Monday 9 April 2012

tera gold will enhance the enterprises ' enthusiasm in production and sales - CVO

129770904125156250_67In a sense, refinery and "two barrels of oil" If successful turnarounds, will enhance the enterprises ' enthusiasm in production and sales, on the latter part guarantee oil stability for domestic spring has certain positive effects. 40 days before a rise in oil prices, people just digestion, oil prices are going up again and refresh the record again, formally entered the "era of 8". Under the influence of international oil prices,Development and Reform Commission announced that, starting from March 20, domestic gasoline and diesel price hike 600 Yuan/ton.  After adjusting, 93rd maximum retail prices of gasoline for the first time in Beijing "breaking 8", up to $ 8.33/l. Oil prices had "old 8", "9 times" would be far behind?  Questions for many people, and experts say not to worry too much. "Iran and other factors,Supply of crude oil in the international market pressure, future is still uncertain. Once you have lost control of the situation, international oil prices could surge again, rising to $ 130 and $ 150 is possible.  "China economic research center of Xiamen University Director Lin Bo Qiang told the Chinese reporters said in an interview with the Sankei Shimbun. According to the present refined oil pricing mechanism,Domestic oil prices will follow, but from the other hand, taking into account people's affordability, speed of follow up and gains in the oil price will be discounted. Lin Bo Qiang said, "oil prices in the $ 8 range also has room, but rose to $ 9/l can be difficult. "No doubt, refineries and gas stations are the direct beneficiaries of the oil price increase. It is understood that into March, International oil prices continued to rise, domestic oil product prices, "wait", a number of refineries and local private refineries in different degrees of loss. "After the price adjustment, part of the refinery and then turn around. "Fortune news Energy Department oil analyst Hu Huichun told Chinese reporters said in an interview with the Sankei Shimbun, raising $ 600/t super market expectations,Advanced track to PetroChina, Sinopec oil refinery stocks turn around and greatly increase their enthusiasm of the sales sector.  Analysts have pointed out that, according to China's 2011 product 243 million tons to calculate apparent consumption, the price for PetroChina and Sinopec, two barrels of oil income 146.8 billion yuan! But from another angle, refinery and "two barrels of oil"After the turn, will enhance the enterprises ' enthusiasm in production and sales, on protection in the late spring oil stability has a positive effect in China.  In March or April of each year, with the succession of spring start and infrastructure projects have been started, and refinery maintenance season comes around human behavior to be reluctant to sell out on the market tera gold, without exception, will be put on farces of the oil shortage. Hu Huichun said, Based on their expected, a major outbreak of this year oil shortage is less likely, to stabilize the market price, PetroChina and Sinopec will this year take marketing tools to guarantee the supply on the market in a timely manner. "Rising oil prices, prompting traders to increase supply, which leads to downward pressures on prices, in order to control the market, ' and two barrels of oil ' to control every day, when out of the library."Combined with the first two months, oil prices raised again on the market expected a strong, market participants to store goods, be reluctant to sell out," betting on price "popular," sales task completion is not good, is not likely to occur in the near future is expected be reluctant to sell out.  "Hu Huichun said. In addition, news alerts, the impact of higher oil prices on inflation and economic growth in China is to be reckoned. Oil as a transport, it will directly affect all sectors of logistics costs, including food.  Conservative view, the effects of oil price increases on the CPI should be close to 0.08%, and from its lag and conductivity, oil price increases will ultimately impact on the CPI in theory more than 0.1%. In response, Lin Bo Qiang said,"Oil prices have little impact on inflation, at least the short term. Because the ratio of oil to China's energy structure is still very small. But medium-term costs through traffic such as uplift and ultimately affect the overall level of CPI. This increase in oil prices brought about by changes in CPI, will start appearing in May-June. "As a result, Lin Bo Qiang proposals, rise in oil prices, China'sSector to agricultural subsidies, taxis tera gold, transportation, and other special groups. In fact, the relevant departments in China have been deployed in this area. As early as March 17, Premier Wen Jiabao during the inspection in rural areas of Henan province, for large international oil price volatility of the issue, told the farmer that if oil prices increase, Government is prepared to give farmers a direct subsidy. National development and Reform Commission in charge ofWho said recently, after the increases in oil prices, oil price subsidies in the country in accordance with the established mechanism, in front of the taxi tariff adjustment granted temporary subsidies tera power leveling, subsidies around $ 300 a month. Others:

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