Thursday 5 April 2012

tera gold socialWidely considered including a lot of comments on this review - EMW

129771809989156060_15Phoenix, March 25 broadcast of the news today "Hao Zheng: LEUNG Chun-ying, a premature some defect on 2017 universal suffrage", as a text record: Lu Chen: you say look back, we see Hong Kong society entered into an active phase of political, including a number of politically sensitive issues, by 2017 and so on for universal suffrage, whether you think the fragranceSociety of Hong Kong, what some problems that need attention? Hao Zheng: Yes, from 2012 to 2017 conditional 5 years time for the general elections, it was clearly dominated by Leung Chun-ying, Hong Kong 5 years, to lead the Hong Kong, because of his position as Hong Kong S.A.R. heads, who will lead Hong Kong to move. In 2017, is among the this 5-year, phase ILeung Chun-ying, he will encounter a lot of, some of the more sensitive political issues, which he had mentioned. For example about the 23rd article of the basic law, should the legislative problems, this in the past is full of noisy, and Mr Tung Chee-Hwa gave up, Mr Tung Chee-hwa was also a great deal of pressure, was forced to resign from the post of Chief, some of the politicalGovernment officials, officials have also stepped down, this is a very important subject. He proposed to Mr LEUNG Chun-ying, his article 23rd legislative issues, wide range of seeking the views of all sectors of the community, will promote the relevant legislation when necessary. But from now on, whether the conditions of article 23 legislation this mature, of course, we also need to look at, to make society a greatThe support and recognition of the majority, you can implement, the Legislative Council was only able to promote, otherwise you will encounter a lot of resistance. Because Mr LEUNG Chun-ying in respect of article 23 legislation, had made such a commitment is too early I can't say, but you need to fulfil your promise, I believe that there is a certain degree of difficulty, which is the 1th. Problem: 2nd year of universal suffrage tera power leveling, socialWidely considered including a lot of comments on this review, 2017 years will usher in the fifth as the universal suffrage of the Chief Executive of Hong Kong, 2020 years will usher in the sixth General election of the Legislative Council of Hong Kong, called the dual elections by universal suffrage is 2017 and 2020. But this is a misunderstanding, and if you look at a December 29, 2017, ten session of the national people's Congress the adoption of aDecisions adopted at the 31st meeting, on Hong Kong's special methods for selecting the Chief Executive and the method for forming the Legislative Council, relevant decisions, said there was clear. Is 2017, when, by the current Chief Executive is the fourth Chief Executive, he will put forward proposals for modifying the method for selecting the Chief Executive, and after two-thirds StateApproved by law will be passed, report to the national people's Congress Standing Committee approved the conditions to implement universal suffrage. In other words, in 2017, he was granted the Hong Kong S.A.R. a dual elections by universal suffrage, such a condition, you are eligible, the national people's Congress Standing Committee agreed, you will be able to universal suffrage. Under such a situation, Mr LEUNG Chun-ying, he hasCame up, he was willing to accept the baptism of 2017 year universal suffrage, in other words he has released the wind, he was interested in participating in the 2017 universal suffrage, he was prepared in 5 years, to promote dual elections by universal suffrage in 2017 and 2020 Legislative Council, such a commitment too early, I personally think that he has touched a very sensitive issue. Because I believe CentralMany hope that Mr LEUNG Chun-ying, first of all, to the people's livelihood, is how to reflect Hong Kong's economy, society and people's livelihood, deep range of problem solving, improving the lives of Hong Kong people, strengthen the construction of Hong Kong's social harmony and strengthen Hong Kong's economic position, which is Beijing's most looking forward to Mr LEUNG Chun-ying to do things. Instead of that from now on, on theBy 2017, or 2020 years of universal suffrage for the two issues, because in the past 5 years, Hong Kong's political environment, how changes in the political environment in Hong Kong, LEUNG Chun-ying, in 5 years, he, his individual performance, I mean, as the performance of the Chief Executive, the observation of the various sectors of the Hong Kong and Beijing. If you push the premature to proposes to2017 year universal suffrage, I personally think that this seems to be some tera gold, strict is some defect. Because you, as the next Chief Executive, if you have now released the wind, I think 7 million people in Hong Kong, he first of all is the first, is that Mr LEUNG Chun-ying was first released the wind, to participate in the 2017 Chief Executive election next,Such a move too early, Beijing tera gold, Hong Kong was also a bit worried about is your achievements have not come out, what do you this 5 years in Hong Kong, not out, made to promote the dual elections by universal suffrage. I believe that promoting the dual elections by universal suffrage is the voice of the people of Hong Kong a, we see this election, people's participation, although they did notApproach to exercise their vote, but that participation of the whole society, have reflected the desire for universal suffrage in Hong Kong earlier on the day of arrival, but now that the conditions are not as you think, it must undergo a series of legal procedures, after all, not to violate the basic law has already provided the political road map, after all, not to violate Beijing's decision. So in this case, Mr LEUNG Chun-ying, he made a wish that can achieve, in fact, I was worried for him. Others:

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