Monday 9 April 2012

tera gold with policies to speed up implementation - FRE

129771807828062310_11⊙ Reporter Zhu Shaoyong Pu Hongyi 0 edit people's livelihood security strategy report released recently, that despite the effects of real estate regulation is loose is expected to fail, a significant change in the recent market, but pre-higher logic has not changed. Short-term market adjustment, without altering the market since the beginning of deductive logic. Future focus on Commerce, three main themes, including nuclear power, Internet investment opportunities.Livelihood security, Premier Wen Jiabao said in answering a reporter's question that real estate is far from returning to reasonable prices, triggering a chain of investors for real estate concerns again, coupled with early sharp gains in a row of profits and claims, a sharp adjustment in the market. But people's livelihood security believes that reaffirming "real estate regulatory policy must not relax" does not exceed market expectations, marketFell more overreaction. Livelihood security, since the beginning of this year, starting in a-share markets amid pessimism, index performance is far better than expected. Core logic of the market than expected in two: first, the fundamentals better than most people expected, neither PMI economic leading indicators such as growth, or price and overseas markets are better than previously expected, real estate fundamentalsThere was a warmer, these factors further down the risk premium.  Two improved to reduce the risk-free return is liquidity, financial indicators fall means a significant change in mobility patterns. Therefore, people's livelihood security believes that as the new year financial investment tera gold, infrastructure and affordable housing starts, demand is expected to improve gradually in the lower, as pessimistic expectations of improvedRepair prices will continue to put on the market valuation. Market liquidity issues of common concern tera power leveling, livelihood security, according to seasonal changes of financial deposits law, will usher in a financial deposit seasonal delivery in late March, the scale is expected to be about 100 billion yuan, contribute to the rate of increase in deposits and Bank super store for further improvement. After the last cut deposit rates, CentralAnd no restart central issue, means of return mainly in 28 days is to buy back, benefit from the smooth operation of a short-term tool, then expire four weeks of open market volume showed a significant increase of funding, help fund interest rates come down, and reduce its volatility. In the sector, people's livelihood security note, affordable housing, cultural industry, water conservancy and other hot plate into two sessionsGovernment priorities and focus of attention of public opinion. In addition, the policy clearly to the logistics, tilting the field of nuclear power, such as cloud computing and the Internet, and various representatives of buzz, related stocks ahead of market expectations.  Securities considered the people's livelihood, with policies to speed up implementation, expected themes such as logistics, nuclear power will usher in a thematic investment opportunity. On strategy in the near future, people's livelihood security tablesAs shown in the market of short-term adjustment to slower medium-term bull market with better energy savings, can concern both investment ideas. Is in the "soft landing", the economy bottomed out in the course of the second quarter, select industry profits will usher in the turning-point of the cyclical industries, including automobile, machinery, coal, etc. Chance is holding the second of three major themes: first tera power leveling, national circulation work Conference held in late March in circulationReforms, Commerce and retail, transport and logistics industries will significantly benefit and, secondly, attention to nuclear power development plan may be forthcoming, optimistic about the expected improvement of nuclear power equipment in the industry and keeping up with the launch of cloud computing and Internet policies and implementation, related stocks are expected to continue the rally. Others:

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