Friday 6 April 2012

tera power leveling a portion of the property left to Dong Jing - FOX

129774149456406250_70Women's Dong Jing in Beijing, 37 years old, made the city the maximum fetch housing scam, more than 160 people fooled, cheated the amount reaches more than 72 million. Dong Jing is real removal company managers, has been involved in the real estate industry for years, so buy her trust. After this exposure, Dong Jing fled to the sea areas, in order to avoid detection, she even went toHospital for plastic surgery. Yesterday, the reporter received municipal intermediate people's Court notified, will make a decision on the case today. Boyfriend took over the estate business relocation business 1991 year, Dong Jing in College after graduation to work in Beijing Yuyang hotel, Shun daxiang consulting limited from 1994 to 1999 in Beijing. Identity before the incident was Beijing Hui relocation services, Ltd sharesTung, Beijing Rong Chengrui Lai demolition Ltd legal representative. Beijing Hui relocation services, Ltd, can be said to be Dong Jing heritage left by ex-boyfriend. In 1999, Dong Jing Li Tao's boyfriend at that time Beijing Shun daxiang Consulting Limited is registered, 2000 changed to Beijing Hui relocation services, Ltd, mainly responsible for removal. On March 1, 2004, Her boyfriend committed suicide because of illness, a portion of the property left to Dong Jing, "he has some cash left to real estate and the baby he and his ex-wife, leave me a Nissan sedan and the company". Dong Jing said that since then, with her back to the works of more than 700,000 debt. After from this, Dong Jing uses the 700,000 and boyfriend, leaving the company to his death demolition business in the city. Dong JingStatement said the May 2004 its recognized a new boyfriend, Li Jing, who continue to Beijing Jia Hui relocation services limited on behalf of the demolition in the Park area, precisely during that time her friend Yang Jianguo heard Guang Qu men with fetch item and have fetched more than more than 200 places. "I didn't promise him at that time due to insufficient staff", said Dong Jing, Yang JianguoAlso telling her about the issue of removal replacement, per square meter is about $ 6,000 to $ 7,000. Mystery man with your site to fetch the business in October 2005, man Li Jing found Zhang bin to the demolition site, go through the formalities of a households. Li Jing was not at that time, Dong Jing is received. Two people during the conversation, Dong Jing verification other guangqumen demolition area developmentOperators are available in 4,600 Yuan per square meter of guangqumen fetched prices can get the room. After several interviews, two people about good tera gold, signed by the Zhang bin to find developers, agreed to fetch changed its name, and then to the weigai seal of the Office agreed, eventually led by Dong Jing to purchase fetch people signed a purchase agreement with developers, paid in advance before the purchase fetch room: a room is 20, two-bedroom is 250,000, three-bedroom apartment is 300,000. Dong Jing will receive money to Zhang bin, Zhang bin and then give the money to Guang Qu men not to households for House. This people throughout in the statements Dong Jing Zhang bin, but this person is not attendance '. And age, address of residence of Dong Jing and Zhang bin is not available, said Zhang bin is only understanding Beijing accent, specialized units, Guang QuProject Director, Zhang bin is a very real problem is still open. But according to Dong Jing, she can be fetched by Zhang bin, and she'd seen once asked Li Jing to verify after Zhang bin. After a few days, tell Dong Jing Li Jing, Beijing Xin Yang real estate company qualified developers is, Zhang bin in the displacement of people. But in thisAfter the incident, the Beijing Xin Yang real estate company said in a statement it has nothing to do with this matter. Subsequently, the analysis of Dong Jing, Zhang bin is $ 4,600 per square meter, and she can be sold for 6,000 yuan per square meter, which made the difference. In addition, she also decided not to deposit all over to Zhang bin, leaving most to their control. In November 2005, guangqumen removalSite started, said Dong Jing, Zhang bin was brought to the site and removing her Office looked, then let her look at the sand table and Hou, Dong Jing Zhang bin to a type map and fetch a contract for a developer. A few days later, Dong Jing Yang Jianguo Hou has been adopted and fetch a contract. By contrast, Dong Jing found two copies of the contract are the same, so they have decided to proceed withLooking for buyers. Dong Jing with his first second aunt, aunt of three said the event, two people have suggested to buy a three-bedroom apartment, and their 300,000 gave Dong Jing. In addition, Dong Jing himself took out part of money, ready to give parents buy a three-bedroom apartment. Contact the Henderson store in online buyers, Zhang bin told Dong Jing, he hands over more than 10 sets of fetch, and Dong Jing startedTo contact your friends and family. In addition, some people buy fetch Dong Jing room have also introduced friends to buy. Dong Jing aunt's colleague, the second one about eight or nine people to purchase, also introduced a friend of pottery the week more than 10 people. However these presentations and was introduced in the Beijing Henderson Lake real estate brokerage company solidarity shop in shop long Guo Hui, the special nature�� According to Dong Jing said that Guo hui was her aunt's friend's cousin is the second in April 2006, also bought a fetch from the her room. According to Guo hui's confession, when he met Dong Jing, Beijing Jia Hui Dong Jing's identity is head of relocation services company shareholders and, because developers have tera power leveling, guangqumen items fetch has room in his hand, $ 5,200 per sq m, depends on the roomGuang Qu men look at the sand table, good looking for her after signing principal purchase agreement, 3 months after the purchase contract with developers, housing is a settlement in March 2009. Guo Hui said, because the hands of Dong Jing's House really cheap tera power leveling, so he contacted friends and relatives to buy, we have signed a Protocol, from which he received a fee of $ 30,000 per person. Since then, Guo hui fromTo make money, he called Dong Jing said, "If the purchase of this 8 person room per square meter to me", Dong Jing had to own every square meter can only make $ 200 to decline, but then after the two conventions to find customer per square meter and then to raise $ 200 to 300, extra money as a Commission of Guo Hui. And Dong Jing guo Hui agreed at 5600 Yuan per square meter, and contract your money, are owned by Guo Hui individual. For the convenience of Guo Hui describes the customer, Dong Jing as he produced a copy of the trust agreement. Since then, after Guo Hui people to exchange money, Dong Jing will be out of money, and Guo Hui count as royalty. According to Guo Hui said, since then he released through the sale of advertising, to stores door-to-door contact buyers such as customers and friends,Separately to your storefront store fax and counterparts who worked and published in Internet information platform on housing for sale ads. In this way, Guo hui received a total of nearly 500,000 fee, Dong Jing also gave him a cut of 1.45 million, and he sold out houses ranging from $ 7,200 per sq m to $ 8,800. Second-hand brokers million charge according to another defendant Feng wei said,In March 2007 he saw fellow Guo Hui published messages fetched will contact the other. Guo Hui Dong Jing heard guangqumen weigai fetch sold House, Feng wei thought of companies operating in chongwen district, Red Bridge has a second-hand store, and he is the head of the store, so they want to follow the example of Guo Hui describes the customer money. Since then, Feng w using convenience stores,Has found nearly 30 to customers who purchased fetch, he proposed that the conditions of the purchase of accounts, payment of the purchase money Beijing, is a one-time delivery, $ 7,200 per sq m. After these people introduced to Guo Hui, Feng wei had nearly 1 million fee. End of April 2007 or the beginning of May, because seeing the Dong Jing, Feng wei decided out of Guo Hui, Dong Jing in-lineDepartment of. So he find Dong Jing, claims to be a cooperation and Guo Hui people, Guo hui to give him very little money, wishes and Dong Jing cooperation alone. Feng wei also began separate like Guo Hui Dong Jing clients. At the same time, Feng wei's company would not let him in the name of the company to a medium charge, so he will have to collect information on behalf of, in addition to their collectionNearly 1 million, nearly 400,000 and a Dong Jing returned to his car. Mysterious intermediary missing huge hole filled in and the people in the contact process, Dong Jing head of Beijing Jia Hui relocation services limited has been up, and in the name of the company to the person issuing a receipt. However, Beijing Hui relocation services, Ltd is Beijing Rong ChengDuo Li demolition limited, fetch qualification did not engage in transactions or replacement. In addition, Dong Jing developers were also forged official seals in order to get the trust of others. According to Dong Jing said that in May 2008, she lost touch with Zhang bin, but even so, Dong Jing still fetched the sale room. Around October 2008, Dong Jing has received theMore than 70 million, but has been almost entirely spent is not coming up, back over more than 20 house purchase only. Dong Jing said she gave Zhang bin more than 15 million, over to Li Jing more than 36 million, Guo Hui 1.61 million, Feng wei 2.65 million, most of the remaining money was used to buy a BMW, as well as by her purchase of housing. Dong Jing said that her money over to Zhang bin has a receipt, but Li JingThe money, because two of them have been male and female friends, and there is no evidence. Boyfriend zhizhao running to hide cosmetic in Hainan Dong Jing said, in early 2008, due to Li Ching out with another woman, and the two broke up. Subsequently, Dong Jing Zhao Yun and Li Ching brothers walk together, gave Dong Jing Zhao Yun had 300,000 to purchase before fetching. In April 2008, Dong Jing ZhaoCloud gave his money back, and that for the time being can't do procedures. By December 2008, Dong Jing Zhao Yun because I heard a lot of people are saying fraud, has been asked this, Dong Jing told he, himself was fooled by Zhang bin, Zhang bin is not found, she want to refund your money or no money in the Kitty. Thereafter, Zhao Yun to his friend Hao Chaoying, together to discuss countermeasures. Since Hao Chaoying on seaFamiliar, he proposed that Dong Jing first go to Haikou hid for a few days, and then try to pay back the money. During flight in the process, tell Dong Jing Hao Chaoying, Beijing has been reported, the Public Security Bureau is looking for her, Dong Jing proposed cosmetic surgery. Then, with the help of Dong Jing Hao Chaoying, handles a forged Hong Kong identity cards in order to rent. After Dong Jing settled, Haikou has found a hospital uses Kana"Zhang Li" cosmetic surgery "I pad a bit the nose, cheeks, and mouth smoked fat", ready to get a fake ID card. Subsequently, Dong Jing in Haikou purchased new local phone number, contact Zhao Yun, with a new mobile phone, the new image of your own photos to Zhao yun. Hao Chaoying is on standby to help the new identity cards during the Dong Jing was arrested by the police. () Others:

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