Tuesday 10 April 2012

tera gold "all of my ideals are concerned with children - YGS

129773438957968750_1067Peach in qixia city of Yantai port village of 75 years of age before Sun Maowen of towns and villages, children to more than 1.4 million yuan of pension has 5 times the money donated to the reconstruction of school buildings, he said, "all of my ideals are concerned with children, hoped that through and I scrimp to contribute more of their children to school. "Children of the pension money he contributed to 2006 year, have settled in ShanghaiSun Maowen know the Guandao shabby town, small stone primary school, poor conditions, he rushed to the small stone elementary school, children honor their pension money donated 200,000 yuan out of. 2007 small stone reconstruction completed primary school, school named "qixia city first maowen hope elementary school". Zhihou, Sun Maowen has $ 5 donations totaling more than 1 million tera power leveling, for Guandao town in qixia city smallStone rural central primary school, primary school tera power leveling, North Park Town Center elementary school, Chung Shan Tang Street Center school for alterations and new buildings. One old man in the village where so much money? the money turned out to be children of the Sun Maowen more than 10 years to his pension money, he donated almost more than 1.4 million endowment money. Sun Maowen said, he used to be the village of poor households, younger son Sun ChengAdmitted to universities to raise tuition fees, poor family borrowed money is still around $ 300, "nothing can suffer the children, only education can change the fate of children. "2012 new year back, the Sun Maowen wearing that pair of shoes ' child stepping on broken old man sole, not familiar with he does not believe that he is a" rich people ". Taocun Wang Zaiyi Town Center elementary school principal said, the elderly to learnSchool visit children, carrying in his hand a Sung ordinary canvas shoes, dress is very simple and even catch up with ordinary people in the villages in the village. Watch villagers cut wheat slow, Sun Maowen took out $ 200,000 to buy the three largest harvester and seeder; very muddy dirt roads in the village every rainy days, Sun Maowen put up 140,000 villagers roads; one year, son to the endowment of money or by hisTo the villagers, the village of more than 63 years of age per person 200 block of sth In the home city of qixia city town port village of peach of the Sun Maowen, always spread his story in the village, in addition to the concern for children's education, he has not forgotten the fellow townsmen people. Want more rich donor education on January 17 this year, and moral exemplars, the presentation ceremony at its third session, to be held in Yantai City, reporters had seenSun Maowen. A plain simple coat, a pair of shoes covered with dust, blue cloth, who could not be linked to the old man and 6 years donated more than 1.4 million. Sun Maowen stood on the podium, under the moderator to ask questions, the old man out of your dreams and aspirations. "I will not be too long in this world, and savings are all donated to schools, childrenLearn knowledge, this is the ideal; help couldn't afford kids, this is the ideal; conditions of children have to do scientific research tera gold, State and farmers more prosperous, this is my ideal. All of my ideals are concerned with children, hoped that through and I scrimp to contribute more of their children to school. "With that, the old man picked up the handkerchief to wipe the tears wiped the corner. Will be for childrenMoney? " If I have more revenue in the future, will fund more poor students of sth This is my ideal. "Sun Maowen said through tears again. 23rd, reporter dialed Sun Maowen phone. Old man said that the body is not very good, "Although in children living in Shanghai, but Hung is also home of the child in mind. "For their contributions, he says a lot of peopleKnow, he also hopes that the more wealthy people join the ranks. (Editors: wangyao) Others:

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