Friday 13 April 2012

tera power leveling micro-blogging - ZGX

129779512191562500_42Police investigation at the scene. Yesterday, in sweet clover Park near the bridge, by trading used cell phones raised disputes, a man will be collecting second-hand mobile phones vendors tie dying.  Reporter Han Meng photo report from (reporter Xu Luyang (micro-blogging) Jenny Liu) at about 4 o'clock in the afternoon yesterday, in sweet clover Park, Fengtai District, under the bridge, a man a recycle cell phones tied to death of a man. Fengtai police certificatesIndeed, because mobile phone trade disputes the parties that suspects have been controlled. And they control the suspect on the spot yesterday 4:30 P.M., sweet clover park under the bridge, Fengtai District, South side of the East bench and floor next to a shoe shop, a large bloodstain.  On the scene by the police cordon, 3 men tera gold, police and a number of recycling used cell phones to talk. Several witnesses said last nightDay 4 o'clock in the afternoon, a man trying to sell phones will a man injured with recycle used cell phones, assailants were after the crowd control. Merchants in the vicinity of the incident Mr Wu, quoted involved in the security control suspects as saying, when a young man out to mobile phones, to prepare your mobile phone with a man in the Northeast, prices may be no talk about long, sell mobile phones, a young man is unhappyLeft. Soon, the men did not know from where to bring back a knife-like object and shouted at men in the Northeast "stabbed a knife".  Man injured in Northeast China and ran off, but ran to the shoe shop before the next step tera power leveling, "seems to have no strength." Says one vendor of shoe shops, near the man ran to the stores in the Northeast, behind a man, with a length of about 15 cm of daggers from the front evenStabbed man in the Northeast "four or five-tool". Witnesses said a man's legs, chest and abdominal injuries in the Northeast.  Man was wounded in the attack near the partners and patrol together for security control, was arrived at after taken away by the police.  Send the patient to hospital had died on the way it is understood that the injured man was rushed to Eastern Hospital of Beijing traditional Chinese medicine University. Orient hospital emergency department careStaff introduction tera power leveling, when the injured man was sent to, has died, then was taken to the hospital morgue. "Had been stabbed more than a knife, the Achilles ' heel in the vicinity of the heart. "Hospital morgue one staff member said, people in the northeast of the deceased, aged about 40.  At present, the body has been sent to a forensic. Yesterday, Fengtai District Police confirmed that both sides because of dispute over sale of cell phone, nowSuspects have been controlled. () Others:

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