tera gold, provides market players with a greater number of exchange rate hedging tools, manageMake good use of foreign exchange reserves. Establish and improve the systemic financial risk prevention and supervision and coordination mechanisms, and enhance the capacity to resist risks. Strengthening the monitoring of cross-border capital flows. Regulating the behavior of various types of loans, and guide the healthy development of private financing. (People's banks, financial regulators, development and Reform Commission, Ministry of environmental protection, is responsible for the Audit Commission) "author: the magazine Roundup" (Responsible editor: Deng Meiling) Others:

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