Monday 16 April 2012

tera power leveling the disposal of more detailed provisions - XOJ

129788454857968750_96"Not without addressing the" aviation rights are not normal Editorial maintenance of interceptor aircraft, in on someone is not normal, should oppose; airlines without proper arrangements for passengers who were delayed, do not respond to the reasonable demands of the passengers in a timely manner, or "disclaimer". According to the Beijing News reported yesterday that at noon on April 11, more than 20 employees angry passengers at Pudong airport runway taxiway crossing, was forced to stop a plane has just landed in Al-Itihaad aviationCorporate flights. These passengers were stranded in the 10th due to weather conditions the Pudong airport, due to dissatisfaction with the airport in the interpretation and compensation matters, has taken this more dangerous way of protection. It is in aviation is a typical example of "not does not resolve, resolve" cases. This group of passengers on flights when there is a problem, not only for up to a few hours without access to proper placement, evenAlso being locked out of the gate in the rain in half an hour, so cold and onset of visitors. When they take the behavior of serious threats to aviation security, washed up on the coast road, took less than 5 minutes to get not only comfort, but also received a compensation of $ 1000 per person. In media interviews, also other people think that these passengers and others ruining, experts believe that "should be punished according to the law"�� It is true that these travellers ' way, not only set itself at risk, but also a threat to the safety of other passengers. For similar dangerous behavior, both the Civil Aviation Security Ordinance, or the Security Administration Punishment Law, have corresponding articles. Regardless of whether these visitors have been punished tera power leveling, but such rights of way should be opposed. But the problem is that, just notShould be selective, severely punish the premise of these passengers, the airlines for up to several hours of not as a snub to be severely punished and consumers. Delays due to weather, the airlines exemption. But without proper arrangements for passengers who were delayed, do not respond to the reasonable demands of the passengers in a timely manner, whether "disclaimer"? According to the 2010 major domestic airlines-totalFlights flight 1.888 million, which does not normally 457,000 service frequency. Faced with such a massive event, only the flight guidance for financial compensation as a reference, which can be compensated, you also need to "airline caused flight delays due to their own". Compensation conditions so harsh, plus the absolute strength of the airline and aviation professionals,Passenger delays often encountered can be cheated but unable to talk about it for one reason or another. In the case of no reasonable procedures and rules to solve problems, both game one has to jungle battle tera gold, daring to put party, finally get the biggest benefit. This time, even if these visitors are the punishment remains a victory in the jungle, but with seemingly legitimate means to address the issue of unreasonable of the weakParty. Jiangsu Province law society made to flight delays and disputes investigation showed that passenger demand has 4 main areas: one is told to delay reality; the second flight is replaced or refunded; three is to provide services such as catering, refreshment, rest, and the compensation. The first two of which if met, the latter two are not important. Pudong airport this event occurred, it was free to dispose of and does notArrangement of human nature, anger eventually broke out. Therefore, flight delays, in addition to "compensation guidance", the disposal of more detailed provisions, such as the explanation for delays if not timely tera gold, not sure when, how to catch up with the responsibility, how to ensure the smooth flow of passengers ' channels. Pudong airport flight delays in recent years is undoubtedly activist in the event of extremeOne event, visitors follow in random cases, trouble upgrading one of the cases. If you continue to ignore the basic rules of establishing aviation rights, relying on "not without addressing the" luck, spread of the rule of the jungle only a matter of time. But as he began to establish rules on the rights, I'm afraid it is too late. Others:

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