Saturday 7 April 2012

tera power leveling subject to capital strength does not have the ability to sell complex products

129773903192968750_75The China insurance regulatory Commission: suspended regional insurance companies to set up license Recently, the insurance regulatory Commission promulgated the moratorium on regional insurance agency and part of the insurance agency and industry market access license notice, decided to suspend the regional insurance companies and their branches set up licenses, as well as all other than financial institutions, postal insurance agency and industry qualification approval. China insurance regulatory Commission officials responsible for relevant departments have thus responded to a reporter's question. First, whySuspension culture, insurance agencies and financial institutions, all but the postal market access and business insurance agency licenses work? Answer: first of all tera power leveling, it is the necessity of withdrawing mechanism for establishing and strengthening the insurance market access requirements. Current insurance market entry and exit mechanism is not perfect, the impact of the insurance market efficiency of resource allocation, hinder the health insurance market, national insurance regulationSubmit, must establish and improve the market exit mechanism as the work of an important and urgent task at present. Insurance Agency of market entry and exit, follow the principles of the market and of the rule of law, but there are still some problems tera power leveling, mainly for: relevant provisions more principles, policy is not consistent enough; proxy access to the main strength is not strong, and uneven, straightInfluence the market order and efficiency. Thus, standardizing the insurance agency market entry and exit is one of the important contents of establishing and perfecting the mechanism of market access, must be focused and produce results. Suspension culture, insurance agencies and financial institutions, all but the postal market access and business insurance agency licenses, is for the insurance market issues highlightMeasures taken, reflect the focused link. Second, the urgent needs of the insurance agency market it is governance. Even though there have been some strong capitalized throughout the national insurance agency, but regional insurance companies still account for the majority. The company registered capital of less than $ 2 million, subject to capital strength does not have the ability to sell complex products, servicesSmaller and are mainly concentrated in automobile insurance, product homogeneity of serious, easily lead to low-level disorderly competition. The other hand, and business insurance agents currently has more than 190,000 homes, in addition to more than more than 130,000 outside the Bank and post Office Agency, nearly 50,000 other institutions only agents of motor vehicle insurance. For the insurance market "small, scattered, chaotic and poor" problem, China has deployedInsurance agent marketing the work concerning comprehensive management, while promoting insurance agent in rectification of market specialization and large-scale, strictly control the incremental institutions. And how to treat such a measure? A: first of all, it coordinated with other policy measures governing insurance agents market. Insurance Agency marketing management general principles is "combination of blocking up, back into the combination". Blocking and exit, lies in strictlyLimit the market access of regional institutions such as insurance agencies, limited increment. Through three years of reorganization, existing agencies with poor, chaotic, "turn off, stop, and," reducing the amount. Thinning and progressive, is to promote the market restructuring, the pilot has been made on the basis of experience and further expanded in scope and guide, car salesAnd maintenance companies and industry agencies gradually transform into a professional insurance agents, actively explore silver postal agent insurance professional pilot. At the same time, implementation of the insurance intermediary services group on supervision, promote the insurance professional agency mergers, financing, enhancing capital strength, improving corporate governance, improve the level of management and professional competence, national Deputy (Sales) companies setting up branches, policy preferences in the approval process, guide the insurance company development on a large scale. Second, it is a transitional measure. No change in policy of the China insurance regulatory Commission standard development of insurance intermediary market, along the direction of perfecting the insurance agency market access mechanisms of the market has not changed. During the pause, the China insurance regulatory Commission will listen to views of the buildingDiscussion, combs insurance market development and regulation of the lessons, step up the adjustment and revision of the relevant policies and regulations, and strive to make insurance market access mechanisms better scientific and standardized, more in line with the market reality. Finally, it had issued clear policy signals. Insurance market "poor small, scattered, chaotic," has a serious problem affecting the efficiency of insurance markets and damage insuranceImage. But due to many insurance market wider, make chaos, a weak Foundation, completely reversing the situation requires industry and social work. China insurance regulatory Commission seize the time to change the mode of the development of the insurance industry, suspension culture, insurance agencies and financial institutions, all but the postal market access and business insurance agency license tera gold, is issued to the markets a clear policy letterNumber, that is, China insurance regulatory Commission will unswervingly promote the concurrent agent specialization and professional agency scale, to persist in raising the level of specialization of the Agency market and comprehensive service capabilities. Third, the insurance market because of introduction of this measure is being challenged? A: pause regional insurance agents, as well as financial institutions, all concurrent-business insurance agencies other than the postal market access may from time toImpact on the formation of a stable and healthy development of the market. First, in recent years, regional insurance agency and the Agency and industry entry and exit have been leveled, existing stocks can basically meet the needs of the market. The second, to be involved in the insurance agency business unit or individual shall apply to the establishment of a national insurance company, can also work with existing agencies established norms,Transparent and cooperative relations. Third, China insurance regulatory Commission will amend the insurance professional agency regulations as soon as possible, raising barriers, no longer set the category insurance agency, and deployed on the basis of insurance recovery license throughout the work. Full text of the notice: on the suspension of the regional insurance agency and part of market access and business insurance agency licenses workNotification Others:

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